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        Later that night, Alex, Leo, and Jordi were all trying to get some sleep, but no one could. There was this undeniable tension and aticipation that was almost palpable. "It's hard to sleep over the sound of your thoughts," Leo said, finally breaking the silence.

        "You never answered my question. I asked how much it hurts," Jordi prompted.

        "Okay, it does hurt. But not in the way you think it will. They give you awesome painkillers for the physical pain. What hurts most not that it's gone. What hurts is remembering that it was ever there. But hten, with time, that memory stops hurting too."  Leo explained.

        "Jordi, this is your fight. But that doesn't mean anything except that you get to fight it the way you want to, and you get to choose how you face it, or if you even face it at all," Alex's voice came from somewhere in the dark room. "But even though it's your fight, that doesn't mean that you're alone."

        "When they do the surgery... I won't be me anymore."

        "You will be you, you will always be you," Leo reassured.

        "Jordi, Leo is still Leo. Just because he lost a limb doesn't mean he's a completely different person. He's still Leo. Same goes for me. Even though they've taken the most brain out of my head humanly possible, that doesn't mean I'm not me."

        "You'll still be you, in fact, you might even be more you," Leo adds.


        "Because, and I'm going to let you in on a secret now, because your body isn't you. Your soul is you. And they can never cut into you soul." 

        "Now go to sleep and stop bothering me." Leo said, ruining the moment. 


        The next morning, the room was quiet as Jordi was wheeled out for surgery. Leo was still asleep, but Alex was awake. She watched as one of her new friends was going off to face a battle alone. She stood up and ran out of the room to catch up with him. "Wait!" She called, as she approached the bed Jordi was in. He turned in surprise and saw a raggedly breathing Alex, still in her pajamas.  

        "Yeah?" He asked, staring at her. She smiled, seeing him, and walked toward him.

         She came to his bed. "I didn't want you to go alone." He smiled.

        She leaned over his bed, hugged him, and whispered in his ear, "If it were me, I'd make sure I did what I could before I lost my chance." She pulled away and winked at him. She raised her wrist that held her band,and smiled one last time before jogging away.

        As Dr. McAndrew resumed whelling him toward surgery, Jordi thought about what the girl had said. And done. "Can I do something?" He asked Dr. McAndrew.


        He sat up slowly, stood, put both feet on the floor and started running, for the last time.

        He ran through the whole hospital, through white halls, and past his new friends' rooms. Jordi ran, found Alex, and waved. She laughed and waved back. Finally, Jordi ran passed Leo, who was getting ready to begin doing some reading for school. He stopped, raised his banded wrist, and watched as Leo did the same. Jordi ran off back to his bed, and Leo walked over to a couch by the windows, and sat down to read, because it was a beautiful day.

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