🐷 Porky #1 🐷

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After you had agreed to go out with the little pig, you made sure to get ready for your date tonight. You didn't over-dress in anything too flashy as you weren't going anywhere fancy. He told you he enjoyed a little cooking himself and so he made you both dinner at his house.

He was even gentlemanly enough to pick you up after work to try and make the best impression that he possibly could.

You saw him standing there eagerly awaiting you in his little car and you rushed over to him and greeted him.

"Hey, Porky" You smiled at him, making his innocent heart flutter.

"G-good evening, m-m-miss (y/n)" He said a little more confidently than he felt.

"Shouldn't we be going?" You asked in anticipation.

"B-b-b-u-u-t of c-c-course" He opened the door for you like a true gentleman as you got in beside the little oinker as he hopped in himself and turned the key on. The car started choking black fumes and coughing it's exhaust up and he was starting to get worried but luckily for him it started and you were both off, putting the road and hills behind you. The car, sun and hills were singing from Porky's sheer ecstasy as he thought himself the luckiest critter alive to manage to bag himself a date with you. It was like nothing could go wrong for him.

He stopped outside a neat and cosy looking little house and once again opened the door for you to get out and opened the door of the quaint house for you to get in.

He really made you feel special, like a lady and you really felt you were going to enjoy your date tonight.

"Sit yourself -h-here, m-m-m'lady" He said softly as he pulled out a chair for you and sat you down at a table. "D-d-d-d-i-i, food will b-be h-here shortly" He smiled charmingly before making his way into the kitchen to prepare the meal. You gazed at him dreamily as the simp entered the kitchen, and although you didn't care that much for him first, he was really starting to grow on you.

He cheerfully hummed something to himself as he prepared the meal he was hopefully going to win your heart but that peace wasn't going to last for long. Whilst he was blissfully unaware of anything else that was going on, his crazy friend was now climbing through his window and was determined to cause trouble for him.

"Hey, Porky!" Giggled Daffy as he appeared behind Porky, giving him the shock of his life, though he should've been used to his antics by now.

"Aaagh!" He cried out in shock and dropped the roast he was holding. "Aagh! Quickly! Help me!" He cried out to his feathered friend as he frantically picked up his ruined dinner off of the floor. "f-five second r-r-rule! It s-still looks f-f-f-i-i...alright!"

"Yeesh, what's the panic?" Daffy sassed curiously.

"The p-p-panic is i h-have a d-dd-date!"

"Ooh!" Daffy smirked suggestivly. "Where is the little lady? What's her name? When can i meet her?" He nudged his friend in an annoying way.

"H-her name is (y/n), a-a-and she's h-here! w-w-we're having d-dinner and I'd l-like for you t-t-to leave! P-please!"

"Leave?" He said as his eyes were now filled with tears.

Now Porky felt guilty. "D-don't c-cry, please, D-d-Daffy" He tried his best to help him but then he got the distinct smell of something unpleasant, very unpleasant indeed.

"S-S-SMOKE!!! AAAGH! T-T-TH HOUSE IS ON F-FIRE!" He screamed in anguish as he saw that in all the madness, he had forgotten about the roast vegetables in the oven and the kitchen was now going up in flames.

"Oops!" Said Daffy, nonchalantly. "Time i wasn't here!" He said before escaping down the kitchen sink before roast duck became the main course.

"Porky? Are you ok? I heard a lot of noise in there?' You quizzed him as you opened the door to reveal the mess of a kitchen. Porky was standing there in the middle of it all, looking like he could cry.

"Porky, what happened?" You gasped.

He couldn't reply, only bursting out in streams of tears. You looked at him with tears in your own eyes and you knew just what to do.

"Porky...get me the phone" You stated boldly.

He looked at you and he sighed as he obeyed as he was certain he knew you were going to call for a taxi after this horrible date.


About an hour later, were both snuggling up on the couch and watching tv and eating.

"G-g-gee, (y/n), that s-s-su-re, was definitely a g-g-good id-dea of y-yours t-t-to order that takeaway" He smiled and put his stubby arm around you.

"Don't mention it. And thanks for splitting the bill" You beamed at him. "We'll get the kitchen cleaned later but lets just the end of this movie now" You said contentedly as you both cuddled and watched television together.

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