Moms on a Mission

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"Who are they?" Alex asked, walking into Emma's room and sitting at the foot of her bed. Emma looked up from her book at the two women that had waved at her when they'd passed.

"Oh, those are Kara's moms."

"How do you know them?" Alex asked, surprised. It wasn't exactly a secret how Kara and Emma felt about eachother.

"I tried talking to them for Kara," Emma said, going back to her book.

"Why can't Kara talked to her own moms?" Alex asked, confused.

"Apparently, they don't listen to her, and only care about her when it benefits them, so I tried to talk some sense into them."

"Wow. Wait. Why? You don't even like Kara, why do you care how her moms are treating her?"

"You don't? I mean, nobody shoud be treated like that. And it shows that Kara actually might be human," Emma said.

"You skinny bit*h!" Kara called, storming into Emma's room.

"Hello to you too," Emma said to Kara cooly.

"You might want to rethink that assumption of her humanity," Alex said from Emma's bed.

Kara turned on the girl. "What are you doing here?" She asked Alex, sassily.

"I could ask you the same question," Alex said, "but I won't because I don't really care."

"Stay out of this," Kara said, shooting a look at the girl on the bed and whirling back towards Emma.

"I expected my cheer squad to stab me in the back because they were raised by wolves, but I didn't expect this from you."

"Once again, I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about my moms' newest obsession."


"No, you."

"She keeps going on about how perfect you are, and that I should strive to be more like you. She actually used the word strive. Which makes me want to gag. Hey, I wanna gag. I'm already more like you."

"Well, I'm not bulimic."

"Same difference. Most girls I know would kill for an eating disorder."

"And most girls I know would kill you."

From her place on Emma's bed, Alex whistled. "Dang."

Kara's head snapped up to where the girl was sitting. "I thought I told you to stay out of this?" she said, icily.

"And I thought I made it quite clear that I don't take orders from someone so low, but since you continue to try to, I guess we were both wrong."

Kara scoffed, and walked, slowly, to Emma's couch, and sat, defeated.

"Look, I'm sorry alright?"

"I'm not!" Alex said, without looking up form the magazine she was reading absentmindedly. When there was a long moment of silence, Alex looked up, realizing both girls were staring at her. She sighed, closed the magazine and stood up. "Look, Kara. I just don't understand why you have such a hard time admitting that you actually might have a problem in your perfect life. I mean, besides the potential heart failure." Alex crossed the room. "I get not wanting to show weakness and all that, but you seem to forget where you are. You're in a hospital. This isn't your Beverly Hills. This place is teeming with people's life problems. They come here to get them fixed. Fix your problems. There's no better time." Alex finished as she walked out the door.

"Honestly, Kara, I was just trying to get your moms' to listen to you." Emma said, turning back towards Kara.

"Well she's never going to change. Alex preaches about fixing my problems, but I can't if my moms won't pay attention to me. I get that that makes me sound like a self-centered brat, but they are my moms."

"I get it, I really do," Emma said. "And your moms may never change, but you can. This morning you opened up a bit, and honestly, it made me see you a little differently."

"Like, more beautiful?"

"Inside. I used to think that your soul was black. But now it's more of a charcoal grey. And that may be why Alex is so hard on you. She doesn't believe that you actually are a genuine person deep down." Emma said, smiling. "My point is, you can change your relationship with your moms, too."

"Yeah, right."

"Well, try being honest with her about how you feel. Try telling Daniella one true thing about yourself."

"Daniella is not my mom. She's my nanny turned evil step-monster."

"Really? I thought..."


"Never mind."

"Say it.

"Never mind."

Kara turned and stalked out of the room. She walked into her room, and found her moms there, and a few minutes later, in walked Alex.

"What're you doing here?!" Kara said, unhappy.

"I'm just here to see Charlie," Alex said, reassuring her.

"Who is this?" Kara's moms said. They approached the girls, giving Alex a once over. "Is this one of your friends, Kara? You should introduce us," they said, nudging Kara.

"This is Alex. And we are not friends."

Apparently, Kara's moms didn't hear that last sentence.

"Well, Alex, what can we do for you?"

"Actually, I'm not here for Kara. I'm here for Charlie," she said, gesturing towards me.

"Oh. Gorgeous and kind to the less fortunate. I like her. Kara, you should make friends with this girl. She could be great for #HeartandSoul. "

Ouch. Not gonna lie, that hurt.

"Charlie isn't charity," Alex said, speaking up before Kara could. "And he isn't less fortunate than me."

"Ugh. Oh my gosh. Can you take the attention off of yourself for one second?!" Kara said.

"Kara, remember what we said. Make friends. She could be just what you need. This girl, and that other one with the dainty chapeau."

"Wow." Alex said, disgusted. Kara's moms' heads snapped up from their phones and faced her. "I am not what Kara needs. Emma is not what Kara needs. Kara doesn't need any marketing thing you're planning. She needs you guys. Her moms. She just needs support. Support that doesn't come from a hashtag. She just wants you guys to be her mothers, and not her agents." She turned and began to walk out. "Love your daughter."

She walked out, and Kara followed her, leaving her moms speechless.

"Why did you do that?" she asked Alex.

"Everyone deserves to be loved." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Kara standing, just as speechless as her moms.

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