The Roof Party

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Leo reached the roof first, smiling at what had been set up. "Wow."

"Oh, yeah..." came Dash's approval from behind him. One by one everyone climbed up onto the roof. On said roof, there was a carpet, table, chairs, and couches. It was all lit up by strings of party lights.

Soon enough, the party was in full swing. Somehow, Jordi ended up with a guitar, and started singing. Dash joined in, much to the amusement of Leo and Emma. Even Kara eventually was smiling. Alex on the other hand, was at the railing of the roof, looking out on the city. She would occasionally turn around to face the others with a bright smile, but stayed apart from them. She wouldn't join them, but she wasn't uncomfortable. She had a look on her face like she was trying to memorize the moment. Her bright, wide eyes stared at everything, soaking up everything. She listened intently to the noises of the city and the sounds coming from her new friends.

Lter in the evening, Leo called everyone together. "Guys, I've been holding onto these for a while and it's time to let them go." He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a lot of hospital bands. "This is from my first trip to the ER. I met Dash that night. He kept playing dead and freaking out all the nurses." Everyone laughed, picturing it. Leo handed Dash the band. "Emma, this is from my first surgery. I want you to wear it, to protect you."

"Thanks, Leo."

"Kara, my skin graft-"

"Ugh! Eww! TMI."

"Cause I believe, like skin, there are layers to you that are yet to be revealed."

"Alex, this band is from my second trip to the ER. It was there that I had a chance to learn more about my cancer. I learned how the odds were stacked against me. I want you to have it, to remind you and everyone you meet that you're a fighter."

"And Jordi? This is the most important one of all. This is from my big surgery. I want you to know're not alone."

Jordi met his eyes. "Thanks, Leo."

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."


After the party, Alex walked down the halls of the hospital, looking at the new life she'd been given by coming here. She passed Dash and Kara hanging out in Dash's room, dancing and laughing. Emma was in Jordi's room, and they were slow dancing. She stopped and watched, but decided not to interrupt them. At last, she stopped at Kara's room. Leo was in it, talking to me. She stopped and watched as Leo talked to me, confused. Before he left, he gave me a red band. Alex watched, curiously, and walked over the nurses' station.

"Who's that boy in Kara's room?" she asked the nurses, looking at the room Leo just left.

"That," Nurse Jackson said admiringly, "is Charlie Hutchinson. He's our resident coma patient." She smiled fondly.

"Oh," Alex said thoughtfully, staring at the boy. She turned from the nurse and walked into the room Leo had just walked out of.

"Hey," She said, when she reached my bed. "So, what's your deal? Everyone seems to know you. What's your story, Charlie Hutchinson?"

If I could've, I would've told this girl my whole story. Hopefully, in turn she would tell me hers.

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