Thought You Knew

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Dr. McAndrew looked up to see Dr. Grace walking into the break room. He angrily scooped coffee grounds into the machine, refusing to look at her. "Careful, I think that's decaf," she joked. When he didn't reply, she asked," Is something wrong?" 

"What could possibly be wrong?" He spat. 

"Your tone, your tone definitely implies something's wrong."

"I mean, admittedly, its not as sweet as 'I miss you Adam' but it'll have to do," he said angrily, finally looking at her. 

"I didn't mean--" 

"Of course not, just like you didn't mean to blindside me with Yosemite Sam," he cut her off, sarcastically. "I mean parading your new boyfriend in front of your old boyfriend just to make him jealous, that seems beneath you." 

Erin stared at him in shock.  "Wow," she finally said. "I'm surprised. But maybe I shouldn't be, because this is you, the real you, childish, completely full of yourself?" 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"It means that you broke up with me! Do you remember that? Does that ring any bells with you?" Erin stressed. "And that it took me a whole year to get over you? A year of living in Africa among famine and disease, and now I'm supposed to feel bad about moving on?" She stared at him, but he remained silent. "Come on. You're really good with kids, but that's because you don't want to grow up, and be committed to anyone or anything."

"I don't wanna be committed?" Dr. McAndrew finally said, angry. "Who's the one that went to Africa? I'm still here, I haven't left! What was I supposed to do, pack up all my stuff and go with you?" 

"Yeah, because no guy would ever do that," she sassed, grabbing her things. "I shouldn't have to give up my dreams for the incredible honor of being 'in a relationship' with you on facebook." Dr. McAndrew rolled his eyes. "Three years. Three year we were together and not once did you mention marriage. But that's totally fine with me, because it's just not who you are. Lesson learned." 

Dr. McAndrew stared at her retreating figure, too angry, too hurt for words. 


Leo shuffled into Emma's room, holding a shiny box with a bow on it. "I wanted to give you this," he said, offering her the box. 

"Why thank you," Emma said with a smile. At least he was trying, she didn't think she deserved someone so sweet. 

"It's my way of saying I'm in, and together we'll get through this." She opened the box, and her smile vanished. It was a box of chocolates. 

Just eat it, she told herself. Just smile and eat it. Chew and swallow. She knew as she stared at it she wasn't going to. She couldn't keep pretending, not even for him. "You do understand that I'm anorexic, right?" She asked, in disbelief. How could someone be so blind? "Like, do you get that, on any level?" 

"Get what, hang on, I don't understand," Leo said with a nervous smile. 

"I'm not gonna eat a box of freakin chocolates," she snapped, hanging him back the gift. 

"I thought you were better," he stressed. "I thought they were talking about sending you home--" 

"I'm not better," she cut him off. "Okay? I'm not better." She could feel tears of anger and relief forming in her eyes. "And I keep waiting for someone to figure that out, and they don't!" Emma shouted, throwing her hands about wildly. "I mean, of course they don't. Because as long as I say the right thing, and act the right way, they're happy. Because that means that they cured me, right?" Emma spat. All of her anger and frustration boiled up inside her ready to explode, as it always felt whenever she successfully fooled another person into thinking she was okay. Except this time, she finally let it out. 

"It's like when I eat in front of you," she continued, "You get so proud, like you're some type of hero, like you fixed me!" 

"Emma, I never wanted to fix you," Leo stressed. "I just--" 

Emma cut him off. "You wanted me to be normal, I know. But I'm not, and I'm never gonna be!" 

"Don't say that. Emma I know you and this--" 

"No you don't. I keep thinking that you do Leo, but you don't." She took a deep breath, with tears welling in her eyes, and said, "You never have, and you never will." 

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