🍦He asks you out 🍦

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Bugs: You had soon become friends with the rabbit and you found how sharp he was and interesting. He was truly a one of a kind and you found yourself catching feelings for him like he already had for you. He was at your house one afternoon and you were letting him try your new recipe for carrot cake and it seems like it was already a big hit with him.

 "So, what do you think?" You smiled eagerly as you waited for his reaction.

 "It's...mmmm! Delicious! Where did you get this recipe? Did it fall down from heaven?" He said as he tucked in to the lovely treat you had baked last night.

 "No, it's my grandmother's recipe, I always loved it"

 "Well I'm glad you could share it with me! That is tasty!" He grinned widely as he started on his second slice.

You smiled contentedly as you saw your cooking was definitely appreciated. Just then, out of the blue, he didn't something very much spontaneous and unpredictable. He slid over to where you were sitting and scooched beside you, putting his arm around your shoulder.

 "Listen here, toots, you and I have known each other for a while now"

 "Well yes, I guess we have" you answered politely, not really seeing what his point was.

 "And in that time you have provided me with your leftover produce" he pointed to the small basket of carrots and carrot cake.

 "That is true"

 "Well now I think it's time I repay you, how does dinner sound? "

A smile formed on your face.  "Well, I'd say that would be perfect. Tonight?"

 " Yeah! "

 "Alright then, see you this evening" you smiled.

 "Great!" He exclaimed and ran out the door with his basket, looking like the Easter bunny to get ready for your date.

Daffy: You were watching tv one day. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, and you were determined to let nothing spoil it for you, but that was about to change. Your phone started ringing and it sounded urgent. You picked it up with a sigh and looked at it. It was Daffy's picture that appeared as you answered.

 "Hello?" You said, wondering what was wrong.

 " (y/n)! You have to get here, pronto! Bugs is in jail and I need you to bail him out! " you heard his hysterical voice on the other end.

"Out of jail? What's he in for?" You asked, you knew Bugs and you didn't see why he would be in jail.

"Well, he's...never mind! Just get over here!"

" But why can't you? Or Lola or Speedy? You know him better than me"


"Alright, alright" you quickly grabbed your purse and threw on your coat and were in your way to Bugs house. You finally made it and you quickly rapped on the door. The door opened to reveal the duck in question. "Daffy! Come on!" You grabbed him by the wing and dragged him, but he stood there firmly.  "Bugs is in jail! Aren't you coming? " you asked, wondering why he was acting like this now.

"Bugs isn't in jail" he confessed. Your eyes widened and you felt you were going to explode.  "WHAT? Then what am I DOING here?" You threw your arms about as you asked him this.

"Well" he nervously twiddled his thumbs. "Well?" You said, still waiting for an answer. " I actually called you round here for something else" your eyes rolled to the back of your head. "What is it?" He looked away as he asked you this. "Well...would you like to go out? With me? Of course it's fine if you don't "

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