Chapter 51

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Yumi's POV

We were now all resting in the land of Kouka after that brutal battle. I am sitting next to Zeno because I am worried due to all the things he did in that battle even though he is physically fine right now. I was also listening to our current conversation. "How is everyone?" Jae-Ha was the first one to reply, "Much better. It must be because of Kalgan's medicine." "It's also because of Kalgan's medicine but, ever since we returned to Kouka Kingdom, it feels like I got a lot better." Kija said. "Your fever went down but your wounds haven't healed yet. Go rest a little more." Yoon told them. "That was a pretty harsh battle. The only thing I regret is... Shin-Ah took off his mask but I didn't even have time to look at his eyes." Jae-Ha said eyeing Shin-Ah. 'Wow, that is your only regret... *Sigh* That is so like Jae-Ha.' "He truly is desperate when it comes to that." Yoon said also eyeing Shin-Ah. "Please stop it. Shin-Ah is troubled." Kija said. 'Yes Kija, tell them! Protect our poor child.' "But aren't Shin-Ah's eyes more beautiful than anything else in the world?" Jae-Ha questioned. "...That's... not... true..." Shin-Ah said. "Jae-Ha" Kija called. "To see whether or not that's true we need to check, right." Jae-Ha said going towards Shin-Ah. "Poor Shin-Ah, can't enjoy a moment of peace." I whispered with a sigh to which Zeno laughed at.

"You guys are really lively. Even though you guys were wounded so much. Ah- very good, very good." Zeno decided to say. At that moment, everyone's attention turned to us, actually to Zeno. Jae-Ha went to Zeno and pulled up his sleeves revealing his arm. "What is it?" Zeno asked. "They are obviously checking your skin." I said. "Why?" Zeno asked. "The one who was most injured was you, you know." Jae-Ha answered. "There are no wounds or scales..." Yoon said grabbing Zeno's arm to take a closer look. "After some time passes it turns back into normal skin." Zeno stated. "Do you really not die?" "I won't die." Zeno answers. 'I bet that he wished he could.' I thought sadly. "...Hey... How old are you, Zeno?" Yoon decided to ask. "17." Zeno answers. "Pftt." I accidently let out a laugh. "Yumiiii, why are you laughing?" Zeno asked with a pout. "Sorry." I replied. "Liar" Hak said. "Did you not say you would fight for hundreds of years?!' Zeno exclaimed. "How many years did you count?" Jae-Ha asked. Everyone decided to move closer to us when they asked. Zeno then looked at me. "Why are you looking at me...? Why would I know that." I said. "Hmmm- I don't remember the exact year... since counting is a pain." Zeno answered while looking at the sky. "Basically, you've been living for so long, you don't want to count." Jae-Ha stated. "Zeno are you... the First Generation...?" Kija asked. That question caught everyone's attention. "That's right. I am the first dragon, the one who served King Hiryuu and Shianryuu. Ouryuu Zeno." Zeno replied seriously. "The dragon from the same period as the legend. You were bestowed with the blood from the dragon god...?" Yona asked. "Something like that might've happened. Back then I was just some brat that could hear the voice of gods a little bit." Zeno answered. "Voice of the gods?" Yoon questioned. "Basically something like the Shinto Priest Monks." I answered for Zeno. "Have you been... in this form ever since before...?" Yona asked once again. "Ever since I drank the dragon's blood. A person who possess an immortal body... That's the Ouryuu." Zeno answered.

"What about your village? You said that they left a long time ago." Kija mentioned. "They did leave a long time ago. The village I was born in, that is. There isn't even a shadow of what was once there." Zeno said. "Did you guys honestly think there would be anything left after thousands of years?" I asked with a deadpanned. Everyone shook their head. "If you're talking about something similar to the Hakuryuu village, then there isn't anything like that." Zeno states. "Then you've been alone this whole time...?" Yona asked. "Ahh... There was once a time when Zeno was married." Zeno replied with a smile. 'Ahh, Kaya. She kind of looked like Yona...' I thought. I stared at their faces after Zeno said that. Let me tell you. It was hilarious. "Huh..." Hak said. "Marri-" Kija started. "Married..." Jae-Ha finished. "Ara ara. Doesn't look like they believe you." I said. "Ehh... If you live a long life, getting married is common." Zeno said. "I suppose..." Jae-Ha said with a sweatdrop. "But I don't have a village so... Since I have this body, I traveled around from place to place. Lots of people, lots of dragons borned and died. I saw good emperors and bad emperors. Within those... The one who was the reincarnation of King Hiryuu and Shianryuu, the ones I was waiting for, was you two." Zeno said looking at Yona and I. 'Okay, being honest. I was reincarnated a few times... but I guess the sign of the stars did not show that until Yona was suppose to be born sooner or later.' I thought. "Us... King Hiryuu's and Shianryuu's reincarnation?" Yona asked. "That's right! Just as I thought! Then how come as soon as the princesses needed the Four Dragons you did not appear by her side?" Kija asked. "He did watch over us though..." I said out of nowhere. "Huh? Really?" Kija questioned. "Yeah, did you not notice? He was following us from the beginning when this whole thing started." I answered.

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