Chapter 43

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Yumi's POV

Yona and I were currently at Lili's inn taking a nice hot bath in the hot spring. I was already in the hot spring next to Ayura while Yona was about to get in. "It's my first time being in an inn this beautiful." Yona said while getting in the hot spring and settling next to me. "There's an even more luxurious, well established inn in Shisen. This is probably a rare opportunity for you guys, so tell me if you want anything." Lili told us. "It's so unusual for Lady Lili to invite friends over!" Tetora exclaimed. "We're not friends." She denied. "Anyway, what is... with you and those bruise...?" Lili asked. "Really! What a thing to do to a girl's body!" Tetora exclaimed. I put my arms on Yona's shoulder, "You see, my sister here is trying to learn the sword." I said while smiling. "Mhmm, I'm trying to learn to defend myself." Yona said looking at the bruises on here arms. "The sword?" Ayura asked. "Oh my, and with a small body like yours." Tetora said. "I'm still bad at it though." Yona told them. "How about you? I saw a scar on your back that looks like it's from a sword also some bruises too. " Ayura asked me. "Me? Oh I'm doing the same as Yona too, not often as Yona though." I said clearly hiding the fact that I am good at it. Yona stared at me in confusing as why I said that, I just give her a look that I'm trying to keep it a secret for now which she understood. "What about the scar? It looked like it was stabbed a little deep for the scar to look like that." Tetora asked. "The scar was from an accident because I was being really stupid." I replied. "You guys have such strong men with you. What need do you guys have in taking up the sword?" Lili asked. "They're all... trying to shield me. I don't want to drag them down." Yona answered. I nodded in agreement. "It's fine! Let them protect you guys. I'm envious." Tetora said while moving her hand up and down. "Tetora, your true colors are showing." Ayura warned. "Besides... I want to be acknowledged." Yona said. "By the one you love?" Tetora asked. "Not that." Yona denied. "That won't do. WIth that many men, you're lying if you say there isn't a sing one you have feelings for!" Tetora exclaimed. "I said it's not that!" Yona yelled. "Awww, don't worry. I'm sure the one you loved already acknowledges you." I said. "Nee-san, don't joke like that!" Yona yelled while blushing while I was laughing a little.

"Ne ne, what about you? Do you have a lover?" Tetora asked me with a cheeky smile. "Uh, not yet. I'm doing the sword only because it peaks my interest and I wanted to protect myself and my friends." I said with a straight face. "You sure?~" Tetora chimed. "Yes." I said plainly. "Aww, you're no fun. There are so many men though." Tetora said. 'I actually have someone in mind but... I'm not gonna mention that since you will tease me.' I thought. "But three of those men have gone to the Red-Light District, right?" Lili asked. There then was a complete silence while the three of them stared at Yona and I. Lili suddenly broke the silence, "Men really are stupid creatures! Forget them!" Lili yelled. "I'm saying you're wrong! They went to stop the Nadai!" Yona yelled back. "Okay, ladies. Chill." I said to stop them from yelling even more. Lili turned to me. "How could you say chill? You never know what men are doing behind your back." Lili said. "I'm mean they are on a mission right now." I told Lili. "Yeah, if they were not, I would not be okay with them going to places like that! I don't think Hak and the others would lie to us about something like that." Yona said. I was currently playing with Ao when I heard Ayura and Tetora talking about Hak. 'Damn, I don't know how you still don't know about Hak's identity. I mean his name is well known right? Well, it's gonna be exposed sooner or later.' I thought still playing with Ao. After a few more minutes, we all got out and put on our yukatas.

Yona was now holding a sword showing some moves that Hak taught her. "You really are learning how to swing a sword. You look weak though." Lili said bluntly. That there made me laugh. "Nee-san, stop laughing at me." Yona said while pouting. "Haha. Sorry, I couldn't help it." I said rubbing the back of my head. "Isn't that cute~" Tetora said collapsing her hands together. "Your swings look good though." Ayura commented. "Really?" Yona asked. "Yes, you have no wasted movements. You have a good teacher." Ayura replied. "Isn't that great, Yona." I said with a smile. "By the way, aren't Hak and the others are bit late?" I asked. "They're in the Red-Light District, right? They won't come back until the morning." Lili said. "Even if they don't come back, that's part of the plan too." Yona said. "You guys are being deceived." Lili said. "You're wrong!" Yona yelled. 'Here we go again with this argument. What a pain.' I thought. "I'm really glad that Lady Lili has made friends." Tetora said. "Wha-" Lili said. "Ever since you were little, you haven't had any friends. Even if there was another lady around your age, you would quickly start fighting with them, remember?" Tetora said. "Be quiet, Tetora. Besides, these two country girls aren't my friends." Lili said clearly embarrassed. "That's right. We aren't friends." Yona stated. 'Oof.' I thought. "I don't need any friends. If I need someone to talk to, you are Ayura are enough." Lili said. "You really shouldn't depend on us like that. We're currently getting money from your father after all. Nevertheless, the moon tonight is really beautiful. I will go ask the staff at the inn for some tea and sweets." Tetora said walking off. "Hehe, for some reason I'm pretty excited. Conversations between women are really fun, aren't they?" Yona asked. "True that." I answered. "Oh that's right. I'm going to go call Yoon and the others too." Yona said walking off. "Men are going to infiltrate this place?! You just said that talking with women was fun... Wait a second! Tetora needs to get more tea and sweets!" Lili exclaimed. "I will go." Ayura told Lili. "It's fine. Wait here, Ayura." Lili said walking off. "Yes, what about you?" Ayura asked me. "Well, I'm just gonna sit here and meditate." I said while sitting crisscrossed on the ground and starting to meditate since I need to find some peace.

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