To Charlie

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Dash stood on the roof, looking out over the cityscape, staring at the new addition. "Since when do we group text?" Kara's voice rang out. Dash turned to look at her, and saw Alex behind her, rolling her eyes. He shot her a smile, knowing she would appreciate his work.
Kara joined him at the railing, and that's when she got it. "Ohhh."

"What's going on? Why are we gathering?" Jordi called out, as he joined them on the roof. Alex shrugged, and Dash called back, "I don't know, but Leo said it was important."

Emma stalked into the roof, and dropped off a case of beer. Leo came up behind her, and she quickly moved away, ignoring the look he gave her.

"Charlie is being moved."
There was a slight gasp throughout the group, and the spell was broken as Kara exclaimed, "wait, does this mean I get my own room?" Emma shot her a look. "A question for another time."

Everyone grabbed their beers and Leo raised his to the sky. "To Charlie."

"To Charlie," everyone called back, and the sound of glass hitting glass filled the air.

Jordi stared at Alex from across the circle, and followed her as she made her way over to the railing, staring out at the city below them. "Woah," Alex called out, as she noticed the graffiti. "That's sick!"

Jordi's eyes widened as his eyes landed on the colorful masterpiece. Leo came up behind him, and had a similar reaction. "That wasn't there yesterday."

"Yeah, it just appeared," Dash replied, and Alex noticed the look he shared with Kara. She frowned, confused.

"It's beautiful," Emma said quietly.

Alex's eyes stayed on Dash as he smiled, and she didn't realize Jordi's eyes on her.

One by one, they left, leaving Alex and Jordi. Alex staring out at the city, Jordi staring at her. Each staring at what they thought to be the most beautiful. Because that's what people do; they like looking at pleasing things, trying to soak in the beauty through their eager eyes.

Alex sighed as the breeze played with her hair and blew on her upturned face as she stared at the sky full of stars. "Look at it. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in your whole life?" She turned to look at him, her eyes sparkling brighter than any star in the sky.
"It's just stars," Jordi replied, quietly. He was sick of missing whatever she saw, he constantly felt on the out, like she was operating on a whole other level than everyone else. A level he would do anything to get on.

"Jordi, I'm not talking about the stars. Yeah, they're a part of it, but I'm not talking about the stars. Im talking about the moment." He could only stare, captivated by this information, no matter how confusing it was. "This moment, right here, this city, all the lights, both natural and man-made, you and me, the fact that we're standing here, living, a part of this, that's what's beautiful."

He came closer to the edge, and stared, trying to see what she saw. "I can't see it." Alex smiled sadly and slowly wound her fingers with his. This small movement face Jordi all the incentive he needed. "You're too distracting," he said quietly.  

Alex threw her head back in laughter, and Jordi fell in love with the sound; fell in love with the moment. He knew they didn't have many left, so he wanted to make the most of it.

Alex looked at him and smiled, and Jordi, caught up in the moment, reacted.

He dropped his head, and his lips met hers;  the effect was nothing short of earth shattering.

Alex, caught of guard, didn't move at first, but she eventually leaned into him, deepening the kiss, enjoying the friction between their lips.

Eventually they broke apart, breathing heavily. For once, Alex said nothing, and Jordi grinned, knowing he was the cause. "What no words of wisdom?" He asked, jokingly. Alex just rolled her eyes and smiled, wrapping her arms around his frame, burying her face into his chest. He smiled down at her, and they stood enjoying the night in each other's arms.

A/N: Hey guys! So, super sorry about taking forever to update, I've been going through somethings, and trying to figure out some stuff. Sorry the update is a little short, I promise to have more coming very soon. I promise :). Thanks for all the support and hanging around :) So sorry about the awkward writing in this, writing that kiss felt a little off :/ please tell me your opinion on it, so I can better my writing :) Please vote or comment, I love hearing from you guys :)
Nez ❤️

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