🌺With a s/o taller than them 🌺

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Requested by @NurFaiza07. I know this was requested almost a year ago but i honestly never had the time to get on it till now but i hope you like it!

Bugs: Bugs is a laidback guy, of course he doesn't mind! He's not the kind of guy to make a fuss whether a girl is taller than him or not unless you were to constantly make fun of him for it, then he would get annoyed but doesn't mind otherwise.

Daffy: He's already an insecure little weirdo as we all know so of course he's gonna have something of a complex, but just assure him that you don't mind at all and that you think he's cute and he'll see things in a different light.

Porky: Porky is a timid soul anyway so he's a little intimidated at first but once he sees that you find that adorable, he won't mind. He likes being small enough to cuddle with you anyway.

Speedy: Well he doesn't care at all considering pretty much everyone is taller than him! He will find it a little inconvenient at to jump on your hand to kiss you and stuff at times, but he knows it's worth it to be with someone like you!

Yosemite Sam: He's a little self conscious about that fact at first but will soon get used to it. He still gets angry and defensive if someone points that fact out in a mocking way though.

Elmer: Actually he thinks that's kinda cool, ngl. He likes being a little spoon ( ^ ᴗ ^ )ε^ )

Foghorn: He's surprised, he honestly is to find someone who is actually taller than him because not many can claim that fact. He isn't really used to that whole concept but he's good-humoured so will soon grow to accept that fact and even enjoy being with someone who can smother him with bear hugs instead of the other way round!

Pepe: He honestly couldn't care what height you are. Tall? More of you to love. Short? Well that's just adorable! Average? Perfection! But honestly, he just  loves you anyway.

Marvin: Is a short boi so chances are that you're probably taller than him. He likes being small enough to nuzzle up close to you and cuddle but would not be a fan of being teased about it and wouldn't hesitate to zap anyone who shamed him for that with his trusty laser gun.

Wile E: Is pretty tall so you must be pretty tall as well to be taller than him. He's definitely another guy to have a complex about that and would get embarrassed but would soon pick himself up. He'd constantly be trying to stand taller beside you so you look the same height but after much convincing from you, he doesn't think that much of it anymore.

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