🐱 Sylvester boyfriend scenarios 🐱

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Requested by @CutieDander, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

How you meet: It was during one of granny's detective cases that you met the tom cat. She had been called over to (y/c) to investigate the strange disappearance of your owner. You lived in a huge and wealthy house, but you didn't get out all that much. The old lady got about her usual business in uncovering crimes, searching for clues, asking questions from police and neighbours, and that gave the cat a chance to once again try and catch that poor little Tweety bird.

"Sylvester!" She shouted and lifted him by the scruff of his neck. "Leave poor Tweety bird alone! Why don't you go check on the cat that she left behind?"

"Cat?" Asked Sylvester.

"When dat wich wady weft, she weft behind her pwized cat, (y/n)" Tweety explained.

Sylvester shrugged and decided to go check out what they were talking about, and he was NOT disappointed.

"SUFFERINGSUCCOTASH!" He gasped as he entered the house and saw you sitting there forlorn and deep in thought as you were missing your owner.

"Well, helloooo there, Miss (y/n)" He slid over to you with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, hi" You smiled politely at him. "And who are you?"

"i'm Sylvester"

"Oh, you're granny's pet, aren't you? The great detective?"

"Uh huh" He shook his head.

"Whaddya say we get out of here for a bit? You know, get a chance to talk about it?"

"I'm not really in the mood" You sighed.

"Aww, come on"

"Well, if you insist" 

You left the mansion with him and you got a chance to talk about your concerns as to what would happen to you if your owner wasn't found. You immediately liked him. He was weird, goofy and silly, but he listened to you, unless Tweety was around.  He was dying to ask you out, but what would he do about your whole situation? The distance between you? Your missing owner? He'd just to wait and see.

After you meet (his pov): Whew! When i came here on this investigation, i had no idea that that millionaire would have such a beeaautiiful and cool pet! (y/n) is so great! i would love to get to know her better, and she really likes me as well, but what am i gonna do about this? We'll just enjoy our time together until Granny finds out whats really going on here.

Second meeting: You and Sylvester had gotten to know each other really well in the time that he was staying here, and you had both fallen deeply in love with each other. Only trouble was that Granny had discovered that your owner's disappearance was a huge insurance scam and she was also involved in other illegal activities under a new name and was now going to jail  You were sad cos you didn't know what would happen to you now.

"Gee, so i guess this is the end?" He said sadly as you saw him off at the airport.

"Yeah, i guess so" You sighed.

"So what'll happen to you now?" He asked in concern.

"I don't know" You confessed. "I think I'll be taken into a home for pets until someone adopts me"

"I bet you'll miss that big house, huh?" 

"Eh, not really it's kinda stuffy, to be honest, I'd rather i could live like you, travelling and having adventures" You smiled.

"You would?" He asked in  confusion.

"Yeah! I would love to! It'd be fun!"

A lightbulb appeared above his head when you said this. "Why don't you come with us?"


"Yeah! We'd be together! what do you say?"

"I-i don't know. I don't know if I'd be welcome"

"Sure you would! Come on!"

"No, really i can't" you turned away and walked off. "I'm sorry"

He watched back at you with tears in his eyes, and was about to run after you, but Granny called and he had to go.

"Sylvester! We're going to be late! We can't miss this flight! Come on!" She cried out and he sighed and unwillingly dragged himself onto the plane. He sat there on the plane, looking out the window, thinking of you.

"Cheer up, Sylvester" Smiled Granny. "You'll find someone else"

but he didn't want to find someone else, he wanted to be with you, he even could've sworn that he saw you outsi...wait a moment! As he stared out the window, he saw you sitting there on the wing of the plane and he gasped for joy!

You decided to make the big choice to come with him in the end and as you both placed your paws on the window, you knew it was for real.

He asks you out: You two were now together and very clearly and deeply in love, and so it was a no-brainer for him to just ask you out.

"(y/n)" He said with a grin and slid closer to you.

"Yes?" You smiled back, not caring about him invading your personal space.

"We HAVE known each other for a while now..."

"We have that" You agreed, wondering what he was getting to.

"And we haven't even been on a proper date yet!"

"Yeah, i know"

"So what do you say? You and me together one evening?"

"that i wouldn't mind" You laughed softly.

"Great! Where will i know to pick you up?" He joked.

"You know where!" You laughed and nudged him.

First date: He took you out to his favourite alley to feed on whatever restaurants had thrown out. He was worried as you weren't used to this, but you didn't mind, you wanted to be just like him. You both watched the city lights together afterwards.

With a s/o taller than him: Not all that bothered unless someone *coughs, Tweety* were to laugh at him for this, but seriously, he secretly likes the security of it.

How he flirts: He'll be all up in your face to try and get your attention, trying classic romantics and gifts to try and win you over. He kinda embarrasses himself sometimes and makes Tweety and Hector cringe, but you just think he's being sweet.

What he calls you: Darling usually. Sometimes my angel when he's being sweet or baby when he's flirty.

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