Chapter 21

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Yumi's POV

There stand Yang Kum-Ji. 'Ewww, a face of a pervert.' "I see, they are high-quality. Seems like Awa's still got something to offer." He said. "Lord Kum-Ji, what is this? We heard that there were jobs for us..." A women spoke up and said. "There are jobs. There are lots of fun jobs to be performed." He said. 'Ummm... It is just me or does this sound wrong... Really wrong.' I thought. He walked in and grabbed Yona and I by the hair. 'Ouch, ouch, ouch!!! You f****** bastards are going to pay for this!' I thought. "Red hair and Blue hair huh? Indeed, this is rare. These two got a pretty face too. It's almost a shame to sell these two away. If we've got this many good products, then it wouldn't hurt us much even if I kept two for myself." He said yanking our hair harder. 'I really wanted to kick him in the place where the sun doesn't shine right now. ALSO MY HAIR IS CYAN!' I thought while enduring the pain of him pulling my hair. "Lord Kum-Ji! I believe you'd find me more satisfying than those two girls." Yoon started saying. 'Oh poor Yoon.' "Oh?" Kum-Ji said. Yoon continues, "Don't pay any attention to those two. Please choose me to be by your side." He walked closer to Yoon staring at his face. "You've got good looks too. However..." He then kicked Yoon in the stomach making him spit out blood falling to the ground. 'Omg you mother f****** bastard!' "Do not interrupt me when I'm enjoying myself!" He yells. The guard behind him tells him not to damage us. He then kicks the guard. 'Bruh! What the heck is wrong with you!!!' "I said do not interrupt me." He steps on Yoons head pushing his face to the floor. 'I'm at my limit seeing him bullying my sister and friend. I can feel my eyes turn to a cold glare, wanting to kill this guy.' "Good, very good. It's best for a woman to be submissive and quiver quietly, just like this red haired girl and blue haired girl!" He shouted. 'Was I shivering, I don't think so. I am shaking from this excitement when I get a chance to kill you!' I thought angrily.

Yang Kum-Ji's POV (Ewww)

I looked at the two girls I was grabbing and see flames burning in the red-haired girl's eyes. I also can see cold blue flames surrounding what looks like ice in the blue haired girl's eyes, giving me the coldest glare ever. I was shocked and toss them to the floor. 'What was that? Was I intimidated by these two little girls? No, wait.' I stared at them and spoke up, "You two girls. Are you from Awa?" The red haired replied. "Hai." I then spoke again. "In the past, I've seen red hair and blue hair like you two once at the Crimson Dragon Castle. It was just a glimpse from afar, but their hair reflected in the sun. Their name were Yumi-hime and Yona-hime. Their age was about yours. Could it be that you girls are Yumi-hime and Yona-hime?" I questioned. Those two turned and bow in front of me. "We both are daughters of a poor merchant in Awa. We came here because we heard you were hiring people for jobs." The blue haired started. "We don't know anything about a red haired princess or blue haired princess, but if it's better for your business to have us impersonate these princesses, then we will introduce ourselves as Yona-hime and Yumi-hime." The red haired finish off. I looked down at those two. "Hah! Looks like I took a joke too far. Unlike you two, Yumi-hime and Yona-hime has self-respect. They wouldn't bow their head to the ground just to get a job, you lowlife!" I shouted. I turned around, 'That's right, how could I say such a stupid thing? Besides, I heard that the red-haired princess had fled with her servant and gotten killed along with the blue haired princess. Two princesses brought up so spoiled under the protection of King II would never have eyes of wild beasts.' I thought. I smirked and walked out of the room have the guard to close the door.

Yumi's POV

We then got up from our bowing position. We looked at Yoon asking if he was alright. He coughed and jabbered nonsense, okay he's fine. We then talked about feeling pain, like why? I then heard the girls talking, one girl ran to the door hitting and yelling. Then this one girl who I forgot her name spoke up, "It's no use. I've been trapped in here for two weeks. You can cry and scream, but no one will listen. We are just a way to make money for Lord Kum-Ji. This town has always been a place like this, remember?" She ended. Then I spaced out during the next conversation about us protecting them or something close to that.

Later we were blindfolded and tied by the hand and forced to walk somewhere.

Yoon that let us free because he brought Ao to help chew the ropes off. We then started to make ruckus and made the guard come down yelling. Yoon shot a tranquilizer at him at. His feet then fell inside the rope and Yona yanked it making him hit his head on the letter. He pulled out a sword holding it towards Yona. I came up from behind him and kicked him in the neck making him fall unconscious on the floor. The girls begin taking their blindfolds off asking if he's dead. Yoon then answered their question. "Are you really going to escape?" Asked the girl whom I forgot her name. She looked at Yona, "Are you shaking? And you have an injured leg. How can you do a thing like that in your condition? Stop it. Don't get us involved." She said. "I came here to save you." Yona started. "Save us?" She questioned. "Our job is to tell our comrades the location of this ship." I finished. "But how are you going to go that? The ship's sailed off and we're at sea." She asked. "We're going to go out into the deck and set of a firework. It's a small firework, but my comrades will see it. They're at sea too. Just wait. We'll make sure we save you." Yona said and smiles. "Let's go." Yoon said. We walked off and were about to claim the letter until someone shouted. "Wait! It's crawling with officers outside. I'll help you. My father's a ship carpenter. I know a lot snot a ship's structure, so I can show you shortcuts." 'Okay, it's appreciated. But can we please hurry. I want to beat people's a** up.' I thought. She introduced herself making me break out of my thoughts. "My name is Yuri." She said. "My name is Y-, Rina." Yona said. "I'm her sister. The name is Rin." I said. "Yeah, and I'm Yoon. Just don't drag us down." Yoon said. "You're kind of a stuck-up." Yuri said to Yoon. I then heard noises outside. 'Looks like the fight started. I can't wait.' I thought with a smirk.

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