The New Favorite Person

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"Hey, Emma," Leo called as the trio entered the room.

"Hey. Wait. Who's this?" She responded.

"The name's Alex. I just came today," Alex said, shaking Emma's hand.

"So, what're you in for?" Emma inquired.

"You make it sound like a prison," Alex said with a laugh. "But, I'm dying, and so everyone figured if I'm dying, it may as well be in a place that's prepared for it."

Now it was Emma's turn to laugh. "Ha! Isn't this a place people go to to get better?"

"That's what I thought, but here I am."

She gave me one last smile, and then turned to Leo and Jordi. "So, what did you guys come back in here for? Was it to show her around, or something else?"

"We're throwing a party tonight for my leg," Jordi said.

"And we came to formally invite you," Leo added.

"Alright, cool. I'm in," She says with a smile.

Brittany comes in with a tray of food. "Oh, hey guys," she says smiling at the boys and Alex. "So, Alex, I see you're fitting in nicely."

Alex smiles at the perky nurse. "Yep," she answers.

"Well, I'll leave you guys be. See you later! Oh, and Emma, don't forget, you have to eat!"

A weird mix of annoyance, embarrasment, and tiredness crossed her face as she glanced out her window. "You think she'd try a new method," Alex said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Emma snapped her attention to the girl quickly, surprised.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked, advocating for Jordi as well, both of them clearly confused.

"I mean, obviously Emma doesn't froget to eat, and just saying that every time she drops off a tray is probably super annoying. If telling her to eat hasn't worked, why does she think that it will?"

Emma stared at her. "Why didn't you come here sooner? You're literally my new favorite person."

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry guys about the short part. I'll hopefully be writing more soon! :) Please comment, I want to know if you guys like this story, cuz this is pretty much my first fan fic, and I knew that if I was going todo one it had to be red band society, so any suggestions, thoughts questions, or just plain old comments, please post! :)

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