💗How you meet 💗

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Bugs: You were busy out tending to your carrot garden. You spent a lot of time and effort on it and it was the nicest for miles around. You didn't realise someone was there munching at one of them.

"Eh, what's up, doc? " you heard a voice say.

you quickly looked around, shocked at the thought that there was someone there. "Who's there?" You said, frantically. You looked round to see a grey rabbit standing there, nibbling on carrot that looked like it was from your patch.

"Only little old me" he said with a lazy smile.

"Is that one of my carrots?" You asked .

 "Could be, might not be though "

You frowned. "Is it really that hard to give a simple yes or no answer? 

"Hey, I'm a rabbit! I can't see carrots and just leave them, can i?"

 " Still stealing though, besides, you could've just asked "

His eyes twinkled when you said this. "Really? You would've given me some?"

" Sure, why not? Take another, but please don't steal" you smiled sweetly.

"Thanks! Uh, can I take another one as well? For the road?"

" Be my guest" 

 "Thanks, doc" he smiled as he left.

You shook your head and smiled as you went back to tending your garden. He was weird, but very cute.

Daffy: "I'm not going Bugs, I don't wanna" you argued as your friend grabbed you by the hand.

 "This isn't still about me eating the last slice of carrot cake, is it?" 

" You can be so annoying sometimes" you huffed.

 "(y/n), I got tickets so we're going! " Bugs retaliated. He had tickets to see baseball and you weren't at all excited.


 "Oh snap out of it (y/n)! Lola will be there and so will Daffy"

You had never actually met Daffy yet but Bugs recalled tales to you of the little black duck all the time.

 "Alright then" you rolled your eyes.

 "That's the spirit!"

 You made it to the stadium and looked around at the place. Well this was a nice way to waste your time.

 "Come on, here are our seats, oh, go Lola!" Bugs smiled and embraced Lola as he sat down.

"Hey bun-bun! Hi ( y/n)!"

"Hey Lola" you sulked. "Where's Daffy?" You asked .

 "Oh, he hasn't arrived yet"

 " Alright " you replied as you sat down. You waited for about ten minutes before he came. He was a little black duck, just as Bugs had described to you.

"Daffy, where were you?" Asked Bugs.

 "I was being fashionably late" he replied, sassily.

You looked over at him. Interesting. You knew Bugs was more interesting, he actually DID something with his life, for a start, and Daffy was just like any other narcissistic jerk, but you were oddly intrigued.

"Uugh" Bugs grunted. "I'm going to get a hotdog" 

"Ooh, I'll come with you!" Said Lola, getting up.

"Anyone else wanna come?"

" nuh uh" you shook your head.

"I'm good" said Daffy, folding his arms.

"Alright then, suit yourselves" Bugs and Lola left to go get hotdogs and you were stuck with Daffy.

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