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"Mm, yeah princess?"

Chenle giggled as the younger continued using his fingers to groom Chenle's hair.

"Chenle, baby, get up a bit," Jisung whispered. Chenle nodded, sitting up slowly as the younger wrapped his arms around his torso.

Jisung leaned in slowly, Chenle blushing slightly.

"Jisung ah,"

"You're so beautiful."

Chenle blinked. "W-What?"

Jisung smiled, pecking his lips.

"I love y-"

"Chenle wake up, we have school today." a muffled voice could be heard from outside his bedroom door.

The Chinese slowly opened his eyes, ruffling his hair in confusion.

"Chenle?" a voice spoke again, opening the door.

Chenle flushed slightly, "Sungie."

Jisung smiled, setting his backpack on the ground, walking towards the older.

"Hey, are you gonna get up?" he spoke softly, caressing the boy's sides. Chenle squirmed a bit from being ticklish.

Jisung laughed softly, taking the smaller's arms, lifting him out of bed.

"Come on, don't you want to see your friends?" he asked, fixing his hair. Chenle hummed, leaning onto his shoulder, closing his eyes.

"I had a nice dream though, you woke me up!" he whined, throwing weak punches at the taller's chest. Jisung grabbed his fists.

"What about Mr. Seo? Wouldn't you want to see your favorite teacher?" he spoke again. Chenle just groaned.

"Give me your hoodie." Chenle replied in a small voice.

Jisung blinked. "My hoodie?"

Chenle pouted, nodding, tugging onto the hem of his sweater. Jisung chuckled, holding his arms to stop him.

"Lele, you have plenty of my hoodies, can't you just wear them?"

"No, because those are already washed so they don't smell like you anymore."

Jisung laughed quietly, taking off his hoodie, handing it to the smaller before walking towards Chenle's closet and taking another sweater.

"See? That wasn't so hard." Chenle said pouting, putting on the hoodie. Jisung looked back, flushing at the boy who was engulfed in his clothing.

"Mhm, go get ready, Lele. I'll make a quick breakfast for you before we go, okay?" Jisung said, grabbing his backpack. Chenle nodded, walking into the bathroom to clean up.

"Mr. Seo! Guess what!?" Chenle exclaimed running into his teacher's classroom.

The two arrived to school 1 hour before class started so they could hang out with their teacher in the morning.

Johnny chuckled slightly, putting his papers aside to focus on his students.

"What?" he replied, smiling at the blonde.

"I'm wearing Jisungie's hoodie!" he exclaimed, showing off the baby blue hoodie with a teddy bear print on the back. "Is it cute?" he asked. Johnny chuckled, nodding at the small boy.

"Ah yes, you look really lovely in that sweatshirt, Chenle." he replied, genuinely. The Chinese giggled before sitting on top of one of the school desks, Jisung following behind.

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