Chapter 29

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you guys are doing well, especially at a time like this. So, here is a new chapter. Also quick question. Do guys like hate Soo-Won so much that you wish him to die as soon as possible? I was curious since when I was reading the manga, when Soo-Won appeared in the chapter... I looked at comment section which was full of hatred towards Soo-Won... It is because of what he did? I don't really understand... Well anyways, hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Yumi's POV

I was currently standing next to Yona watching the chaos that has been going on. 'Jeez, Tae-Jun should just hurry up and leave.' I thought looking at his poor figure that is getting stepped on by Jae-ha. "Yah! Can you hurry up and throw them out." I said out of nowhere. "Yeah, the people in the village are afraid." Yona said after me. After we both finish speaking, Tae-Jun started to get up to look at us probably he thought that it was the princesses' voices. "Oh." Jae-Ha looking kind of surprised. "It looks like he still has some energy left Captains." Jae-Ha told us. We warned him to stop resisting. But... he did not listen. "Heh... Didn't know that there was a person that could get up after being pinned down by my foot." Jae-Ha said. I looked around and heard his soldiers saying stuff about Tae-Jun being able to overpower a monster's power. 'Oh, he is finally about to stand up. But it is not the time yet to discover us being alive.' I thought with an evil smirk. I walked to Kija, "Hey Kija, do me a favor and toss him away from here." I whispered. "Okay." Kija replied while walking up to him and lifting him over his shoulder and then tossing him towards the sky. "You're in the way!" Kija shouted while he tossed him towards some random direction. "Good job Kija." I said giving him a thumbs up. "Also, you two should keep your guard up. I have a feeling that this is not the last time that they will come." I told them. Kija and Jae-Ha replied with a nod.

(The Next Day)

I was helping around the village all day and it was getting pretty late. I was tired and plus my injuries is not completely heal yet, so I went to find a tree to rest on. The nearest tree I found apparently has Hak casually leaning against it with a small campfire in front of him. He stared at me with me staring at him. "I see you are just casually chilling." I said to Hak. "Yeah, you finished with the things you had to do?" He asked me. "Yeah, I was tired after that. So, I decided to find a tree to rest on which brought me here." I said and then jumped on the tree branch laying my back on the tree. "Oh I see. Don't you want to rest down here instead? The fire can keep you warm. Plus, you shouldn't be moving around that much with that wound that you got." Hak told me. "Nah, I'm fine with this cloak. This wound is nothing, don't worry. Also someone is coming, don't speak to me or else that person will know I'm here, okay?" I told Hak. "Hai." He replied.

"Oh! A fire?!" I hears someone say. 'Looks like he is here.' I thought looking down finding him dropping his bag on the ground and squatting down next to the fire and putting his hands out. "I thought I was going to freeze to death..." He started off while slowly turn his head to the person who started the fire only to see Hak and not realize it. 'Oh boi, this is funny. His face looks like he know anything.' I thought while mentally laughing. "Is this... your campfire? I am going to use it for a bit." Tae-Jun said. "Yeah. I don't really care." Hak told him. "Is that so... well then..." He said turning his face to the campfire but seconds later turned the opposite way Hak is at. 'lol, looks like he found out. He's really slow at realizing things.' "What's wrong? You're shaking. Stay a while. I'm not sure why you're here but, you're not used to camping outside right? Young Master." Hak said. "What are you talking about? I am but a poor traveler..." He said nervously while grabbing his stuff while getting up. I then heard someone running over here, probably Yoon. "Hey Thunder Beast, about who's on duty tomorrow... Huh? Who's there?" Yoon said. "Ah... Ah." Tae-Jun said. I heard some crackling noise and then heard something fly into the air and exploded. 'Looks like he dropped his signal. Jeez, he is really hopeless.' I thought while looking up at the sky to see the signal slowly disappearing. I looked down only to find Hak holding Tae-Jun's head while getting ready his Guandao. After a little convincing from Yoon, Hak was now sitting on Tae-Jun. "You're heavy! Get off!" He yelled. "Do you know him, Thunder Beast?" Yoon questioned. "I don't know this guy. This second son of some guy." Hak said casually. "You know exactly who I am! I'm Kan Tae-Jun!" He yelled. 'Gosh, can't they quiet down for a bit.' "Kan Tae-Jun?! He's the general's son!" Yoon said freaking out. "If you don't release me, something terrible will happen!" Tae-Jun warned. "Huh, did you summon the whole Fire Tribe Army?" Hak asked him with an indifferent tone. "No-not to that extent... But a lot are coming." He said to Hak. "It seems like you don't know even know how many exactly." Hak said. I then hear another footstep which belonged to Zeno. "Hey, it seems the whole Hungry Family are having a meeting." He said happily. I saw him look up at the branch I was sitting on, he was about to call my name until I put my pointer finger in front of my mouth signaling him not to say anything. It seems like he understood and looked down and saw Tae-Jun who was still on the ground with Hak sitting on his back.

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