Chapter 48

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Yumi's POV

'OMG, Finally! We finally arrived at the border of the Earth Tribe.' We are casually walking around the village and looking around. "Really... I've been around, but the Earth Tribe Villages have been full of life lately." Jae-Ha said looking at the amount of villagers. "I hear there are more merchants now because a valuable stone has been excavated from the Udo Mines." Yoon said. "That old man scored a big one." Hak said. "Wow, Hak. So nice of you to call Guen-Tae an old man." I said. "Sorry, I'm just stating facts." Hak said bluntly. I simply laughed at what Hak said. "I came thinking I could buy some things because this place is doing well." Yoon said. Zeno came running over to Yoon. "Hey kid, I'm hungry. Let's buy some meat buns! Meat buns~" Zeno said full of energy. "Hold on. I brought food for today." Yoon said pulling out something that was wrapped. "Here, salted rice balls." Yoon said handing them the food. "Thanks for the food." Kija said. "Even though you only prepared this rice, we're impressed with your strive, Yoon." I heard Jae-Ha said. Yoon walked to me and held out the wrapped rice balls. "Here you go Yumi." Yoon said. "Oh, I'm not hungry right now." I said. "Jeez, you hardly eat. That's why you are so skinny." Yoon complained. "Hehe, just give this to Yona to eat." I said. Yoon handed Yona the rice balls to Yona. "Yay, Yoon's rice ba-" Yona didn't get to finish what she was about to say since the rice ball suddenly disappeared. "Wow, look. A kid ran off with the rice ball." I said an unamused face. "Yoon's rice ball was taken..." Yona stated. "What?!" Yoon screamed.

I grabbed Ao from nowhere, "Ao, it's up to you now." I said making her curl up into a ball. "Wait, Nee-san. What are you do-" Before Yona could finish her sentence I took a step forward while shouting, "Ao, I choose you!" I tossed Ao towards the boy running. "Pukyuuuuuuuuuu!" Ao landed on the kids face and he fell on the ground. "Damn, that was really effective." I said. "Ow, ow, ow..." The boy cried. "Hold it right there! Give back the rice ball... Huh...? It's a kid." Yoon said. The kid got up and started to run but sadly we blocked his path and caused him to fall to the floor. Moments later, someone's stomach was growling. "Are you hungry? Hold on just a bit." Yona said and pulled out her bow and shot down a bird in the sky. 'Poor bird, rest in peace.' I thought as I look at it as it fell down. "Here. You can have it. You can buy a little with it from the shop over there." Yona said holding the bird in front of the boy. "Amazing... You're a cool girl! I like you! Come be my bride!" The boy confessed. "Oof Hak, someone is stealing your girl." I whispered which only got me get whacked on the head by Hak. "Shut up." He whispered. "Ouch, I was only stating facts." I said. I look back at the two, "It's okay. My village is on the other side of the river, and I can get married when I'm 13. We can just be engaged for now." He said grabbing Yona's wrist. "Hold on." Yona said. Yoon and Kija went to stop the boy and had a menacing glare on their face. "What's with, 'we can just be engaged'?! Yona can't do that!" Yoon yelled. "You... though you are a child, I won't allow such discourtesy toward my master...!" Kija shouted right after Yoon. I was just standing in between Hak and Jae-Ha watching the scene. "He's a worthy opponent, Hak." Jae-Ha said. "For what?" Hak asked. "Hak, don't play dumb. I'm pretty sure you know." I said.

"What, are all the men here yours?" The boy asked. "No." Yona answered. "What about me? I like robust women. I'll treasure you!" The boy exclaimed while holding Yona's hands. "See, Hak? Shouldn't you say something?" Jae-Ha asked with a closed eye smile. "You say it if you wanna, Droopy-Eyes." Hak said indifferently. "Damn, Hak. You are such a tsundere." I stated. "I can't marry you. I'm sorry." Yona straight out said. "She shows no mercy surprisingly." Yoon stated. "No!!" He yelled bluntly. "Listen to her! Yona won't give herself to you. Go pick someone else." Yoon told the boy. "I'm not giving up!" He yelled. '*Sigh* He is really persistent.' I walked towards them, "Yoon, just give him my share of the rice ball. He might give up." I told Yoon. "Oh, ok. Give up and I'll give you a rice ball." Yoon said holding out the wrapped rice ball. "You're nice. Come be my bride!" He told yoon. "I may be a great beauty, but I'm a guy." Yoon stated. "Yoon, why are you always so confident about your looks?" I asked. "What? I can't?" He asked. "No, you can." I said. "What a susceptible kid." I heard Jae-Ha said. "He'd probably hit it off real well with you." Hak said. 'Lol, so true.' I thought. "You've got it all wrong, don't you?" Jae-Ha questioned. The boy then looked at me. 'Oh, please no.' I thought. "How about you be my bride!" He yelled. "Sorry, I can't." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Well... I'm... um... I'm taken." I stated. Cue the people screaming at the back. "Huh? By who?" The boy asked, curiosity shown on his face. 'Boy, why do you have to ask that questioned!' I mentally screamed. "By someone who once existed in my past lifetime to my present lifetime where I don't know if he still exists." I said with a smile. 'Well, I was not really taken in my past life. What I stated just made it sound like I have a mystery love life.' I looked around with people giving me questioning looks until I saw Zeno staring at me with a seriously look which I pretended not to notice. 'Does he... like me? Okay, I need to stop thinking about this right now. It's not the time.'

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