Chapter 42

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Yumi's POV

The next day, we were still looking around the town to get information on the Nadai until I felt a stare again. I looked over at the direction that I feel it from and saw Lili, Ayura, and Tetora. It seems like Yona, Shin-Ah and... Ao also noticed and so they decided to run away. "Yumi, Yona... Should I chase after them?" Shin-Ah asked. "It's alright, Shin-Ah." Yona answered. "Mhmm, I don't think they mean any harm." I answered. "Yumi, Yona, I've negotiated with a store where people seem to assemble at night." Yoon said jogging towards us. "Thank you." Yona said. "If we investigate like this, I don't think we can make much progress." I said. "But... it's really dangerous, right Jae-Ha?" Yoon asked. "I can't say anything to them now. But if I decide that you two's life are in danger... I'll take you two and run away no matter what you tell me." Jae-Ha said seriously. "I'll be careful." Yona said. "Don't worry Jae-Ha." I said with a smile. "Well then... Let's begin."

It was night time and decided to start our plan. We went to this place where a lot of people gathering. Yona and I were assigned to be that bait, meaning... that I freaking have to wear a revealing outfit and dance on the stage with Yona. 'The atmosphere feels really negative...' I thought while dancing. Our dancing came to a stop when we heard someone screaming for help. Yona and I rushed down and headed to where the screaming came from and saw Lili about to get punched by a man. Yona rushed over and did a flying kick making the man fall on the floor. 'Woo, impressive.' I thought. I want over to look at Lili, "Hey, are you alright?" I asked. "Can you stand?" Yona asked going over and helping her up and supporting her with her shoulders. "Ugh..." A voice came from the man who who got kicked, he stood up. "He got up... Tha man. Didn't you beat him...?" Lili questioned. "Like I though, it didn't affect him much..." Yona answered. "They really can't feel anything... can they?" I asked no one in particular. "You came flying out were though you're weak?" Lili asked Yona. "Yeah, since you had blood coming out of your nose." Yona replied. "Wha... I'm not bleeding from my nose!" Lili exclaimed while rubbing her nose. "Don't rub it. Here." I said pulling out a handkerchief which Lili accepted.

Suddenly I saw Yona get pulled away and getting strangled by two men. "What happened, dancing girl?" A man asked. "Dance some more. Smile for us." The other man said. "Ow!" I heard Yona cried. "Yona!" I yelled. I then heard noises from behind. I turned around and saw a guy holding a vase walking towards us. "Hurry and run!" I yelled at Lili. She started running while I get in a position to fight. "STOOOOOPPP THAT!" I heard Zeno yelled while he jumped on the man trying to stop him but get thrown towards a random place. "Zeno! Okay, that's it." I said with a glare at the man who was about to punch Lili. I kicked him really hard that it sent him flying towards the wall. "Hurry and go hide." I told Lili. I looked over at Yona and saw that she was saved... but there was a deadly aura coming from the guys that saved her... I walked over there. "Guys, relax for a bit. Don't hurt these people that much." I said trying to calm them down. "Hey can you two say such things when you did a flying kick to your customers? Especially you Yumi-hime, you sent him flying to the wall." Hak said looking at us. "Really. What kind of teaching do you get as a princess?" Jae-Ha asked with a sigh. "I tried to imitate you, Jae-Ha." Yona answered. "Same, you always have a powerful kick that can send people flying. So, I thought why not try it." I replied after Yona. "So you're the bad example." Hak said bluntly looking at Jae-Ha. "That's why it was such a beautiful kick." Jae-Ha complimented. "Thunder Beast, Jae-Ha! Stop the people that are going berserk in the store!" I heard Yoon shouted. "It seems like fire has started from the commotion just now." Jae-Ha stated looking around. "Basically, they are all going through withdrawals." Hak said. After a chit chat about the Nadai and stuff I decided to check up on Lili with Yona. "You guys take care of this okay?" I said walking off with Yona. "Are you alright?" Yona asked looking at Lili. Lili looked at us and it seems like she was frightened. "Just relax. Take some deeps breaths." I told her. "The commotion has died down. All of the people that gone berserk aren't here anymore." Yona told Lili pulling her into a hug.

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