🐐Gabby goat boyfriend scenarios 🐐

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Requested by @MoonFurriesMetalhead, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

How you meet: You worked at your own spa. Business was generally good as you were one of the best out there, but business wasn't all that good today.

"Ughh" You groaned. "I'm so booored. If i do get one customer today then I'm gonna spoil them till they can't take it anymore"

And a customer was going to receive this treatment after all, for as you were saying this, a young goat walked in through the door. His face was boiling red from anger, he was shaking from frustration and steam was coming out of his ears. "Woah" You looked at him. He could definitely do with a good massage 

"Just gimme the works before i explode!" He fumed and slapped some money on the counter.

"Alright then, thank you" You calmly slipped it into the counter and then cracked your knuckles loudly. "Follow me" You smiled.

"Well i tried my friend's place before and it did me no good so i seriously doubt that any of this will he...ooh, that feels good!" He melted into the feeling of your massage and it looked like he was wrong as you were completely dedicated to making feel relaxed.

"Alright, sir, your time is up" You alerted him as you cleaned your oily hands.

"Wait, what? Already? You can't be serious!" He fell asleep during another massage and it was clear that this treatment was doing him the world of good.

"I am, and that's why I'm the best masseur around" You smiled.

"Well i see they don't call you that for nothing, gee, i didn't realise how much anger i was carrying about with me till now!" 

"Well everyone needs a little tlc every now and again. Feel free to drop by if ever you're in tge neighbourhood" You winked as he left out the door

After you meet (his pov): Wow, who knew spa treatment actually worked? I sure know that Porky's didn't. The owner at that place sure is different though, has a real talent, and a soft touch i could just melt right into...wait, what was i talking about? Oh yeah, had a real calming presence too, you know, smart, collected, that sorta thing. I HAVE TO GO BACK!!

Second meeting: Of course he had to go back after that wonderful relaxing day and so he would make any excuse to see you again. You were rearranging some stuff behind the counter when you heard the bell ring and the door open to reveal a familiar face.

"Hey! Back so soon?" You said slyly.

"Yeah, i uh, put my back out lifting something, yeah, anyway could you fix me up with the works again?" He grinned hopefully.

"You did bring money with you?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! Yes! Now come on!" He rushed crazily like he was in a frenzy with a large smile on his face.

"Wow, looks like someone enjoyed their visit here!" You mused in wonder.

"You have a real talent, you know, a calming aura"

You flushed with pleasure. "Well thank you!" You smiled and prepared the oils.

"It's true...(y/n)" He said, reading from your name tag.

"You know, i wouldn't mind you becoming a regular customer here"

He didn't know whether you were flirting with him or not but he didn't mind.

He ask you out: After those two times, he had become a regular customer as he really needs some rest and relaxation sometimes like we all do, and who better to provide him with it than the greatest spa owner in town? Now he became a regular customer, but lately he was beginning to see you as something more. Yep, he was crushing on you more and more everytime he visited and today was the day he was finally going to make a move.

It was a busy day for you but when you saw him come in, you knew you could make a little time for him.

"Oh, hey Gabby, what's up? Need some peace of mind or is this just a social call?" You asked politely as you were tending to another customer.

"Well you could say it's a little of both" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Both? What do you mean?" You asked inquisitively, not really knowing what he meant by this.

"What i mean is are you busy tonight?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Well look around. I'm certainly busy but i could schedule you for tonight. What time would suit you?" You asked cheerfully, turning to him.

"I mean are you free? To go out?"

"go out? With you?

"Well yeah,  what do you say?" He smiled hopefully.

"Well i'd say i could do with relaxation myself. Sure! I get off at five"

"Great i'll know when to pick you up then!"

You both exchanged numbers before he left, thinking about your date tonight all the time.

First date: You knew what a temper he had and so you decided t go to the aquarium together. You liked seeing him in a cool state of mind rather than his usual aggressive manner as it gave you a chance to really talk with him and get to know him better and so you knew you had made the perfect suggestion when thought to come here.

With a s/o taller than him: He's not embarrassed by it but he finds it annoying having to stand on toes to kiss and be close to you. He's smaller than most so he does get used to it though.

How he flirts: He really isn't the best with flirting so he tries to avoid it at all costs. He prefers to show his love by cherishing you and doing things for you like getting a hold on his temper.

What he calls you: He'll usually call you angel face but he'll call you honey bunch and roll his eyes when he's feeling snappy (which is like 99% of the time).

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