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Chenle giggled as Jisung dressed him into a big fluffy hoodie.

"It's gonna be cold out today, we can't have Lele be chilly." he grinned, tying the sweater strings into a bow. Chenle smiled as he jumped up from the bed towards Jisung's closet.

"Wear this hoodie so we can have matching colors!" Chenle exclaimed, throwing the hoodie. Jisung caught it and wore it over his tshirt.

The two were still wearing pajama pants so Jisung grinned, walking towards his closet.


"I'm not a baby."

"You should wear a skirt." Jisung spoke, taking out a brown pleated skirt from his closet.

Chenle's eyes lit up as he grabbed the garment from the taller.

"I only have a pink skirt from the mall, where did this come from? And why was it in your closet, Sungie?" Chenle asked, raising a brow. Jisung smiled, ruffling the smaller's hair.

"Are you jealous?" he grinned, Chenle pouted, shaking his head.

"But, you don't have a sister, and I'm sure your mom isn't going to be wearing any kind of skirts like that." he spoke softly, fiddling with his fingers. Jisung cooed at the smaller, shaking his head.

"Well you see, I actually purchased it myself." he chuckled, Chenle tilted his head in confusion.


Jisung shrugged. "I thought you'd look cute in it." he spoke softly, both boys flushing at the words the younger spoke.

"But it's gonna be too cold to wear a skirt outside, Sung." Chenle replied, putting down the skirt, looking up to the younger pouting slightly. Chenle giggled, throwing himself at the younger, Jisung quickly catching him.

"Maybe after our playdate we can have a fashion show?"

Jisung smiled, nuzzling into the boy's neck.

"Mmh, sure. What bottoms will you wear, then?"

"We can both wear black jeans to match." Chenle spoke. Jisung nodded, taking out two pairs of pants from his closet.
"Can we go on the carousel?"

The two made it to the fall carnival, Jisung's father dropping the two off.

Jisung looked at the smaller, smiling, taking Chenle's hand into his own.

"Mmm, sure. Do you want to ride a horse or sit in the rocking moon?" Jisung asked, looking at the ride options. Chenle thought for a moment.

"The horses. It's not too childish, right?" he asked, frowning a bit. Jisung shook his head.

"We'll be seventeen soon, that's not adulthood yet, so we don't have to worry about being childish yet." Jisung replied, chuckling. Chenle jumped up and down.

"Then let's hurry up and choose a horsie, Sungie!"

The two rode many rides including the carousel, ferris wheel, and played games. Jisung mentally drawing each memory of Chenle in his mind.

"Jisungie," Chenle spoke, grabbing the taller's hand. Jisung looked at the older, tilting his head.

"It's kinda getting cold." he spoke, fiddling with the younger's hand. Jisung nodded, taking Chenle's hand into his hoodie pocket.

"Build a Bear Workshop is near here, a block down. Let's make Chenji a sibling?" Jisung suggested, laughing softly at the shorter, whose eyes had just lit up.

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