Chapter 57

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Yumi's POV

We had escaped from the fort and we are now in the middle of the forest running. I was running behind Yona and Lili until Lili started coughing that we can to a stop. "Lili, are you all alright?" Yona asked. "... I'm fine..." Lili replied with tiredness in her voice. "Let's take a break then." I suggested. "Yeah, let's rest for a while." Yona said. We all sat down besides a tree resting on it. That's until Ao decided to drop some fruit on Yona's head. "Ouch! The fruit from the tree! Thank you, Ao." Yona said as she takes a bite from the fruit. What kind of fruit is this? It's not poisonous is it? As long as I can draw some liquid out..." Yona said. 'Ah... so at this point, we don't care if it's poisonous... alrighty then.' I thought. "Nee-san, have one." Yona said while handing me one. "Ah, it's fine. You and Lili can have it." I said. "Alright... Lili." Yona called while stretching her hand to gave her the fruit. Instead of taking it, "Yumi... Yona... I... I- to... to someone... stabbed..." Lili began to tremble and cry while saying some uncompleted sentences... which I understood. The fear and guilt of having to taken someone's life... "Lili... If you hadn't saved me back then, I'd be dead. But... for now just forget all that... and sleep well..." Yona comforted while hugging Lili and pulling her to her chest. After a while, Lili fell asleep. I took off my cloak and covered her sleeping form while sitting down besides her. Yona seems to be deep in her thoughts until, "It must have been tough... killing someone..." Yona whispered. "Yeah, for someone like her who hasn't experienced much of the outside world, it will come to her as a shock." I said. "Nee-san... when you first killed... did you feel this bad... this guilt and fear...?" Yona asked. 'What's with this question...?' I thought. "*Sighs* To be honest with you Yona... I didn't... I did felt a bit of remorse because we are all human (maybe). So, I don't have the right to decide how someone's life will be or how it will come to an end. But this is just how the world works. To save yourself, families, and friends... sacrifices must be made no matter how cruel and unbearable it is." I whispered with no emotions. "Nee-san... Is this meant to be. A world where we have to pick up weapons?" Yona said with worry in her eyes. I looked at her and smiled, "Yona there is this one saying that goes like this. 'Everyone has their own destiny that are destined by God. Those who are born to be king and those who are born to be bandits. If you didn't choose the path that you are on, then no one will know the last stop of your journey. Where you will go, who you'll meet, and what will happen, it's all filled with uncertainties.' And that's why we are on this journey, to find out and experience more of this world we live in." I explained. "I see... Nee-san, you are very knowledgeable as aways... There are still so many things I have yet to understand that it just scares me. Even Lili, who was innocent to the world's wrong doings... got dragged in to this mess..." Yona whispered. "Don't worry my dear sister. Keep my lesson and mind and never forget that the fact that we met a lot of people who are willing to help us. There's nothing to fear as long as we are with you. So, hurry and sleep before we have to continue our escape." I said with a gentle smile.

(A while later)

"Nee-san, Lili, I'm going to look for some water. Just wait a bit." Yona said while running off. "Ah Yona..." Spoke up but Yona was alrighty pretty far away. Lili also got up to go after her which leaves me no choice so I had to go and go after her. We got up behind Yona and Lili spoke up "Yona, what's wr-" and I quickly covered her mouth since there were Sei Troops down there. But it was too late since they noticed the noise. 'Shoot'. "Lili, run!" Yona yelled while grabbing her hands. We are now running as fast as we could, well Yona and Lili since they are tired out. I followed behind them until Yona tripped over and Lili noticed that Yona's leg was bleeding. "That arrow from before...!" Lili said with shock and worry. "Lili, go... Quickly, as far away from here as you can. I'll catch up to you later." Yona said. "Are you telling me to flee by myself?! What kind of person do you take me for?!" Lili yelled. Lili then gave Yona a piggy back ride while I just stood in place. "Nee-san/Yumi?" Yona and Lili called. "You guys go, I'll try to stall some time..." I said. "No! Nee-san, you already done so much and you are at your limit! You can't!" Yona yelled with concerned. "Lili, listen to me and take her somewhere safe." I said and waled in the direction where the Sei Troops were.

"Hey look, there one of the runaway slaves." One of the Sei soldier said while pointing at me. "Ara, ara, looks like I have been spotted." I said with no care in the world. "Go capture her!" Another one yelled. They came close to me and I literally kicked the one that was in front of me. "Oops, sorry. My legs slipped." I said with a grin. "How dare you!" A soldier yelled as they all charged at me. I begin defending and attacking them but I was a bit too tired a got kicked back. "Tch, this girl can really put up a fight." One soldier said with an angry face. "Why don't we just finish her off here?" One said and came up to me with a knife that was about to swing down on me until I pulled out my kunai and tossed it at his neck. "Ahhhhh!" A scream was heard that caused everyone to look at me shocked. "Oops, you thought I don't kill since I'm a girl? Well guess, what you are dead wrong." I said with a death glare. "You bastard!" He yelled. I literally shouldn't be taunting them since I kind of have no energy right now. "Don't her hurt anymore!" Lili yelled and came out from behind me. They soon captured both of us since I needed the plot to move on in order for us to go to the execution site. "These girls... making us go through all that effort." One said. "I guess these two are the runaway slaves." Another said. "Take her away..." One commanded. "Why did you came running out..." I whispered even though I may have known the answer. "I can't let you suffer alone. I dragged you in to this mess. I will make sure that you are okay. I can't let you die because of me..." Lili whispered. I just smiled at her stubbornness and her way of justice. 'Hoow greeedy... just like an actual rich girl.' I though as I laughed at my own joke while being taken away.

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