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"Yes, Chenle?"

"Has Papa come back home yet?"

It's been almost two weeks since Chenle has encountered his father and also two weeks since his father hasn't been home.

She sighed, setting down the broom she had been cleaning with.

"He hasn't. I've tried calling him as well but he never picks up. Why do you ask?"

Chenle frowned as he looked down.

"Mama, you know how Papa said that Jie was a bad person?"

Mrs. Zhong tensed up, hearing about her daughter.

"Y-Yes, but Jie isn't a bad person, Chenle. You know this, right? She wasn't bad at all."

"Remember how Papa called her a bunch of rude things which led her to run away?" Chenle asked, fumbling with his sleeves. The older woman looked at her son worryingly.

"Chenle, sweetheart, are you okay? Why are you bringing this up? What's bothering you?" she asked, sitting her son down on a chair.

"Mama, remember when I went to the mall with Jisungie, a few weeks ago? And after that I stayed with him a few days after?" she nodded.

"Did something happen?"

"Jisungie brought me to a store because I told him I liked the clothes they sold. They were cute clothes, f-feminine clothes." he stuttered. The woman gave a soft smile taking the boy into her arms, petting his hair.

"Don't be embarrassed, sweetheart. I remember how you loved playing dress up with your Jie Jie." Chenle nodded, wiping his tears.

"I ran into Papa at the store. He yelled at me for buying clothes, he attacked me."

Mrs. Zhong blinked, looking at her son who was on the verge of tears.

"He attacked you? Were you hurt? That son of a bitch, how dare he hurt his own child!"

"Mommy," Chenle spoke. The woman looked down, "Yes, sweet?"

"Papa was in a women's clothing store when he attacked me."

Mrs. Zhong widened her eyes. "Why would he be in a..?"

"I saw him with another woman, Mama. He was buying clothes for another woman. He doesn't go home because he's playing with another woman." Chenle said, frowning. Mrs. Zhong looked down to her feet.

"That... bastard." she spoke in an angry tone.

"He really doesn't care about us, does he? He made me lose my daughter, I don't even know where she is. He abuses his son. He blames me for cheating when he's the one doing it all??"

Mrs. Zhong straightened up, before grabbing the broom.

"Chenle ah, I'm gonna go head out. Call over Jisung to keep you company." she said before leaving the house.

"Lele?" Jisung spoke as he walked into the older's room.

He chuckled softly when he found the smaller wrapped in blankets hugging Chenji tightly.

Chenle looked up, finding the younger, immediately sending him grabby hands.


Jisung smiled taking the smaller into his arms, cradling him in his bed.

"Hey, Lele, what's wrong?"

Chenle frowned, crawling into the younger's lap, hugging his torso.

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