The Letter

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To whom it may concern,

That's the correct way of addressing someone when you don't really know who they are. But maybe that doesn't matter so much, because this letter, is really about who we are. Aristotle said that knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom. So here's what we know so far. We're people who're coming to terms with who we used to be. And trying to figure out where we're going. And who we're going there with. Sorry, whom. Which brings us to the point of this embarrassingly earnest letter. Nurse Jackson.

I'm the first to admit that Nurse Jackson can be a pain in the ass. She's bossy, insulting, and her taste in footwear is highly questionable. But, the truth is, we need her. And thogu hshe may not admit it, she needs us. So please let her come back. Because if there's one thing we've definitely about ourselves, in our limited time on this earth, it's that you have to know when enough is enough.


The Red Band Society.

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