Untitled Part 55

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Jordi sat on Alex's bed, the sunlight breaking through her wall of windows. Her back was to the light, so it surrounded her like a halo, like it was coming from her. She sat cross-legged, reading a book intently, completely lost in it. He watched how pieces of her wavy hair fell down and framed her face, her eyes following the words on the page and flicking back and forth quickly. 

She was so beautiful, but not in a glaringly obvious way. Like she was confident, but she didn't try to look pretty. She just was. 

Jordi smiled to himself, and leaned in towards her. he pulled her hair back lightly, and kissed her shoulder. Tilting her head up, she met his eyes and smiled. "What was that for?" she asked with a light laugh. 

Jordi chuckled. "I just thought you looked beautiful."

She blushed, and Jordi was in awe. He was surprised that he had any sort of an effect on this independent girl. He was really just happy that it was him she chose to be vulnerable with. 

He was stirred from his thoughts by Alex raising his arm over her head, and climbing into his lap. He draped his arms around her, and rested his chin on her head, just after kissing the top of it. After a few moments of sitting there in silence, Alex dropped the hem of his tee shirt that she had been playing with, and looked up at him. "You know," she started, "I love you, Jordi." 

He looked down at her, his eyes wide. "Um, what?" He said in shock. 

"I love you. I know that's kind of a ridiculous thing to say given our life circumstances, and that eventually it won't matter what I think because I'll be gone and eventually I will be forgotten from the course of history, but I'm sitting here telling you now that I love you." 

The only thing Jordi could think to do was kiss her. She opened up to him, as she always did when he kissed her, as he tightened his arms around her, trying to bring her even closer to him. As they began to slow down, he spoke in between kisses. "I am honored to be loved by you." 

She smiled, relieved. She knew that since the cancer spread, she wanted to tell him how she felt before she lost who she was. It almost didn't matter how he responded, she just needed to say it so he knew. 


Kara stared through Hunter's window, a look of worry etched across her face. Nurse Jackson saw her and came up beside her. 

"Those are his parents, right?" Kara asked, rushed. "They wouldn't have called his parents unless it was bad, right?" 

"Calm down, Kara," Nurse Jackson  said in her firm, yet soothing voice. 

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Kara's voice broke. "Just tell me that he's gonna be okay."

"People with liver failure have an increased risk of infection." Kara's eyes went wide at the news. "That's all I can tell you," Nurse Jackson finished, looking at Kara's reaction warily. "Now go back to your room, you need your rest too." 

"What?" Kara asked in shock. "No! I'm staying here. I wanna see everything." 

"I said," Nurse Jackson repeated, her voice getting more stern, "it's late, and you're obviously upset." 

"Oh, is this bad for my heart?" Kara snapped sarcastically. 

"Well, in this case, it's a sign that it's functioning normally." She made her way over to the wall Kara was leaning against and stood there next to her. "Do you remember what I told you this morning?" she asked. 

"I shouldn't have sex, because I'll have a heart attack and die," Kara sassed. 

"No, I said you're going to get hurt. My job is to protect your heart, Kara. In every possible way." 

They stood and stared at Hunter's room together, as a few tears rolled down Kara's cheeks. No one said anything after that, and though the day moved into night, Kara could only stare at the bed that held the only boy who'd ever had an effect on her in this way. 

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