Chapter 14

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Yumi's POV

I looked at Kija and his eyes started to open. "Looks like Hakuryuu is awake now," I said. He sat up. "Umm, Hakuryuu?" I started off. "Yes, I am the one who carries the blood of the White Dragon from ancient times." He started saying, he then bows down in front of us. "I've been waiting for you, my master and mistress!" 'Urg, I feel like throwing up.' "Master and Mistress? What are you talking about?" Yona questioned. We turn the other way and all the people started to bow. 'Omg, this scene makes me cringe.' The old man started anime crying and saying "Congratulations, Hakuryuu-sama! Our King and Queen have finally appeared!" "King?!" "Queen?" Yona and I said at the same time. "They're saying that the princesses are the king and queen?" Hak said confused. "Maybe they think that they're the Crimson Dragon King and Cyan Dragon Queen because of they're crimson and cyan hair," Yoon answered.

"My master and mistress," Kija started off. "Huh?" Yona said. "Please tell me your name," I answered first. "Yumi." Yona then followed "Yona." "Yumi-sama and Yona-sama," Kija said with that charming face. Yona leaned forward and said that he was beautiful but Kija said that we are more heavenly, Yona then had the 'oh, my' face. I then said one of Yona's lines, "We are neither your master/mistress nor your king/queen." Yona then said, "We are crooks that want gods' powers to protect our friends and ourselves." Yoon then said that we shouldn't be telling them this, while Hak in the back was having this creepy smirk on his face. Yona continued on "We are on a journey to obtain the other three dragons' power as well." "We would like to ask for your help first. Would that be alright?" I finished off for Yona. He stared at us then turned serious. "I would be extremely honored. No matter who you are, or what purpose you have, I am your dragon from now on. The blood inside me is telling me that!" He replied.

(Time Skip - Numerous things happen from the granny knocking that old man away.)

I went to grab a cold wet towel, knowing that Kija is probably having a hard time right now. I got the towel and now was walking to Kija's room; when I got there, I saw him sitting on the floor and he was laying on the pole holding his right arm. His face was red, so I walked up to him and place the towel on his arm. "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Huh, Yumi-hime? I'm fine, you don't have to worry." He replied. I then placed my hand on his forward and his face went redder. 'Yes, I am that evil. Hehe.' He was having a light fever. Then a knock was heard at the door. 'Oh great.' I thought. Then the argument has begun. We walked all the way back to Yona and Yoon with this evil kind of atmosphere surrounding us. They continue arguing and Yona said she wants Hak to be with her and then Hak began laughing like a maniac and then got mad when Yona told him to protect him. 'Ugh, can't they just shut up!'

(Time Skip)

We had the party/festival thing last night and now it's morning and we are about to set off on our journey, but some precious moment stopped us. "Hak, tell me when this is over. I will be sleeping over there." I told Hak. He looked at me an nodded. I walked over to the wall of stone and took a short nap. Who knows how long it's been, I heard someone calling me. "...hime. ...umi-hime. Yumi-hime." Hak called. "Oh, Hak. Ohayo is it over?" I asked while rubbing my eyes and stretching. "Yes, it over. Let's go." Hak said. "Hai," I replied and we started walking. We then were clueless where to go next but not me. I know where we need to go, but they need to figure this out themselves. Kija started saying he can feel the other dragons and Yona said it was handy. "Neh, Hakuryuu what's your name?" Yona asked. "Yeah, what's your name. People in the village always call you Hakuryuu-sama, but that is not your name." I said. "Is it alright if we call you by your name?" Yona finished off. "Please call me Kija." He answered. "Kija... That's a good name." Yona said. Then this magical wind started blowing at us. Yoon then shouted "Hurry up! We are going to leave you guys if you don't!" Yona started walking. "Let's go Kija." I said. We started walking through the forest. 'Next up, the Seiryuu! I can't wait!' I said in my mind. We then continued our journey to find Seiryuu.

As we were traveling many accidents had happened along the way, one of the includes Kija falling in a hole full of bugs. Now that was funny but... we continued traveling and these group of bandits or I think it was, came out of nowhere deciding to kill us. We got rid of them like they were nothing. Kija was keep complimenting how strong I was after that accident. We been traveling for who knows how long. We were now resting since WE TRAVEL FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG. Maybe Yoon should of listen to me when I told him where I think Blue Dragon is! He think it was stupid to think people will be living at the Rocky Mountains! Then, "I got it!" Yoon suddenly shouted while looking up from the map he was currently holding. Everyone looked at him. "I overlooked it because I didn't think people could live there. But they do, right at the border in the Rocky Mountains!" He said pointed to the mountain. I then got an irk mark and started yelling. "I TOLD YOU LIKE FREAKIN 1 DAY AGO THAT HE LIVED THERE!! NOW YOU SAID HE LIVES THERE, IF YOU LISTEN TO ME FROM THE START WE DIDN'T NEED TO SPEND TIME WONDERING TO WHO KNOWS HOW MANY PLACES!!!!" Everyone completely shocked from my outburst. "Maa maa, chill down. It was my fault okay?" Yoon said sweat dropping. "You better be!" I said. 'Yay of to see the Blue Dragon in that creepy cave.' I thought.

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