🐈 Pete Puma boyfriend scenarios 🐈

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Requested by @PainterJuwel, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

How you meet: You ran a small coffee shop in town. Coffee is popular these days, so you were sure you were in the right business :) 

You were a little short staffed though, but you managed. You were wiping down the counter, when someone walked in...well, they would've if they'd opened the door right.

"Um, the sign says pull" You informed him as you allowed him in. It was a male puma, about your age, with a confused expression on his face.

"Gee, thanks, i gotta remember that" He scratched his head and entered.

"So, what can i get for you, sir?" You said with a smile as you went back behind the counter to serve this odd fellow.

"Uh, can i get one of those job things?" He enquired.

"Job? Oh, you must be here about the sign on the window?"

"Uh huh!" He giggled and shook his head. "I'm Pete" He introduced himself.

You didn't want to sound rude, but you didn't know if he was even capable of this. "Well, do you know how to make coffee?"

"Sure i do!"

"Alright, well make me a cappuccino" You asked, wanting to test his skills.

"Of course! Just one thing"

"What's that?" You smiled softly, arms folded and eyes closed.

"What's a cappuccino?"

Your eyes bolted wide open and the sound of glass could be heard shattering in the background. "Look" You sighed. "I'll run you through the basics" You offered politely and you demonstrated how to make a basic coffee. "Alright! So you got that?" You asked, drinking the cup you had just made.

"Got what?" He asked cluelessly.

You spat the hot drink everywhere and frowned, cream all over your face.

"You look funny!" He giggled and you resisted the urge to laugh along with him. "I'm honestly sorry, sir, but i really don't think you're up to the job" You wiped up the floor, your patience wearing thin now.

His eyes went wide and glassy and he burst into tears. "Oh please! I just have to!! I have nowhere else to turn!" He pleaded, and you were moved for a moment, but then he made this noise, this annoying screech that went through your very soul and you just, just...

"I need to sit down" You rested down on a chair and held your head.

"So is that a yes?" He giggled.

"I" you sighed. "I'll give you a try, but if you don't work out, then you know what that means"

"What does it mean?" 

"it means you'll get fired! Got it?"

"Uuuh, yes, ma'am" He gulped and ran off. What have you done?

After you meet: Yay!! A job! An actual job! Marvin was right about applying there, my new boss lady is so sweet and purdy!! I can't wait! Only problem is I'm gonna have to find how to make all these fancy coffees. I like coffee, it doesn't give me a headache, unlike tea.

Second meeting: Your second meeting was when he showed up on Monday for work. He was a little late; but you tried not to let that bother you.

"Good morning, Miss..." He squinted as he read your name tag. "(y/n)! I'm ready for work!" He beamed and did a sort of salute.

"Alright, well here's your first orders" You handed him some notes of orders.

"I'll get them all right! I promise! I stayed up all night watching youtube on how to make different coffees!" He stated proudly.

"Oh, cool"

"Yep! Did you know that cafe is French for coffee?" 

"I'm sure i had some idea" You rolled your eyes.

"It is?" Pepe said to himself as he sat a table with his coffee and a croissant.

"Well, get your apron on, it's serving time" You said as you both got down to serving customers.

He didn't get them all right as he had told you, but he wasn't as incompetent as you had put him down as. Maybe you had misjudged him? Plus he did make a good cup of coffee.

He asks you out: He had been working as a bistro here for a few months now, and he had improved, just a little? But it was his effort that surprised you, like, he was totally dumb, granted, but some things came easy for some and difficult for others, but the point was that he really tried, and you secretly digged that.

It was after work one evening that he approached you and asked you for a review of his work so far.

"Um, well, you're not exactly up to most standards" You confessed as you wanted to be honest. "But you do try, and i value that" You smiled and put your arm around him.

"Thank you! Do i impress you?' 

"Somewhat? In a weird way?"

"Can i ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Um, would you maybe like to go out? On a...date type thingy?"

What were you doing with your life? But the boy seemed sincere. "I guess? Sure, why not?' You smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Yipee!!!!!!!!!!!" He cheered and ran out, dancing and singing. He may have been weird but at least he was more genuine and caring than most guys.

First date: He took you to the pizzariba. You thought you two were going to be alone, but he had invited his friends, Marvin and Daffy along to meet you, cos he really liked you. Marvin was polite, if a bit nerdy and Daffy wasn't exactly easy to get on with, but Pete was on his best behaviour and and was ecstatic that you came with him tonight.

With a s/o taller than him: Not many others can claim to that, but he doesn't mind if you are. He likes to be held.

How he flirts: He doesn't. He honestly doesn't know how, but he just loves to show you he values and appreciates you in anyway he can.

What he calls you: Pretty, lovely, wonderful and any other nice word in his limited vocabulary.

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