Apartment 5C

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A/N: Hey guys!!!! :) SO, I decided to start dedicating my chapters. I'll do this kinda randomly, cuz I try to update pretty often. So, this chapter I wanted to dedicate to teamrhys, who is an incredible  author who wrote "Moon Light on Snow"  which is my favorite by her. Feel free to check it out! I'm sure you'll love it as much as I did!


Dash sat in his room, his laptop resting on the arm of his couch. He scrolled through a list of names, trying to find anyone that could get him into the building. He turned to see Kara sitting down next to him. He rolled his eyes. She wouldn't take no for an answer. 

"What disease do you have that gets you on the organ donor list?" Kara said, her eyes imploring. Her head was propped up by her black sweater-clad arm, and she looked him in the eye. Her voice was light, but he saw that there was actually a seriousness to her question. "'Cause if we're competing for hearts, I need to know," she finished. There it was. She was actually nervous.

"First of all, if we were competing for anything, I would win," He answered. "Luckily for you, I have cystic fibrosis. I need lungs." He continued.

She stared at him, confused. "For what?"

He looked at her, trying to see if she was joking or not. "For the same reason you need lungs?" he said, a little confused.

"I repeat, for what?" Kara answered, and it was clear she was serious.

Dash couldn't believe she was serious. He slammed his laptop shut. "Okay, you know when you're screaming at a cheerleader for kicking too high, and she starts to cry, and snot runs down her face, and you could get her a Kleenex but you don't, cuz you don't care?" She nodded, so he continued. "Yeah, well, for me, my snot, it's like concrete. If it gets stuck, I can't breathe. If my mucus doesn't move, I drown to death."

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "Right, okay, so you're on the organ donor list, to which I'm not invited, which is reprehensible," She says, annoyed. She scoffed. "I mean, I walk two feet down sunset boulevard, and I automatically get on lists that don't even exist yet, but whatevs."

Dash just stared at her. He couldn't believe her. She was pathetic.

"The point is," she continued, "what am I doing wrong?"

He began to smile. She knew she was helpless.

"You must know something," She said, encouraging him to spill.

This gave him an idea. She might be just what he needed.

"I know  lots of things," he stated simply, and continued. "And, clearly, you know lots of things."

"Meaning what?" She asked.

"Meaning, I could help you, but first you're gonna need to help me."

"Ugh, fine, whatever," She said, annoyed. "What is it?"

He opened his laptop and turned it around so the screen faced her. "This is a list of residents that live at 10504 Wilshire Boulevard. It's luxury condominiums. Do you know anyone on this list?"

"That depends. Is this like, a grassy knoll situation?"

"I need to get into the building. If you can get me in, we can continue this conversation."

Kara turned on the attitude. "So that's how this works."

He nodded. "That's how this works." 


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