Chapter 35

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Yumi's POV

"I know this is sudden but, I will announce our next destination." Yoon suddenly said causing everyone looking at. Yoon then continues "I want to go to the Kai Empire for a little while." I stood up from sitting position, "So, we are going to the Kai Empire?" I asked. "Yeah." Yoon replied. "Are you serious, Yoon? That's an enemy Empire!" Yona told him. "It's not like you. You're usually very cautious. Why Kai?" Kija asked. "I am cautious, but there is something in the Kai Empire that has piqued my interest. This isn't passing interest. It's a land north of the Fire Tribe, so it is colder. I'm curious as to how the citizens in the Kai Empire are surviving. Just maybe, there might be a plant that can be cultivated even in the Land of Fire." Yoon said. "Isn't it dangerous for the Princesses though?" Kija asked. "Yeah, that's why I was hesitating. We already stand out as is... That's why Yumi, Yona, and The Thunder Beast can wait at Ik-Soo's place. Now if only Jae-Ha and either Shin-Ah or Kija came." Yoon said. "Don't tell me... you're going for the sake of Kouka right? We're going if you've decided already Yoon." Yona said. "Yep, you can't leave us out because it might be dangerous." I said. "That's what I thought you guys would say... Well then, let's go to Kai Empire." Yoon said.

We started making our way to Kai Empire. On our way... Hak was walking next to me... Along with Zeno... The unusual thing is Hak walking next to me... "Hak, are you thinking about our conversation last night?" I asked him. "...Yeah... By what you said... I'm kind of worried about what you will do... to protect Yona-hime." Hak said worried about me. "Mister, it's okay. Yumi won't do anything that will danger her life when protecting Missy because she is strong. Plus if she does... we Four Dragons will protect her." Zeno said seriously. "Yeah, like Zeno said. I won't do anything reckless, I'm not that dumb to get myself killed. Alright?" I said to Hak. "... Fine, I believe you. But don't hesitate to use me when you are in trouble." Hak said. "Haha, I'm suppose to relief some stress from you, but I guess it can't be helped since you are so persistent. Alright, I will... but I can't promise that I actually will use you because I don't want you to die." I said in a sad tone. "Hime..." Hak said. "Oh look what you did, Mister. You made Yumi sad." Zeno said while patting me on the back to comfort me. "I'm fine. Hak you are important to me like everyone else in this group. So, instead of me only relying on you... let's really on each other. Isn't that better?" I asked him. "Sure, anything you say." Hak replied with a smile since we finally got this problem solved... "Also, don't tell anyone what I said last night, okay?" I asked Hak. "Alright. It's not like I was planning to anyway." Hak replied. "That's good! Now... Zeno give me a piggyback ride!" I yelled while jumping on Zeno's back which kind of surprised him. "Mataku! Don't suddenly just jump on my back. It can be dangerous you know." Zeno scolded while holding my legs so I don't fall. "Sorry~." I said. We continued our way there but when we were about close to Kai Empire... a bridge decided to ruin the way there.

"After we cross this bridge, Kai Empire is over that mountain." Yoon announced. "This suspension bridge is really old though..." Hak said looking at it. "I found it when I was jumping around this area. Back when the area beyond the mountain was Kouka Territory, merchants and travelers used to use this suspension bridge I assume. It hasn't been used in a long time, so watch your steps." Jae-Ha said. Yona decided to take a step forward but slipped but got caught by Hak. "You're falling over before we even start crossing the bridge?" Hak question. "I'm fine..." Yona said getting up and running of leaving Hak confused. I hopped off of Zeno's back and went to Hak, "Nice catch! She is definitely going to fall in love with you soon." I said happily. I saw Hak's face turn a bit red. 'Aww, cute.' I thought. "Y-yumi-hime, what are you saying!" Hak yelled. "Haha... Don't be shy. I know how much you love her." I said teasingly. "S-stop teasing me." Hak said. "Oops. Sorry~" I said while looking at Kija who was trying to cross the bridge. "The planks are rotting... It looks like it's about to fall apart..." Kija said worriedly. "If it's Yumi, Yona, or Yoon..." Jae-Ha started but got caught off by a loud scream. "NOOOOO!" Kija screamed while he was about to fall but got caught by Jae-Ha. "If it's Yumi, Yona, or Yoon, I would save them if they fell... The rest of you guys will have to deal with yourselves... Is what I was going to say. Of course it's like this..." Jae-Ha said while pulling him up and going to the other side. I see Kija praying for his life on the other side. "Kija, are you all right?!" Yona yelled. "Yeah, you looked really shocked from that!" I yelled after Yona. "Yes... My life flashed before my eyes like a merry go round... It was quite an enlightening experience." Kija said still in a praying position. "If it was that interesting of an experience, we're going to be sad that we only got to see your back." Hak told Kija. "Pft! Hak, don't tease Kija like that." I said while laughing a little. "You! Dark Dragon! Hurry up and cross the bridge so I can strangle you!" Kija yelled. "I had a feeling something like this was going to happen, so I brought a large plank. I'll pass it up front, so put this in the gaps." Yoon said while holding a plank. "Good going Yoon!" Yona said happily. "Well, you guys can put the planks down. I am going to cross before you guys." I said going towards the bridge. "Wait! Yumi, how are you going to cross the bridge?" Yoon yelled. "Just watch." I said. I jumped on the rope balancing on it and began walking forward. 'This is fun.' I thought while looking down at the site. "Yumi-hime!!! That's dangerous!" Kija yelled worriedly. "Yumi, be careful!" Yoon yelled. I just heard Hak sighed because he is probably so done with everything I do that is dangerous. "I'm fine. It's actually pretty fun." I said while reaching the other side. "Wow! Nee-san, that was amazing!" Yona yelled with sparkles in her eyes. "Yona-hime, don't do what she just did." Hak said. "Aww~ Hak you are so nice to her!" I yelled. "Ugh! Can we not talk about that!" Hak yelled. "Fine~ You guys, hurry up and cross the bridge."

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