🎶Giovanni Jones boyfriend scenarios🎶

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Requested by @NurFaiza07, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

How you meet: You were at one of his performances. You watched him in awe as he belted out the notes and made each one manage to sound so beautiful. You closed your eyes and just listened to his voice, taking in every word and melody. You smiled. This must be how heaven sounds.

The best part about it all was that you had a backstage pass, which meant the show wasn't over for you yet! You were actually getting to meet him! You took a deep breath as you opened the door and let yourself in. There were some fancy people there mingling, but you didn't take any notice of them. You then noticed the man in question and he was right over There!

You approached him, still thinking what to say to him. He noticed you too and gave you a small smile.

"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked you and your eyes lit up as he spoke.

"I loved it. It felt heavenly to finally see you live, Mr Jones. An exquisite performance as always"

He glowed with pride when you said these words. He liked you. You seemed normal. Not like an upper class snob, but not an obsessed fangirl either.

"Well thank You, dear. And what might your name be?"

"I'm (y/n)" you shook his hand as you introduced yourself politely.

You both started talking about his shows, performances, all things opera, and even a little about you!

He really liked you, but your taxi came and you had to run.

"Wait!" He called out after you, but it was no use. You couldn't hear him and so he was all alone again.

After you meet (his pov): I never thought I would see the day when I would find so kind, so down to earth and not an excitable obsessed girl. (Y/n) had class but was still approachable. Intelligent yet friendly. One of the most complex and interesting creatures I've ever come across, and I hang my head in defeat as I'll never see her again. I only hope that she will come to another of my performances.

Second meeting: A few months had passed since your encounter with your favourite tenor and managed to save up enough to see him again! You were mad with excitement at the thought, but you got a cheaper seat this time, and had no backstage pass. It didn't matter though because it was still good.

Seeing him again was just as magical as the first time as you could never tire of hearing his sweet voice. He looked all around the crowds, hoping to see you again, and he was caught off guard when he did spot you! He choked and the crowd gasped as they all judged him for this, but not you. He turned red with embarrassment and tried to sing again, but he still couldn't stop thinking of you all throughout his performance.

He asks you out: after the show, the only thing you could do was leave as there was nothing else there for you to do. You licked up your coat and got ready to depart, but as you were walking away, you felt someone grab your shoulder and you turned around. It was him.

"Oh, Mr Jones!" You grinned.

"Please, call me Giovanni" He said charmingly.

"What are you doing here? How'd you recognise me?"

"(Y/n), you left before I could get a chance to ask you something last time"

"What is it?" You asked.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to go out sometime with me"

Your eyes widened at this. "What? Really? Why?"

"You're the nicest and most normal fan I've ever had and I just want to know you better, so Please, just let me take you out somewhere. Please?" He asked hopefully. Of course you couldn't refuse! It was the moment you'd always dreamed of.

"Of course! I've gotta leave now, though. Got to wait for my taxi to arrive"

"Oh, don't worry about taxis, tonight you'll be going home in luxury" He smiled as he showed you to a limousine! You gasped and hopped in and were off! Tonight may even be more perfect than the last time.

First date: you went for a high class dinner together as you both like all that fancy stuff. You know, an expensive restaurant,  violins playing, and candlelit tables.

With a s/o taller than him: He's a little strange about it first cos he's pretty tall, but generally wouldn't care. He still thinks you're cute though 

How he flirts: He likes to leave gifts for you lying about for you to find. Boxes of chocolates, rings and other stuff 

What he calls you: Dear, darling. Sometimes melody.

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