💞How they flirt 💞

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Bugs: Bugs pours on a double dose of the charm when talking to you and is confident and smooth. He always knows what to say to make you blush and always knows how to properly  season his sentences with a little compliment here and there.

Daffy: The poor guy has literally no idea how to flirt or even how to be polite really. He just doesn't do it. He'll just try to impress you with some talk about himself though you always have to take everything he says with a pinch of salt...or a whole shaker full. It's the way he can make you laugh that gets you every time and he's glad for that.

Porky: He has literally no idea how to flirt and he's a little scared at the thought, so he makes up for it by just being polite, friendly and respectful, though he does stammer about how you beautiful you are sometimes.  He'll often end up a huge blushing mess when talking to you but you find that adorable and lucky for him, his efforts are sometimes rewarded with a little kiss!

Speedy: Totally obvious when flirting. Of course, no one really took any notice of him as it's in his nature to be a flirt, but he toned it down with other girls to the point where it looked like he was only interested in you and you only. He's so generous with compliments and trust me, he's a pro at this, i mean he could literally roast you to oblivion in Spanish and still manage to steal your heart

Yosemite Sam: Unexpectedly smooth. He's subtle and polite and knows when to throw a compliment in here and there. He'd always kiss your hand when addressing you. The others, especially Bugs would tease him about it and that would probably lose his cool with them, but manages to quickly collect himself and calm down before he ruins his chances with you.

Elmer: He's terrible and very inexperienced with the whole flirting thing so he tries to avoid it. He's sorta awkward when talking to you and is bound to giggle his little laugh so he tries to flirt through actions as he doesn't know what to say. He'll usually bring you flowers, be polite and do favours for you to earn your affection though.

Foghorn: About as subtle as a sledgehammer. Would be constantly complimenting and making it as obvious as possible that he likes you. Massive on compliments and would constantly be trying to impress you and is always trying to get your attention. You think he does this with all the other girls so you just kinda shrug him off but you notice that he's only interested in making his way to you and only wants to be with you so you just go with it.

Pepe: Oh, we all know how this goes. He'll be in your face all the time, paws constantly on you and always comparing you to everything beautiful. Once you become the new object of his desire, you can expect him to be flirting in every way imaginable, through words, gestures, gifts and everything else he can think of. He doesn't care what your reaction is. Awkward? How cute! Taking it with humour? Oh, how he loves a girl with a sense of humour! You flirt back?!? YES just YES.

Marvin: The martian really isn't the best at this sort of thing, he's very old fashioned when it comes to dating but mostly a simp so he won't miss a chance to tell you you're beautiful, but his way of flirting is more just wanting to be with you everywhere, do things for you, invite you places and buy you things and maybe even blow up a planet or two if you really wanted?

Wile E: He's charming but definitely tends to ramble a bit. He's like Pepe when it comes to seduction, he knows what to say and isn't shy about telling you what he thinks of you, but isn't as handsy as the skunk. He'll constantly be telling others about how smart you are when you return affection and he'll constantly be trying his best to make you swoon and sigh. You've gotta  just go along with it and blush whenever he does so or he'll get a bit huffy and feel his efforts are wasted so if you like him then you definitely have to make it obvious.

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