Chapter 53

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Yumi's POV

When I entered the dungeon... it's seems that I have somehow fainted. When I woke up... I woke up to a white landscape. "Where the heck is this?" I questioned myself. "Is this inside my mindscape or something since I remember I fainted when I got in the dungeon... Probably due to the heavy aura of the past dragons..." Then I suddenly saw a figure in the distance. I started to walk to the figure, when I got closer... I saw blue hair. 'Shin-Ah?' I questioned in my mind. 'But somehow that doesn't really look like Shin-Ah.' I thought again. I was about to call him, the figure suddenly turned around making me see who it clearly was. I stop walking and stood still, shocked at who I saw in front of me right now. He then smiled, "Hey... Yuki... Long time no seen." He said. "Abi..." I said still a bit shocked... I mean Abi is literally inside my mindscape... I ran and hugged him. "Abi... I really missed you." I said. "Me too... I missed you too, Yuki." Abi said returning the hug. After the hug, we both sat down on the supposed floor. "What are you doing here, Abi? Is this your soul that enter my mindscape?" I questioned. "Yep, something like that. I took the chance of you fainting from the aura of the past Blue Dragons to get in your mindscape. You are still so smart after you have changed so much in appearance." Abi said with a smile. "Well of course. Reincarnation with memories is a pain. You just gain more knowledge like this, which makes me more knowledgeable. And I'm guessing you guys know about this power? Since I never stayed long." I asked. "Yep... It's really lonely without you. They miss you." Abi said. "I do too. But I can't really help it now, can I?" I asked with a small laugh. "I guess you really can't." Abi answered with a laugh. "Greet them when you return above." I said. "Alright." Abi said. Then we started talking about some random topics like what we have experienced and such. "You know your descendant right now is kind of like you." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yep, he is kind of like you and not that talkative. Plus the beautiful eyes!" I said. "Mou... stop it!" He yelled from embarrassment. After a while of that, I cut to the chase, "Anyways, you have something to tell me right? Or else you wouldn't be in my mindscape right now." I said getting to the point. "Looks like I can't hide anything from you can I?" Abi said. He then started telling me the story of this dungeon place on how it used to be the Blue Dragon's Village and such and what had happened here. 'Even though I know about this... seems like Gu-en, Abi, and Shu-Ten are really watching them from above Maybe Ani-ki too.' I thought with a smile. "I see... The villagers are really cruel." I said after Abi finished the story. "Well, humans are like that..." Abi said sadly staring off into the distance. "I just wished the villagers didn't treat my descendants like that just because of our powers... thinking that it's a curse and all... I can't really stand it and watching that happen..." Abi continued. I stared at him, I then patted him on the head. "Abi... Don't worry. I will protect them, I will protect this current descendant of yours and calm the souls of the old descendants. You don't have to worry no more. I'm here now, so I will protect them to the best of my abilities." I said with a soft smile. Abi looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Yuki... arigatou... I really wish I could be by your side again. I missed your kindness and everything else..." He said with tears falling out of his eyes. I then move my hands to his face to wipe his tears. I then leaned my forehead on his, "Didn't I tell you not to cry. It will ruin that pretty eyes of yours." I whispered. "Yuki... stop teasing me like that..." He whispered with embarrassment. "Okay, okay. But just letting you know, I'm just stating the truth." I whispered. "Mou... You need to wake up now Yuki... You have to go back and help your comrades." Abi said. "Alright..." I said pulling away from Abi. "Guess we have to part ways now..." I continued. "Yep... please keep yourself safe... Yuki..." Abi said with a soft smile. "Of course I will. Watch me from above as I solve this issue with my comrades." I said with a smile. "Of course." Abi replied with a sad face. "Don't be sad, Abi. I'm sure fate will somehow have us meet face to face again like this somehow." I said even though I don't really know if it will. "Alright... I'll wait till then... along with the others next time." Abi said with a sad smile. "Jaa, sayonara... Abi..." I said with a closed eye smile and then leaned in to kiss him on the forehead which he replied with a shocked face. Then a sudden wind blew causing Abi to be gone from my sight and me waking up from my mindscape.

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