Suspended, Not Fired

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Kara swallowed, staring at the brooding boy she'd seen a few hours before her surgery. "It doesn't," she replied. She was definitely lying. Of course she cared about him, and the thought of him dying before she'd at least made out with him was awful.

He smirked at her, and she had a sudden urge to wipe it off his face. "You're the one who left your toothpicks in my room, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about," she added. She took in his fully dressed appearance. "Wait, didn't you have surgery?"

"You have a peculiar habit of talking to yourself," he claimed, his eyes shining. "I'm guessing it's because no one else wants to talk to you."

She glared at him in shock as he put a toothpick in his mouth and walked away. She grabbed her IV and stalked back to her room, trying to ignore Kenji's laughter.


Kenji and Brittany sat behind their desks eating the tacos they had just gotten from the taco truck down the street. "Mmmm, this tastes just like feet. Spiced delicious feet," Brittany said with a smile. "Wait. Do you think I have a foot fetish?"

Kenji looked at her and sighed. "Brittany, in the three days since Jackson's been gone, I've worked four doubles, which, I didn't even know was mathematically possible, I've been thrown up on eleven times, shaved a screaming child who's medication was making him grow body hair, and now I'm compulsively eating deep-fried beef just to stay awake. You got questions about your kinky side? Take it up with your therapist!"

Brittany looked at him like he was in a desperate need of a hug, but there was no way she was risking that with his attitude and the possibility of throw up remains still being on his scrubs.

"Yes!" came Dr. McAndrew's voice from the doorway. "Taco day!" He grabbed the white bag from the table, only to realize it was empty. Brittany and Kenji looked down at their food. "Seriously? No one could've grabbed me an extra taco?"

"Well, technically somebody could have, but fetching tacos for doctors isn't really part of being a nurse. It's more of a thing that friends do," Kenji replied sassily. "And since you fired your friend," he continued.

"Suspended, not fired," Dr. McAndrew cut in.

"Pending review," Kenji quoted. "Like your taco delivery."

"The truck's still out there," Brittany tried to break the high tension in the room, failing. "I could run out and grab you one..."

"And be on enema duty for the rest of the month," Kenji finished, pointing her towards her chair. She sat down and sighed.

"Okay. Okay. I see how this is," Dr. McAndrew claimed, walking back out the door he came in from.

"Nothing gets passed you," Kenji replied, his smile oozing of fake sweetness. He turned and glared at Brittany.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not good at taking sides," she sighed, "Especially when one of the sides has George Clooney hair and could father my future children."

Kenji shook his head sadly.

"You're late!" Dash called, as Kara finally strolled into one of the classrooms.

"That's what I said to my period last month," Kara shot back, not caring. She sat on one of the tables and stared at Dash, expectantly.

He shook her off, and addressed everyone. "Leo and I were thinking that we need to do something about this Nurse Jackson situation.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Kara took the moment to look around, noting Jordi and Alex's absence. "Hey! Why am I given so much crap when Jordi and Alex aren't even here?"

Dash sighed. "They're busy," he claimed nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah? Doing what?"

"Kara it's none of your business," Dash replied. No one else was paying attention to anything she'd said, Leo and Emma were too busy texting back and forth. Dash had texted them, but when he'd gone to look for them, they were nowhere to be found. He knew what was up, he always knew, but felt that he shouldn't be the one to share it.

He sat down, and Leo looked up. "The way we see it, we've got various methods at our disposal."
Dash nodded, "Sit ins, Picket lines, hunger strikes."

Kara immediately turned toward Emma, who refused to look at her. "Emma, I think you found your calling."

"I think our best option is to write a letter to the powers that be demanding that they bring Nurse Jackson back immediately," Leo cut in.

Hunter passed by the classroom and stopped to stare at them through the window. "It's adorable that you guys are going all civil rights-y about this, but I slept until nine am this morning, and it's been 24 hours since somebody told me to pee in a cup. Isn't it kinda better without her here?" Kara asked.

"Look, Nurse Jackson got suspended because of what she did for Charlie. She went down fighting for one of us. So, to the powers that be..."

"To whom it may concern," Emma cut in. "It's more official."

"And it raises a fascinating question," Hunter claimed, finally strolling into the room and grabbing a chair. "Who does it concern?" Everyone stared at him, confused who he was and what he was doing in the room. "Think about it. There are billions of hospitals all over the world, and somehow they all manage to function without your precious Nurse Jackson. You think she's losing sleep over you?"

"I'm sorry, uh, we haven't really met yet. What was your name again?" Leo asked diplomatically.

Hunter smirked, chuckling slightly. "It's Hunter."

Leo nodded, glad he was playing along. "Okay, I'm Leo. It's nice to meet you Hunter. And since you're new around here, I think that maybe you should, um," his speech was distracted by the chiming on his phone. "Uh...Maybe you"

"Maybe I should what?"

"Leo, get off the phone!" Dash yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

"Right, yeah, my bad. It's just that uh, my friends are coming and they're like five minutes away, I had no idea," he said with a smile. "Look, we gotta go," he added, taking Emma's hand. They walked out of the room, talking excitedly.

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