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Chenle sat in the backseat hugging him and Jisung's newborn, Bao. A small white panda bear wearing a red sweatshirt.

Jisung looked at the smaller, smiling softly as he carefully took one of the boy's hands, drawing circles on his back palm with his thumb.

"Don't worry so much, I know your mother will win tonight." he spoke, causing Chenle to look up, agreeing.

"But what if she doesn't?"

"Your mother is very strong, Chenle." Jisung's father said, looking at the two boys from his rear mirror.

"She's been enduring all of this for years, right? We have evidence of your father's abuse as well. Have faith, okay kid?"

Chenle hummed softly, hugging the bear. "Okay, if my mom's strong, then I'll be strong too." Jisung smiled at the statement, he leaned in and pecked the boy's cheek.

"That's my best friend." he whispered, tightening his hand.
After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the court. The Chinese took a small breath, looking out the window. Jisung looked out with him. There were multiple people in professional outfits, along with witnesses of from Yixing's side.

"Come on, let's go." Jisung spoke, guiding the smaller out the of the car.
"This is it. This is the day." Li Wei spoke. She placed her papers in a single folder before glancing at herself in the mirror. 

She sighed softly, her delicate fingers gliding across her pale cheeks. Li Wei hummed, grabbing a small pouch from her vanity drawer, opening it to find a blush compact. She pressed the sponge against her cheeks, giving her face some life.

"You're worrying too much," a voice spoke. Li Wei flinched slightly, turning around to see her boss standing behind her. 

"Hui," she mumbled, the older just smiled, walking up to her. The man gently wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Hey, listen carefully," he spoke, looking at Li Wei through the mirror.

"You have grown, so much, these past years. Be proud of yourself for once, okay? This family is lucky to have you defending them for this trial. I'll be there for support as well." Hui said, his arm sliding down to Li Wei's waist. He glanced briefly at the golden ring placed on her left hand.

Grabbing it gently, he brought her fingers towards his lips, pecking them softly. "you are beautiful," he whispered in their mother tongue. Li Wei smiled, leaning into his touch. "xie xie." Hui giggled, standing up.

"Come on, let's get this bread." he spoke, bringing out his hand. Li Wei laughed loudly, taking his hand. "Yeah, don't ever say that ever again."

Jisung and Chenle sat near Lihua in the stands, the smaller of the two fiddling with his fingers nervously. Jisung looked at the smaller, taking both of Chenle's small hands into his large one. "J-Jisung?" Chenle spoke, looking up at the younger. Jisung smiled, placing his index onto his lips, signifying silence. "Sh, it's starting." he said, bringing his finger down to Chenle's cheek, gliding on his plush cheeks.

Chenle nodded letting his back rest against his seat. He looked towards the judge's chair, seeing the judge walk across the stage. Chenle tilted his head slightly, looking at the judge.

"Ji-" Jisung looked back at Chenle, hearing him mumble a name. 

Li Wei walked nervously, adjusting her robe as she sat in the judge's chair, placing her papers in front of her before crossing her fingers, looking up at the crowd. She scanned the people thoroughly looking for a certain someone. Her eyes slowly wandered back towards the crowd as a whole.

She smiled softly, straightening her posture before speaking up.

"Shall we get started?"


long time no see?

happy 2022!!

sorry i haven't updated lately, i'm enrolling and applying to college and scholarships

yuh gorl got offered 2 scholarships for my immaculate gpa and art skiLLz 🤩🤩



thank you for being so patient 🥰

love you all

thank you for reading 🤍

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