❣After you meet (their pov) ❣

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Bugs: How sweet! I take a carrot outta her garden and she says I can have more! Amazing! Why can't there be more people like that, so kind and generous to rabbits instead of wanting to hunt us! Some people I know could really take a leaf outta her book. What a wonderful girl! I gotta know her name. and more about her, she's so interesting, it's intriguing to meet someone so genuinely kind rather than just thinking they're smart in trying to trap me.

Daffy: yeesh, what boring game that was. Why did I even have to go? Eh. I wonder who that girl was Bugs and Lola had with them. She didn't seem so bad, unexpectedly polite even. plus she smiled at me, better than what most folks do. You know, It wouldn't be such a bad thing if I were to run into her again.

Porky: M-m -my! What a dear that girl serving me w-was! So p-p-patient and considerate and really t-took her t-time! Now she's the k-kind of girl I'd h-hh-i-i employ if ran a business. Helpful t-too and g-gentle! If I had any c-c-co-u, nerve I'd ask her out.

Speedy: Who was that one senorita and why haven't I seen her in here before? She seemed to enjoy and appreciate the place, or did she? did she find my service alright? Did she like the decor? Oh well, wouldn't be the first time I've found myself dreaming about a pretty girl and probably won't be the last. I hope she will return one day though...

Yosemite Sam: Phew! Well I'm glad to get THAT off my chest. Pesky rabbit. Good thing that waitress girl got to close up, no one else would've really had the patience, y'know. How thoughtful of her! No one ever takes the time to listen to me, the heck with most of them anyway. She wasn't half bad looking either, quite pretty even. You know, I can see myself returning to that saloon pretty soon.

Elmer: Well that was howwibwe. I didn't mean to scare the poor wittwe wady, I just wanted to catch a wabbit. She seemed a sweet kid and didn't hold a gwudge against me, so I hope she had a gweat day with her photogwaphy. Gee, I wonder if I could make it up to her somehow?

Foghorn: Well that sure was mighty kind of me to help that girl in the store today. who knows what might've happened, had I not been there? She wouldn't, I say, she wouldn't have got her cookies! She was, i say she was the finest damsel in distress I've ever come across, prettiest too. I just hope, I say, I hope she calls me, what if she doesn't? Nah, who could resist the old Foghorn leghorn charm?I didn't even catch her name. Oh well.

Pepe: what a friendly little mademosiselle I just met at ze florist. Ah, such a stunning and elegant young lady, charming and considerate and with a smile that could light up a dark room. I hope my date will be as charming as she was.

Marvin: My, how interfering that earthling was! Such and arrogant and foolish girl. Attractive females such as herself think they can go around and expect everyone to bend at their will, but not me! I am a martian! I shall not become subject to an evil siren such as her!

Wile E: Hmm, my neighbour seems to be a smart creature. I can't believe I've never noticed her before. She takes an interest in my genius though and that's something no one else does! Such a fascinating and fine specimen, I can't wait to see her, er, her garden again.

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