Chapter 65

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Yumi's POV

We continued our journey in the forest but I looked at Yona who looked really tired and restless. "Princess Yona. You need to rest for a bit." Hak said noticing it too. "But... if we don't hurry, war will... everyone will..." Yona said restless. "Lady Yona, you're acting too rashly. Ever since we left Xing Kingdom, you have been walking continuously without any sleep." Vold said. "That's right, Yo-nyan. Getting some rest will be more efficient." Algira agreed. "Haa... haa... haa..." Yona breathing started to get heavy. "What's wrong?!" Algira asked. "This is bad, she's hyperventilating." I said as I walked in front of her. "What?!" Algira exclaimed. "Princess, slowly breathe out." Hak said rubbing her back. "Slowly." Algira said worried. Yona kneeled down and hugged her knees. I also kneeled down and lifted her head up, "Yona look at me... Breathe... Relax, everything will be fine. Trust me, nee-san will solve it. So, just relax and sleep." I whispered. "Princess..." Hak called. "Ngh... I'm... fine... now..." Yona said and lean on Hak who supported her. We set up a tent and Hak took Yona inside. I was sitting on a branch looking at the night sky. "Aniki... War is really hard to end isn't it..." I whispered. I heard some noise and saw Hak walked out of the tent. "Yumi-hime." He called as he looked up at me who was on the tree branch. I jumped down, "Is she fine now?" I asked. "Yes, she has fallen asleep." Hak replied. "That's good... I never knew her reaction would be this bad... But it's no wonder... She's still a child..." I said looking at the tent. "Indeed, this situation is just too huge... But at least you are still here to help her." Hak said looking at me. "But are you alright? You had a fight... with Zeno..." Hak said cautiously. "Hmm... I don't know what you are talking about!" I said with a cheeky smile. "Yu-" I cut him off, "Look who's here!" I said happily trying to avoid some topics... Algira and Vold walked over to us. "Lady Yumi, are you feeling fine? You don't need to push yourself..." Vold said worried. "Yeah, Yu-nyan!" Algira agreed. 'Yu-nyan...?' I thought. "Thanks for worrying about me. But I'm fine. I've been through a lot... this is nothing compared to the actual war I've been in." I said. "Oh yeah... that one war that you ended... I have heard rumors of it... You are so impressive... You are only 17 right?" Vold asked. "Yes, I am 100 percent only 17~." I answered. "Huh?" Hak looked confused when I word my answer like that. "That's means you have been in that war at a young age?" Algira asked. "Yep. So, I'm used to these kinds of situation. One shall not panic when faced with trouble, once quoted by the great... uh... who? " I blabbered some nonsense. "Yumi-hime, why are you always like this... I would never understand you no matter how long I've been with you." Hak sighed as he massages his head. "One must maintain peace at all times." I said as I put my hands together like a monk. "Ugh... Whatever... But Yumi-hime, do know that I'm here, so you can rely on me..." Hak said sincerely looking at my eyes. "Thank you... Hak. I'm happy to know that. I've decided! One day... I will tell you and everyone something about me and you will understand why I'm like this. I will not lie anymore about myself..." I announced with a closed eye smile while whispering the last part to which he didn't hear. Hak just stared at me with a worried yet curious look. "If you say so..." Hak whispered. "Now everyone! Go to sleep. We still have a long day ahead of us tomorrow!" I said. Everyone went to sleep waiting for the next day.

(The next day)

"Ah~ What a nice morning. The sun is out, the clouds are floating, the birds are chirping-" I wanted to continue but Hak cut me off. "Hai, hai, enough nonsense from you. You never say those things." I looked at him with a glare, "What's wrong with me just saying it once." I said clearly annoyed. "It's unlike you." Hak said which might have sounded like an insult. "You know what, there is a river near buy. Go catch some fish so we can have that for breakfast." I commanded. "Sure..." Hak answered. "Make sure to drown in the process." I said with a 'kind' smile. "Hime... you are just... *sighs* I'll be going." Hak said and walks off. "Should I accompany Hak-sama?" Vold asked. "Umm, there's no need. He can fend for himself. So... If possibly, set up a fire?" I asked. "I got this!" Algira yelled while holding a bunch of tree branches from who knows where. "Thanks...?" I questioned at his enthusiasm. The fire got started and we 3 sat around the fire waiting for Hak while I was humming a random song. Yona is still sleeping in the tent which is reasonable with what happened yesterday. "Yu-nyan." Algira called. "Hmm?" I stopped humming and looked at Algira who called me, still not use to that nickname... "Last time you avoided it, so I will make sure you won't this time!" He exclaimed. "Ara... avoided what?" I questioned and tilted my head. "Your fighting skills!" He answered. "Waa~ Doesn't that bird look pretty, Vold?" I try to avoid that conversation that Algira just brought up. "I guess...?" Vold answered uncertain from me suddenly cuing him and what bird I was talking about. "See! You are doing it again!" Algira points at me. "Fine... What do you want? Sparring is a no go though. I am mentally strained." I said. "That makes it a bit hard to know how good you are... But what does mentally strained has to do with physical activities?" Algira said in a thinking position. "Hmm... Everything... Well anyways, let's start off with this, have you heard of the Starlight Warrior?" I asked. "Oh, the warrior who appears out of nowhere who saved many people. From stories, they said their sword skill is as fast as a shooting star. Which gives the Star in the name and the Light because they brought a light of hope to the people who are struggling. They are said to be very strong and flexible but they haven't been active for a while now." Vold summarizes. "So that's where that name came from..." I mumbled. "I admire the feats they have done. Saving people with no need to return anything. So, what about it, Yu-nyan?" Algira asked. "That would be me..." I answered. Silence... "Ehhhhh!? Yu-nyan is the warrior!" Algira eyes sparkled as he held my hands in his. "I can't believe it... I finally see this warrior in person..." Vold said in shock. 'Xing people like these two admire me? Just how far did this story telling of me go??' I thought.

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