Something Wrong Part 2

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"Emma!" Leo shouted, walking into her room. Emma looked up quickly, and he could tell that she wished she hadn't.

"What do you want, Leo?"

"Emma, you're being ridiculous. And frankly, kind of selfish!"

"What are you talking about?"

When Leo hesitated, she got very irritated."Who do you think you are, coming in here and yelling at me? You didn't even give me a chance to explain anything! Not that I would, I don't know what the heck you're talking about!" She stared at him, angrily. "So, what is it? What did I do?"

"You're sick," Leo said, looking down at the suddenly interesting floor.


"You're sick," Leo repeated, loudly. "You're sick, and you don't care!"

Emma stared at him shocked, eyes wide.

"You don't care, and you don't understand what you're doing to yourself! You're a hypocrite and your selfish! You're willing to let your sickness control you, and you don't care about the consequences. You're reckless," Leo finished.

Emma stared at the ground, insulted and confused. She didn't want to do with this, she didn't want to deal with it. She honestly had no idea where this was coming from, and Leo had said some pretty mean stuff. He'd never been so openly against her before, and she could feel her anger bubbling to the surface, rushing out of her. "Leo, you don't get to tell me about my sickness! Are you suffering from Anorexia? Didn't think so! I'm trying to get better, I listen to what they tell me, I try! But this isn't your fight, so don't tell me how to fight it!"

She thought she'd shut him up, as usual, but this time, it was different, and she couldn't have guessed his reaction.

"But that's the problem! You don't do what they say! You're all an act! Day after day, you pretend to try. You pretend you're getting better, but you can only fake it for so long. Brittany, Nurse Jackson, your other doctors? They're not stupid! The charts don't lie, and even I can read them! They will know that you're lying. You haven't gained a pound, if you're even staying the same! Except that doesn't matter to you, does it?! It doesn't matter all the time, effort, and money your parents, doctors, and nurses have put into your life. It only matters if you can lose a few more pounds!"

Emma started to scream at him that he didn't understand, and that he had no right to say that to her, but he cut her off before she could get anything out.

"No! Save it, Emma. I'm done waiting for you to wake up and realize you can't keep this up. I can't believe I've been wasting time on a self-annihilating, hypocritical selfish girl!"

She wanted to scream at him, but he left the room as fast as he could, leaving Emma more alone than ever.

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