Chapter 52

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Important A/N: I don't know how often I can post new chapters for this year and the next because I am in a year where I need to apply for colleges and stuff related to it... and I'm already procrastinating... so I apologize for not updating so often. Anyways... please enjoy this new chapter!! - KAZUMI

Yumi's POV

"All right, we'll rest here tonight." Yoon said. "Thunder Beast, start a fire." Yoon ordered. "Okay." He replied. "Kija, go draw some water." Yoon ordered. "Yes." Kija answered. "Shin-Ah, go gather lots of firewood." Shin-Ah then replied with a nod. "Jae-Ha, set up the tent." "Got it." Jae-Ha said. "Then I'll go hunting." Yona said out of nowhere. "Oh, really? We're a little low on meat, so that would be helpful!" Yoon said. "Leave it to me. I'll catch a bear." Yona said. "Whoooaaa, you're awesome Yona- Yumi! Go stop your sister!" Yoon suddenly yelled. "Oh, you're going to catch a bear... Have fun and be careful!" I exclaimed with a smile while sitting on the floor looking at my phone. "Huh, I said to stop her and not encourage her! Nevermind, Thunder Beast! Stop her! Your princess has become a little too headstrong!" Yoon yelled. "A bear? Princess must be hungry." Hak said casually while trying to start a fire. "And you've gotten too used to it!" Yoon exclaimed. "*Sighs* Hak... just go hunt with Yona..." I said since Yoon was complaining too much. "Yes, ma'am." Hak replied walking off with Yona. "We'll be fine with birds! Don't overdo it, okay?!" Yoon shouts. "Yes!" Yona yelled back while walking off. "Now..." Yoon said going off to his thoughts. "Zeno will be sleeping, so wake him when food's done." Zeno said walking off but only to be pulled back by Yoon. "Hold it. You're going to help me cook, Zeno. I already know you can actually cook just fine, you know?" Yoon said giving Zeno the glare. "Zeno is..." There's no use pretending to be a kid." Yoon said. "Lower back's been in pain since this morning." Zeno said pretending to be old. "Shut up, you eternal 17-year old." Yoon said. "Haha, poor Zeno. Now then... I'll be off too then." I said standing up planning to go on a walk for certain reasons. "Now where do you think you are going, Yumi?" Yoon asked giving me a glare. "A walk?" I replied. "Nope, you are helping me cook too." Yoon said. "Ehhhh, but I always help you though!" I exclaimed. "Too bad." Yoon said. "Fiinnnneee." I said with a sigh. I walked and kneeled down next to Zeno preparing to cut some vegetables. "Youngsters these days sure handle their elders roughly." Zeno said while cutting the vegetables. "I know right. At least respect us a bit more..." I complained. "Jeez, Yumi... You are not that old." Zeno said. "My soul is really old with the memories though. So... in conclusion... I'm still old." I said. "Haha. Well that is true." Zeno said with a laugh. It was then I could feel some sort of presence from behind. I turned around and looked to the forest where I felt something. "Yumi... Did you..." Zeno began to ask. "Yeah... That was really weird." I said knowing that it was probably the past Blue Dragons. "What's wrong?" Yoon asked. "Nothing..." Zeno answered.

"Shin-Ah's late." Yoon said. "Yep, Yona and Hak hasn't come back too." I said. "We can't get dinner prepared like this." Yoon said. "I'll go look for them. Oh, Shin-Ah. You've retu..." Jae-Ha stopped talking. I looked and saw 'Shin-Ah' without his mask. "Ryokuryuu..." Zeno called. "What, Zeno...?" Jae-Ha asked. "How do you feel?" Zeno asked. "What?" Jae-Ha questioned. "He meant seeing Seiryuu's eyes." I answered. "Yep, your dream has come true." Zeno said. "Oh, right..." Jae-Ha started to say. He then started blabbering about Shin-Ah's eyes and such. "You're gonna die from heart failure soon." Zeno bluntly said. "I agree." I said standing next to Zeno. "Shin-Ah's face is always covered with a mask, and seeing it uncovered is quite a sight." Yoon said a bit shocked. "I'm happy about it. It means Shin-Ah sincerely trusts us. You mustn't make such a big fuss over it. Be quiet." Kija said. He then walks up to 'Shin-Ah', "Shin-Ah, your eyes really are beautiful." Kija said in awe. "Hakuryuu is the most incapable of being quiet." Zeno stated. "Kija has illness of babbling everything he's thinking aloud." Jae-Ha states. "Shin-Ah, come here." Kija said tugging on Shin-Ah's sleeves. "Don't touch me, servant." Shin-Ah suddenly said. "Oh... I see. I'm sorry. Did I hurt you? I couldn't control my grip." Kija apologized. "There is no way the strength of your flinging good for nothing right arm... could hurt me, fool." 'Shin-Ah' said harshly. "Damn... that's some harsh words." I said. "Shin-Ah...?" Yoon called a bit shocked. The dragons, excluding the blue one, sat down in a circle beginning their meeting. "We shall now being the council of the Four Dragon Brothers. The topic is "Shin-Ah's rebellious phase"." Kija said. "Now things are getting interesting." Jae-Ha said excitedly. "If it's a council of the Four Dragons Brothers, it has nothing to do with me, huh? I am outsider." Yoon said blandly. "I totally agree. Let's go somewhere else, Yoon." I said bluntly. "That's not true, hime, Yoon! We think of hime as our mistress and Yoon as a mother... I mean a little brother." Kija said calmly. "Pfft. Mother..." I said with a laugh. "Did you just call me your mother?" Yoon asked. Yoon then just ignored it and sat down, so I sat down next to him. "I never went through a rebellious phase. Let us hear your opinion, Jae-Ha." Kija said continuing the topic of 'Shin-Ah' going rebellious. "Why me?" Jae-Ha asked. "You went through a rebellious phase in Awa, right?" Kija asked him back. "Who was in a rebellious phase now?" Jae-Ha asked. "You, obviously." I said. "Hidoiyo... Yumi..." Jae-Ha cried. "Don't worry about it. Those who rebel just a little grow up to be honest in the future." Zeno said. "What? Are you saying I had a distorted upbringing?" Kija questioned. "Hakuryuu's honestly is unyielding and knows nothing of distortion. Rokuryuu kept on warping himself and had a fresh start after being worn down, and now he's the delightful big brother. But that's all because he was too pure." Zeno explained. "Wowwww. Zeno, I never knew that you knew this much information on this topic." I said acting surprised. "Ehe, you complement me too much Yumi. I can say some more." Zeno said while putting his hand behind he head. "Allll right Zeno, you can be quiet anytime now." Jae-Ha said annoyed. "How about you, Yoon? Did you ever rebel against the priest?" Kija asked. "Oooo, I wanna know the story!" I exclaimed even though I know must of it. "You don't need my story..." Yoon said a bit embarrassed probably because of his childhood. "Jaaa... Yumi-hime, you have any rebellious phase?" Kija asked. "Ehh... hmmm... I don't think so... I grew up in a environment where I need to be mature since young since I also had responsibilities at a young age..." I said. "True... being a princess and a strategist surely doesn't bring anytime for a rebellious phase." Jae-Ha said. "Anyway, is Shin-Ah repulsed from the fact he's too pure like Jae-Ha was?" Kija asked innocently. "Hey... Kija..." Jae-Ha started off being so done with this. "These kind of things are like typhoons. Once it passes, he'll return to the kind Seiryuu he was before." Zeno said happily. "Sureee he will..." I said sarcastically. "I see, we should face Shin-Ah with open hearts." Kija said while standing up. "Yep, yep!" Zeno sang. "Oh god, please don't encourage him, Zeno..." I said with a facepalm. Zeno just tilted his head. 'Oh my, here we go...' I thought.

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