Chapter 55

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Yumi's POV

By the time we arrived at that time, it was evening already. Then the sounds of fireworks could be heard. "What?" Yona questioned after hearing the sound. "It's fireworks." Yoon said with a surprised look. "Tonight in Tousui, there will be a festival for the Water God." Lili answered their confusion. "Festival..." Yona said as she stared at the town of people who were getting ready for it. 'Wow... They are so lively even though there have been cases of missing people...' I thought as I stared at them. "There is a festival held here annually. There's music and fireworks, it's very lively." Lili explained. "It is this town where there are merchants from Sei and missing people?" Hak asked. "About that..." Lili was about to explained only to be cut off by someone calling her. "Ah, Tsubaru." Lili said as she went to that old lady. "You came again?" Tsubaru asked looking happy. 'Let's see... that is the old hag that is the Sei merchant that will make us end up at the fort.' I thought while they were happily chatting. "Ah, let me introduce you, this is Tsubaru, an acquaintance. A week ago, Tsubaru's son went missing around here." Lili introduced. "Eh? How old was he?" Yoon asked. "15... He left home on night and never came back..." She said and started crying. 'Wow... You actually know how to cry while lying... How amusing...' I thought sarcastically. "Although I'm also collecting information, there have been no clues so far. Our border with Sei is very long. I'm not sure whether this has anything to do with the Nadai or not. But I want to start investigating from Tousui." Lili informed us. "I understand." Yona answered. "Lady Lili, these are...?" Tsubaru started asking. "Ah. These are people who will help me investigate." Lili answered as they all bowed saying "Please take care of us---" while I just stood there looking annoyed that we have to be so polite to this old hag right now. "Thank you for your help! Lady Lili really has a lot of weird friends." She said. "And you have a messed up mind." I retorted. "Oi... That's not very nice..." Jae-Ha said. "Oh? Sorry, I'm just saying what I see." I said bored. "Nee-san..." Yona said. "Ah it's fine. Youngsters tend to be like that." The old hag said smiling as if she didn't care. "Anyway... Tsubaru owns an inn, I met her when I was fighting to ban Nadai. I'm here as a nobleman's daughter from Sensui." Lili informed us, wanting to keep her identity a secret which we nodded to. The sound of drums then can be heard and it seems like the festival has started. So... I decided to sneak off and wander around for a bit and do some investigating... Not like there is a need to do that.

(Time Skip)

I was wandering around and thinking it should be around this time... "AHHHH!" Yep, looks like the old hag has started her plan. I ran to the direction Lili's scream came from and ran there to find Lili explaining to Yona and Hak as to what happened. I kneeled down and carefully took her hand and looked at the cut. "Nee-san?!" Yona called out from shock. "Sorry for startling you, but Lili, you need to get it treated before it get infected. Here's a handkerchief. Put it on the wound to try to stop the bleeding." I said letting go of her hand as I handed her the handkerchief. "Alright. Thank you, Yumi." She thanked as she took the handkerchief and put it on the cut. "Waaaaa!" "Kyaaaaaa!" Screams could be but it went unnoticed by the people. "Nee-san..Hak, did you hear that?" Yona asked. "Yeah." Hak and I replied at the same time. "Screams that were drowned out instantly by the sounds of fireworks and laughter." Hak said afterwards. "Those are some really sneaky people." I said as I stood up. "Is it a Nadai addict again?" Lili asked. "Well there are rumored to be Nadai merchants from Sei in this town. So I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Lady Lili, please wait here, I'll go and..." Tetora started. "Tetora, wait." Lili called and Tetora then got blocked by Kija. "Don't go. It's our duty to fight. You bring the princesses and Lili to the inn. It's better if you rest a bit longer" Kija told Tetora. "O...ok." Tetora replied with a blush on her face. 'Damn, great job Kija...' I thought. "Let's go." Kija told the other dragons. "That was pretty cool, Kija-kun." Jae-Ha said with a smile. "Kid, come here." Zeno called out to Yoon. "Eh, ok." Yoon replied and went to Zeno. "There'll probably be a lot of casualties." Zeno said. "I'll also..." Yona wanted to say but only got cut of by Shin-Ah, "Yona, no... It's dangerous." I went to Yona and grabbed her shoulders. "Shin-Ah is right. Plus, we have something else we need to do." I said referring to the time when we will get kidnapped and taken to one of the forts. Yona nodded her head understanding what she needed to do which is to protect Lili. A little while later we were now at the inn sitting down around the table with Hak standing and leaning next to the window. "Your hand is bleeding." The old hag said while having tears in her eyes while Tetora was wrapping it. 'That's all thanks to you, you stupid hag.' I thought as I rolled my eyes. "It's fine Tsubaru, it doesn't hurt." Lili said trying to comfort her. "Could this be the work of the Nadai addicts?" She asked. "Yes, that is very likely." Lili said. "Hey, the mister over there!!" Someone called from outside the window which got Hak to turn his head to take a look. "Over by the bridge, so many people have collasped that it's piling up. A lot of people are hurt/ Can you come over and help us out?!" The man questioned. 'Looks like they are finally leading Hak away from here...' I thought. Yona gave Hak the ok and he jumped out the window... literally from the second floor... "The reason for this commotion... Seems to be an accident." Tetora said worried. "Yeah... Looks like it." Lili said. I looked at Yona who seems like she caught on to something and she proceeded to move to the window. "I wonder if the accident is taken care of." Lili wondered. "Yeah..." Yona shortly replied. A crash was then heard outside which got Tetora to leave and check it. "There's still the Nadai problem, but to think such accident would happen too." Lili stated. "Is it really... and accident?" Yona started to question. "Eh..." Lili said. "Is it really a simple accident...?" Yona repeated. "Eh, but," Lili started off. "The fact that your hand was cut, Lili, was that an accident too?" Yona asked while staring outside. "It was just a shallow wound though." Lili said. "Just a scrape... It'd be no problem if you were only scraped." Yona said. "What do you mean?" Lili asked. "Well, they probably wanted to keep you in the inn." Yona answered. I looked at the old hag and she looks like she is about to take action seeing how much Yona knows. So, I pretended to take a sip of the tea that has been messed with. "What are you talking..." Lili started to say but only to feel faint. So I decided to put my acting skills up, "Looks like you really have grown... Yona... but it's a bit too late to say your... realization..." I said weakly as Lili fainted. I then proceeded to drop the cup of tea and fall unconscious. "Nee-san? Lili?" Yona called. "Nee-san, Lili..." Yona began which only got cut off which I presumed because the old hag covered Yona's mouth with a handkerchief that has been drugged and I can hear Yona fall to the ground. "Good night... Young lady with sharp intuition." I heard the old hag say. 'Damn, if I weren't trying to keep the story in the flow... I would have knocked the sh*t out of you...' I thought.

A/N: Summer break is finally here and along with a new chapter v(^_^v)♪

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