Disguising Rights

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Leo wheeled off after Emma's retreating figure, and Alex leaned back in her café chair, and sighed. Who knew life in a hospital would be so complicated. After a few minutes, she stood, and made her way to her room. She walked in, ignored Jordi's "hey," and flopped down on  her bed. She lay there, her arms spread to the edges of the mattress, and stared up at the ceiling.

Jordi stared at her, and watched her expression grow from distracted to contemplative.

"We need to do something with this ceiling. It's the only thing in this room left looking like a hospital. When you're trying to distract yourself from your life, it's seriously annoying."

Jordi smiled at her. She turned her head and smiled back. "I'm serious. Everybody forgets about the ceiling. It's not right to rob it of it's right to be disguised."

Jordi smiled, but his expression turned confused. "It's right to be disguised?"

  "Yep," She said turning her head back to the ceiling in question. "The very same one that everything else in the world has."

Still a little confused, Jordi smiled at the ceiling, deciding that it was another one of those things that wasn't supposed to be completely understood. Alex was very good at pointing those things out.


"What do you  think?" Brittany asked, as she turned in front of Emma's full length mirror, dressed in a very  pink dress. Emma sat on her bed, distracted. After seeing Leo with Alex, it was all her mind seemed to want to think about.

"Hello, Emma, what do you think?"

Emma snapped back to reality, and was surprised as she took in Brittany's dress. "Wow. It's...It's pink."

"Too much pink?" Brittany asked, studying her reflection.

Emma came over to her, and stood next to her, staring at both their reflections in the mirror. "It's kind of like looking at the sun. Every time I blink, I see spots."

Brittany smiled brightly, matching her dress. Put the two together, and she was blinding.

She giggled. "I love homecomings, don't you?"

Emma began to walk back towards her bed. "I wouldn't know. I 've never been."

Brittany's expression turned confused, and her smile faded, the brightness backing off.

"This might come as a shock to you, but I wasn't exactly popular at my high school."

"Well, that does come as a shock to me. I couldn't imagine anyone not liking you."  

"Yeah, well, lucky me, I don't have to imagine it. I lived it, on a daily basis."

"And are things better here?" Brittany asked, tentatively.

"Yes, definitely. Much better." Emma reassured her.

Suddenly, Brittany's face contorted in excitement. "Ooh!"

"What is happening to your face?" Emma said, laughing.

"I am having a light bulb moment! You should come to homecoming with me!" Brittany said excitedly, the brightness blinding again.

"Hard pass!" Emma said with a smile. "I'd much rather stay here and stare at the walls."

"That's what I'm worried about," Brittany said, turning serious. "I'm afraid that you're getting too comfortable in the hospital. And sooner or later, you're going to have to get back out there. This could be a great way to ease back into the school scene." Brittany said with a reassuring smile.

"Going to a dance where I wouldn't know a single soul?" Emma asked, questioning Brittany's logic.

"You'll know Kara."

Emma stared at her, now questioning her sanity.

"You'll know me," Brittany gently reminded her.

Emma still wasn't going along with the idea.

"I really think it would be good for you," Brittany said, encouraging her.

"Wait. Do you  have any medical statistics to back this up?" Emma said, smiling.

"I'm not saying this as your nurse. I'm saying this as your friend. "

"I'm guessing I don't have much choice in this?" Emma asked, giving up.


Emma gets a chance to exercise her disguising rights, dressing up and attending this dance. Wonder how she'll cover herself.

By the way, weirdest trio ever. A nurse, an anorexic, and a cheerleader. This is going to be one  heck of a homecoming.


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