🦆Daffy #1 🦆

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"Daffy, What the heck?" You exclaimed in horror and annoyance at the psycho motherducker.

"What?" He responded in equal annoyance because you were annoyed at him.

"What sort of a date is this?" You pulled your coat over yourself and shivered.

"What? You said you wanted a picnic on the beach and I'm giving you one! What's the issue?" He got louder and spat all over your face as he threw his arms about as he gave his speech.

You wiped your now wet face and frowned at him. "Yes but i didn't mean at midnight!" You answered in frustration as he thought he found the perfect spot.

"Daytime, nighttime, what's the difference?" He sassed and threw sand in your eyes.

"Light, dark, THAT'S WHAT!" You argued. "Uuugh, you sighed and emptied the contents of the basket. "At least we know the food is fine as it was I who packed it" You said as aggressively.

He was starting to feel a little guilty now and tried to cheer you up in case you decided to leave him on this sorry excuse for a date. "It isn't THAT bad, look, we got the whole place to ourselves"

You couldn't disagree with him there cos he actually did make a solid point.

"And your cooking is delicious" He said with wide eyes and fluttered his now long eyelashes at you, sweetly.

"I...guess so" You took the scowl off your face and crossed your arms as he pulled you closer.

"And just look at the view! You can't deny that's stunning!"

You really couldn't argue with him on this as it truly was lovely. A smile creeped on your face as you witnessed the beauty as the moon shined brightly and sparkled on the dark blue waves and a million stars lit up the dark sky.

"Alright, maybe it isn't totally insufferable" You rolled your eyes and smiled at his. His eyes sparkled as he was sure that you liked him now and that there would hopefully be more times like this together.

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