Chapter 54

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Yumi's POV

So we are currently in the Water Tribe territory wondering around in the market since we have to buy Zeno new clothes since he's keep ruining his clothes during battle. "I'm sorry kid." Said Zeno. "I can't believe you." Said Yoon. "I won't do it again." Zeno said. "Really. You've already made your clothes tattered and bloodied several times already. I have sued them over and over again but it's useless." Said Yoon while stopping.  "Which is why we're buying Zeno-kun's clothes right now." Said  Jae-Ha. "Thank you." Zeno said while bowing. "Yeah here's your allowance use this money to buy whatever clothes you want." Yoon said handing Zeno a bag of money. "Yes." Zeno thanked and then smiled. "If you ruined them again then you can cover yourself with leaves next time." Yoon told Zeno. "Looks like the day I become a nudist is not far." Zeno said with a sigh. "I don't want to wash clothes covered in blood anymore." Yoon said with a bit of pain in his voice. Zeno smiled at his words and then went off to buy clothes. So I decided to follow Zeno to a clothes shop. "Zeno, you look really happy." Yona said while holding some clothes with Ao laying on it. "It's because the kid really worries about me." Zeno said happily while hold up some clothes. "He sure is a caring kid but just a bit stubborn." I said smiling while looking at some of the clothing the store have. "Hehe. That's so true." Yona said with a smile laugh. After a while of looking, I got separated from them to look at some other merchandise they have here. I then find a stand that had a load of different rings and decided to go there and take look. I looked at the different rings they had and found one that I like. It was a silver ring with a flower and then a blue colored gem that looks like an opal stone. "Tencho-san, I will like to buy this ring. How much is it?" I asked holding the ring. "Ah. That will be 70 Rin ojou-san." The store owner told. "Alright." I replied while getting out 70 Rin from my wallet and handed it to him. "Thank you." The owner said while taking the money. I walked away and put on the ring and looked at it. 'Damn... can't believe this ring is only 70 Rin when it is so well made. Well, that's a win for me.' I thought walking back to where my group was at before to only find Zeno over there holding a clothing with a sigh probably because he did not have enough money. "Hey Zeno. What's wrong?" I asked walking up to him. "Oh, Yumi. The money he gave me is not enough to buy these clothes." Zeno answered. "Hee hee. Then why not let big sister buy it for you." The person said. We looked at the direction where the voice came from and ta-da! It was Ayura and Tetora. "Hey guys! Long time no seen." I said with a smile. "It sure has. So, let us pay for the clothes." Tetora said.

(A while later)

Zeno and I were walking to where our group was gathered with Ayura and Tetora following not far behind us. Yoon then saw us and looked at Zeno since he has all new clothes on. "Uh... Hey. Zeno your clothes. Was your money enough for that?" Yoon questioned. "Nope." Zeno answered feeling all warm in his clothing. "Then how did you buy that?" Yoon questioned again. "Big sister bought it for me." Zeno replied. "What big sister?!" Yoon exclaimed while looking at me for an explanation. "Don't worry, Yoon. It's someone we all know really well." I said. "Hee hee. What Yumi-sama said. We bought it for him." Tetora said with a giggle. "Ayura, Tetora!" Yona called happily while running towards them. "It's been a long time." Ayura said. "Thank you for taking care of us last time." Tetora said and both of them bowed. "I didn't think I would see you guys in a place like this." Yona said. It's great to see you all so lively and well." Tetora told Yona. "Where is Lili?"Yona asked. "Ah... Lili-sama is a little..." Tetora hesitated. "Ah, that's right, she went back to Suiko, didn't she..." Yona said. I looked at saw Hak stare at them with a bit of suspension. Leave it to Hak, he would always find out if something is wrong. "So Tetora, like Yumi said, it was you two that bought the clothes for Zeno?" Yoon asked. "Yup, it's a gift." Tetora told Yoon. "Is that alright?" Yoon questioned. "I'm just doing what I can for these cute boys. Also, to celebrate our reunion, I have another gift. Would you like a cup?" Tetora asked while holding out a bottle of wine. "Why does it always got to be wine..." I said with a sigh. "Oh, I forgot. You aren't very fond of wine. Sorry." Tetora apologizes. "It's fine. As long as you guys are happy. We all then sat down and enjoyed ourselves with having a conversation. Jae-Ha seem to taken a likening to the wine being the drunkard he is. "With beautiful girls here, the wine also tastes much better." Jae-ha said while a smile like if he is in heaven. "That's how you drank the drugs, right?" Hak said. "Yep. Jae-Ha is truly an idiot." I said. "How mean of you guys... bringing that up again." Jae-Ha complained. "Hee hee, this Red Wine is made with the water that's the Water Tribe's specialty. Of course, there's no drugs in this.~~~" Tetora added. "Is everything fine now with Shisen and Sensui?" Jae-ha asked. "Yes... I guess so. But it's great how we can meet everyone here." Tetora said. "... How about we cut to the chase. The way your acting right now clearly shows that something is wrong." I said. "Like Yumi-hime said. Stop trying to bribe us in a round-about way. You came to find us because there's something you need right?" Hak interrogated Tetora. "Eh?" Yoon said in shock. "Lady Yumi and Lord Hak really is sharp." Tetora started. She then kowtowed with Ayura, "To be honest, there's something we would like to ask of you regarding Miss Lili." Tetora said. "What's wrong with Lili?" Yona asked in a worry. "Right now Lili-sama is in exile from Suiko." Tetora answered. Cue the "Eh, Eh?" from Yona, Yoon, and Jae-Ha. "Of course... after the shenanigan she pulled back there... how could she not." I said while shaking my head. "That itself is nothing to worry about. But just as you'd expect, she wouldn't just sit around and do nothing this time. She said she wants to go to the Country of Sei." Tetora told us. "Sei?" Yona asked. "Yes. We can't stop Lili-sama anymore with just us two. Which is why even though it's a lot to ask, we would like to ask everyone to go to Sei with Lili-sama as her bodyguards." Ayura said.
We were now on our way to where Lili is now and when we arrived she was arguing with the guard about wanting to go to Sei. Oh ho ho, Lady Lili. We can't relax for even a second around you." Said Tetora. Lili froze, "So you're back Tetora." Lili said as she slowly turn around only to have a shocked face when she saw us standing with Ayura and Tetora. Lili went off to the said to have a chat with Ayura and Tetora about bringing us here. "Wait! What is this?! What is this?! What is this?!" I heard Lili kept saying while I was standing between Hak and Jae-Ha looking at the others who were interested by the pond in the yard. They kept chatting for a while until Yona decided to cut into the conversation. "Lili, don't hesitate to ask us for any favors. We'll help you." Yona told Lili which made her anime cry. "Oh my? What's wrong?" Yona asked Lili. "She wanted to help Lady Yona and Lady Yumi, but she's always the one receiving help, so she feels very frustrated." Ayura told Yona. "You don't need to be bother by that, Lili." I said as I walked up to them. "Yeah, Lili." Yona said while patting her head what got her to stiffen up. "Actually..." Lili started and told us the whole situation. "So... inconclusion... merchants from Sei are smuggling in Nadai?" I concluded. "I'm afraid so. No matter how much Nadai is destroyed in Sensui, more just keeps popping up. The trade route from South Kai should already be severed. I asked some merchants in Sensui to ask around. And there's apparently rumors that merchants from Sei are selling Nadai to the Water Tribe in the Black Market." Lili told us. "Black Market..." Yona said. "The other thing is, there have been multiple cases of people going missing on the border between Kouka and Sei." Lili said. "Wow, that's a little scary." Yoon said. "In conclusion, Sei is definitely planning something suspicious. If we just leave it alone, the Water Tribe will face danger yet again. I want to stop that from happening no matter what." Lili told us. I stared at her, 'Woooowww, we have a second Yona,' I thought and then started applauding and then Hak laughed. "Hey you. Why are you laughing? Also, Yumi, why are you applauding at?" Lili asked Hak and I. "Ah no, sorry. I just thought the second Yona-hime has appeared." Hak said with a grin looking at Yona. "Sameee, I thought my second sister appeared." I said smiling. "It must be really tiring for you." Jae-Ha said. "It really is." Tetora admitted. "Tetora!" Lili yelled. "Lili, we will definitely help out." Yona said. "Yona..." Lili said emotionally. "I will go with you too!" Kija said. So tomorrow, let's go to the town along the border and investigate first." Jae-Ha said. I leaned against the wall closing my eyes simulating in my head about what will happen to me when I heard Tetora went to talk to Yona asking her to take care of Yona because she can't due to the accident before. 'I have a feeling if I go... I might somehow end up getting close to getting hanged if I go with Yona and Lili. If I go with the boys... I would probably be fine... But I can't just let the girls suffer when I'm here... Sighhhh... Why is this so hard...?' I thought painfully while anime crying. "Yumi-hime, is something wrong? Your look so serious." I heard Hak said which got me out of my thoughts. "Oh... nothing really... Say... Can I not go...?" I asked. 'I'm just joking around, but I just want to make a small ruckus to ease myself before going on this dangerous mission. "Why not? Is something wrong?" Kija asked. "Yes. Yes, there is." I answered. "What is it?" Jae-Ha questioned. 'Time for my acting skills... hehe... I feel kind of bad but whatever gives now.' I gave them an emotionless look which made them tense up for some reason. "Something bad might happen to me on this mission." I said which got them all to tense up even more. "W-what do you mean??" Kija asked in a panic. "As I said. Something bad might happen to me on this mission." I said again. "Yumi-hime, it's not time to be joking here." Hak said annoyed. "I'm not though." I said seriously. "How do you know that?" Yona asked me. "The Anime God told me." I said seriously not to laugh because they don't know what anime is. "The God...?" Zeno asked staring at my eyes. "Yes... But if you insist on me going. I wouldn't mind either. Such things doesn't bother me." I said. "Then, you really don't need to. I-I don't want you to be in danger." Lili said in a hurry. I smiled, "I guess I will go then." I said. "Are you sure...?" Lili asked again. "Yes I am. Don't forgot who I am." I said with an evil smile seeing that I got everyone falling for my prank. "Your evil smile does say that you would be fine for some reason..." stated Jae-Ha with a sweat drop. "Ahaha, now let's rest and be ready for tomorrow!" I said.

(Time Skip)

A while later, it was decided that Yona and I will be resting in Lili's room while the boys are in another random room. Instead decided to stay outside and have Yona and Lili develop their friendship more. Plus, I'm not suppose to be in this world anyways, which is another reason as to why I am sitting on a rock at the side of the pond while dipping my feet in the cold water for some relaxing. Well... it's suppose to be warm water... but... it's still relaxing anyway. So it doesn't matter to me. "Ah, the sky looks beautiful tonight..." I whispered as I look up at the sky. "It sure is..." I heard someone behind me say while sitting down on a rock that is a bit back beside me. "Oh Hak, what are you doing out here?" I questioned while looking back at him. "I can ask you the same thing, Yumi-hime." Hak said. "Haha, I'm just avoiding some girls talk and also wanted a place to think for a while." I answered. "Ohh? What are you thinking about?" Hak asked. "The case about Sei and Nadai." I replied. "Are you worried? You did say something bad will happen to you." Hak said. "Yeah I did. But I'm not worried about that. I always have ways to avoid it since I'm special." I said. "Yeah, you sure are special. I've never seen a girl like you whose so strong, good at handling weapons and fighting, smart, and good at strategizing." Hak complimented. "Awww, thanks for the compliment. Never thought you could genuinely compliment someone." I said teasingly. "Urusai..." Hak said embarrassed. I then heard footsteps. "Ara ara. Looks like your lover is here. I won't bother you two." I said with a smirk and took my shoes and jumped up to the roof top only to hear a yell along the lines of "What the hell do you mean by that." 'Lol, enjoy your moment with Yona and the present.' After a while, I returned to the room to find Lili comforting Yona who was crying. I walked up to them and sat on the bed. "Yona, what's wrong?" I asked even though I already know she is crying because of Hak's words. "It's nothing really. I'm just glad about some things. Like you always being here with me." Yona said with tears still in her eyes. "Awww, don't cry my dear little sister. Come here and give me a hug." I said opening my arms for her just to hug me tight. I patted her head softly which somehow made her fall asleep after a while. I looked at Lili, "Thanks for looking after her when I'm not here Lili." I whispered with a smile. "No problem. I want to support you guys like how you guys did with me." Lili said a bit embarrassed. "Lili... please look after Yona if I am ever not by her side... please..." I said gently with unreadable expression in my eyes. Lili looked at me with a shocked expression that then turned into a determined one. "I will. Also don't make it sound like something bad will happen to you. You are important to me, I won't allow you to disappear!" Lili whisper shouted. 'Ah, these girls are surely growing up.' I thought. I gave her a closed eye smile, "Don't worry about me, let's go to sleep. We will be very busy tomorrow." I said to which Lili nodded to and so I laid Yona down on the bed. I then myself laid down and begin to fall asleep waiting for the dangerous day to come.

A/N: I'm aliveeeeeee... Thank you to my lovely friend for the fanart of Yumi that is shown at the beginnning. :D

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