Dealing in Hope

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Dash stood next to Alex, who was leaning back against an unused part of the nurse's station, while Jordi sat on top of the ledge. They watched as the people in the entrance to the wing walked back and forth, everybody on the move to somewhere important. Dash could stand there long enough until he grew bored and his vision blurred, making everyone ghosts of movement, heading to and from, no energy lingering for longer than a few moments. 

"There he is," Jordi said, who could see from his slightly higher vantage point. The other two leaned forward to see their acquaintance make his way into view, adjusting the strap on his packed duffle bag. 

A couple across from them had turned too, upon catching sight of their son who they were going to bring home. "He doesn't look, happy," Alex said slowly, her eyes searching his expression. 

Hunter's eyes flickered over to their trio, and turned to his parents. "I'll meet you guys outside?" He asked. 

"Yeah," the woman who must've been his mother said, turning towards her husband. "We'll pull the car around."

The elevator dinged, from the hallway he'd just walked down, and a cheery voice called out, "Hey, Hunter." They four of them turned to see the happy face of Nurse Jackson. "Have a safe drive home," she said, hugging him with a warmth that can only come from a woman like her. 

Her eyes held something other than happiness in them, but everyone knew she'd deny it if asked to expound on that. "Stay out of trouble," she said, warning him with both her voice and her eyes. 

"I'll do my best," he replied cheekily, and Nurse Jackson smiled as she turned to round the other end of the nurses' station. It could've gone unnoticed, but she never actually said goodbye. 

Hunter's smirk was then directed at the trio of them, who stood to see him off. "It was nice meeting you, man," Jordi said, hopping down from the ledge he sat on, to clasp hands and pull Hunter in with his free arm. 

"You too," Hunter said sincerely. 

Alex stepped forward, hugging him. "Have fun," she said, her voice soft. Hunter laughed lightly before releasing her. 

"Hey," Dash said, going in for a handshake, slapping his open palm. "I tried to call Kara, but she would not pick up her phone," he said, apology seeping from his voice. He had called her three different times, and texted her, and they were not cool like that. He figured he'd hear about it later, but then again, based on Hunter's reaction, maybe not. 

"It's okay, I have a feeling Kara isn't big on goodbyes," he joked. "Another thing we have in common," he added.

"Yeah, she's not that great with saying hello, either, but," Dash replied. "You had her all turned around. She's gonna be all adrift now that you're gone." He hoped Hunter understood how serious he was. Dash could see it, he saw it as soon as Hunter was brought up. She didn't just act different, she was on the brink of change. 

"Good thing she's got you guys," Hunter dismissed, clearly not wanting to think about it. 

A faint buzzing filled the silence that fell over them. And then it continued. "Well," Dash said with a shrug, "see you maybe." 

Hunter smiled, appreciating the phrase. "See you maybe," he repeated. The buzzing also repeated. He began to walk away, and it followed him. 

"Someone's popular," Alex joked to the two guys on either side of her. 

Dash realized in an instant that that sound was not his phone. It was a sound he was banking on hearing someday for himself. "Hey, what is that?" he called after Hunter. 

Hunter froze, and when the buzzing went off again, he sprung into action, slung his bag from his shoulder and opened it, revealing a buzzing pager. "Oh my god," he said. 

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