Chapter 3

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A/N: This is Yumi's katana. 

Yumi's POV

'OMG this is getting good!' All of a sudden I saw Hak pop up. 'Darn it Hak why do you have to ruin the moment!' Then I heard Yona shout "Hak?!" From the place I was hiding at, I heard that King was looking for her. Yona just walked off and told Hak to tell him she was resting in her room. Only Hak and Soo-Won were left. I can hear Hak talking about convincing the king about marrying Yona. Wow I can't believe what I heard. Soo-Won told him he got the wrong idea. 'Come on Soo-Won! Just admit that you like her!' I screamed in my mind. Thinking about that made me miss some of their conversations. I walked up closer and Hak said "I feel something strange like someone sneaked into the castle.." 'Oh god... This can't be good and the fated day is bond to come. But protecting Yona is a must after all she is the reincarnation of the Crimson Dragon and my dear sister.'

Third POV

Then Soo-Won said "Mentioning about that, Yona said something like that too."

"What?!" Hak said. "You should keep an eye out of the people coming in and out today." "Will do, I will guard the garden area, you go with Yona." Soo-Won walked off and Hak ran to the garden area. Then Yumi pop out of nowhere and slap Hak on the head. "Ow what was that for Yumi-hime!" "I can't believe you just did that to Yona, so this is what you deserve!" "Huh? I didn't do anything to her." "Well never mind that, is it true that someone might have sneak into the castle?" "Well it might be true, but where did you hear that from?"

"Ahh, never mind that. Just go do your business." 'Stupid Hak for believing Soo-Won.' "Yumi-hime..." Hak started. "What?" Yumi asked. "... Happy Birthday..." Hak said slowly. "Aww~ Never knew you would say happy birthday to me Hak. Thank you~" Yumi said. "Agh, whatever. I'm leaving. You better be careful." Hak said running off. "Alright." Yumi said.

Yumi's POV

I was walking around the hallways after my small chat will Hak. I was still walking until I heard someone called my name. "Yumi!" Someone called. 'I'm pretty sure that it was Soo-Won's voice. I stopped and turned around seeing Soo-Won running to catch up to me. "Oh, Soo-Won. Do you need something?" I asked tilting my head and smiling. I then saw Soo-Won blushing a little. 'Oh boy. I have a feeling that he has feelings for me and Yona at the same time and doesn't know what to do. So, I had tried to convince him that he liked Yona before... But it didn't have that much affect, did it?' I thought. "Oh, I wanted to give you your birthday present." He said while smiling. 'Yay! Finally, someone is giving me a birthday present!' I thought. "How kind of you Soo-Won. You know you didn't have to." I told him. "But, you always have been nice to me. So... can you stretch out your arm?" He said. I did as I was told and stretched out my left arm. I then saw Soo-Won putting a bracelet around my wrist. "Okay. It's secured around your wrist. I hope you like it." Soo-Won said nervously. I looked at the bracelet and saw that it was a bracelet with a sakura design on it. 'Wow, it looks pretty. My favorite flowers include Sakura. I wondered if he knew that?' I thought. "It's really pretty Soo-Won! Thank you so much." I said finishing it with a closed eye smile. I then saw him blushing again, I probably went overboard a little. "No problem. I'm glad you liked it. I thought sakura would fit you because of your hair." Soo-Won said. "My hair? How?" I asked. "W-well, this one time when we saw a sakura tree, the wind was blowing making the sakura petal fall and also making your hair blow too. When I saw that, it made you stand out due to the color contrast..." He said while smiling nervously. "Aww. Thank you for the nice compliment." I said happily.

'But I can't believe Soo-Won will turn into the person that will destroy our castle life.' I thought seriously. "Also, Yumi." Soo-Won said. "Yeah?" I answered. "You should be careful when walking around the castle. Something might be wrong since someone might have sneaked in." Soo-Won said seriously while looking at me. At this moment I was really shocked that he will warn me. Probably because we are childhood friends and maybe his feelings. "Oh yeah, Hak warned me about that too." I said. "Well I'm gonna go to my room. See ya Soo-Won." I said walking off while waving my hand at him. "Okay, be careful on your way back." Soo-Won said. I then stopped walking. 'I should probably warn him that I know his plans since he kindly warned me to be careful.' "Is there something wrong?" I heard Soo-Won asked. I then sighed and turned myself halfway to look at him with a serious look. "Soo-Won... I hope you don't regret your decision... about the things you are about to do." I said seriously with a sad face. Soo-Won looked at me with a shocked face that suddenly turned sad. "If I did something like that... are we still friends...?" He asked slowly. 'Wow, don't know how I am supposed to reply to that...' "Well... it depends on what you did. If it's something small and forgivable... yes we are still friends. But if it is something that is big and I don't like what you did... then... our friendship... Well, I can tell you the answer when that happens. That is... if I'm still there to tell you." I then walked back to my room thinking how I can't do anything to save my father. If I do, the storyline wouldn't be the same. Plus, father already said that it that if the day comes, he won't fight back...

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