Chapter 25 (OVA 2)

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A/N: This chapter is kind of based off of Akatsuki no Yona OVA 2, I hope you enjoy this story. :)

Yuki's POV (aka Yumi)

So I basically landed somewhere that is kind of far from the kingdom... When I came realization, this was the battlefield scene from OVA 2. 'OMG WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO!!!???' I screamed mentally in my head. I looked around and found Hiryuu and the four dragons fighting against the enemies. I continued watching them fighting and saw Hiryuu put his cloak over Zeno. 'Awww. Poor Zeno, he is too innocent to be here right now.' I thought. I got up from the sitting position I was in when watching them and got a katana that randomly appeared in my hand and went to help them.

I saw around 10 people headed to Hiryuu and so I picked up my paced and arrived behind Hiryuu since they were attacking him from behind. I got there and using my quick speed I magically got for coming to this world and slashed them using the katana. Blood splattered everywhere, that was just disgusting but whatever. "Who are you?" I heard someone asked from behind. I turned and saw Hiryuu staring at me. 'Oh... How should replied?' I thought. "Umm... I'm your ally. Don't worry about me right, let's worry about the people that are charging at us right now." I said to him. We were back to back holding our weapon getting ready to fight.

(Time Skip)

After the fight ended, Hiryuu and I were just standing there. I put my katana back in its sheath and the four dragons were heading towards us. 'Omg. I'm going to be talking to the four dragons. Great, just great.' I thought. "Huh? Who is this woman?" Shu-Ten asked. "I don't know." Hiryuu replied. "She just appeared out of nowhere and helped me fight off the enemies that were gonna attack me." All of them looked at me. Gu-En spoke up, "Would you kindly telling us who you are now?" Yay, introduction time, 'The Cyan Dragon is his sister so am I supposed to say that I am his sister? But I only inherited Cyan Dragon's soul, so I guess not.' I was loss deep in my thoughts until someone spoke up, guess who? It was the one and only Abi. "Hello, are you gonna talk." I looked up and see everyone curiously looking at me since they don't know who I am and why I magically popped up to help them. Well here goes nothing. "Well... My name is Yuki and I'm here because I need to stay by your side and protect you... also to take good care of you like siblings." I said. "Protect me? Take care of me like siblings? What do you mean by that." Hiryuu questioned. "Yeah what you mean by that you little brat. King Hiryuu have us to protect him. We don't need a woman like you!" Shu-Ten yelled. 'DID HE JUST CALL ME A LITTLE BRAT!!!??? Okay he has done it now!'
I pulled out my katana and charged at him. He saw my movement and hopped up towards the sky. I did not forget about that jumping power. When he came down, I swung my katana again at him, he blocked it with his spear. "Oi! Why are you attacking me?!" He shouted. "You should ask yourself you dumbsh*t that called me a LITTLE BRAT!" I yelled back at him. "Oh you did not just call me dumbsh*t!" He said while putting force into his spear. "I just did you dumbsh*t! What are you gonna do about it!" I yelled back. His face got furious and he backed up and he jabbed the spear at me at a fast speed. I dodged it by jumping up and landing on his spear. 'Wow. He is strong for being able to hold the spear up with me on it. "Yah! Get off!" He yelled swinging his spear. I backflip off the thing and landed on the ground. 'Wow. I get believed the bystanders are not stopping this fight. Hiryuu, I thought you didn't like fights. Jeez... I should probably end this.' I charged forward at him and swung my katana at him. He blocked it as expected. I did a spin and magically ended behind him with my katana pointed at his nape. "Move one bit... I will end you." I said in a cold tone with a cold glare. I swear I can see him shiver along with the others. I was just joking but I guess my expression was just too bada**.
Hiryuu walked up having a sweat drop on his head. "Umm... Yuki-san... How about we just chill down and talk this out?" He said kind of nervous. "Oh, that fight was just a joke, also the killing part. Don't worry!" I said and did a closed eye smile. "Oh. Haha." He laughed nervously. "You were really good a fighting. Now would you mind explaining the protect part." Gu-En asked. "Oh sure. I'm here to protect Hiryuu because Shianryuu asked me to. I am her and she is me. The Cyan Dragon resides in me." I replied happily. "Shianryuu!?" Hiryuu asked in surprised way. "Yep! So I hope we get along!" I said happily. "Also one more thing, would you guys mind introducing yourselves?" I questioned even though I know them already. "You already know who I am, so Gu-en you start first." Hiryuu said. "My name is Gu-En also the one who inherited the Hakuryuu's power. Nice you meet you Yuki." He said with a kind smile. 'Aww. Grandpa love!' I thought in my mind. "I'm Abi, I'm the one inherited with Seiryuu's power. Hope we get along." He said. 'Well, at least he is not that cold to me. Oi boy, guess who's next, the one and only Ryokuryuu.' "Listen brat, my name is Shu-Ten and I am the one inherited with Ryokuryuu's power. Let's get along... brat." He said while smirking. I grabbed a kunai that came from somewhere and threw it pass his face. Guess what, he now got a scratch mark on his face. "Ite! What was that for!" He screamed. "Yeah. Let's get along you dumbsh*t. Also don't call me brat and I won't call you dumbsh*t. Understand?" I said with a nice yet creepy voice with an ice cold glare. "H-hai!" He said scared. "Good!" I said smiling. "Umm, my name is Zeno... I inherited the Ouryuu's power. Let's get along Y-Yuki-san." He said nervously. 'Omg, he's too innocent!' "Okay, I hope we all get along and you guys can just call me Yuki!" I said. "Umm, I don't think so..." Hiryuu said out of nowhere. "Huh? What do you mean?" I questioned. "You are gonna be the Queen." He answered. "WHAT! I'm not even married to you!" I yelled. "You are considered my sister, so just be the queen until I get married?" He answered confused on what he just said. "Okay, let's go back to the castle!" I yelled. 'And this was the beginning of my life here in Akatsuki no Yona World.'

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