🔫 Rocky boyfriend scenarios 🔫

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Requested by @Ilooklikeatic-tac, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

How you meet: You were working as a bank teller at the first national toons bank.

"Ten, twenty, thirty, there you go" You smiled as finished handing some wads of money to a popular toon.

"G-g-ee, th-thank you, m-m-miss (y/n)" Porky smiled back at you as he collected his withdraw. Today was just going like every other day, until an alarm went off. You gasped and looked all around at what was going on.

"Alright, hands in the air, this is a robbery!" You heard a tough voice say, but you looked around and couldn't see anyone. You looked down and then you saw a tiny little man wearing a sui, with a hat that covered his eyes. You raised an eyebrow at this, but then you notived the gun in his hand and went pale with terror.

"Aaaagggh!" Screamed poor Porky in horror. "T-t-take my m-m-money! P-p-p-please just don't hurt m-me!" He wailed and threw his money into the bag. You saw this and got angry. Why should all these people have to do what this loser is telling them just cos he's got a gun. You knew that it was dangerous, but you couldn't allow these people to get hurt, not without a fight.

"I don't think so, Mister" You fumed and he turned to look at you.

"Huh? Oh, trying to play hero or something, eh?"  He responded by pointing a gun at you. You were scared, but then you realised he was only like two feet tall or something and so you tripped him over and caught the gun out of his hand.

He was shocked. "Hey, give that back!" He yelled and waved his little hands about and jumped to try and grab it.

"Not a chance!"  

You then heard the sound of police sirens outside and he gasped. "Better make a run for it!" He held onto his hat and ran out before the police could get near him. "Step on it, Mugsy!"

The police entered and then you remembered you still had the gun and so you quickly kicked it behind the counter. The cops started asking questions and everyone started cheering for you for standing up to the little gangster. Everyone was glad for what you did except for one...

After you meet (his pov): Well that was humiliating. It's usually that darn rabbit what beats me, not that stupid bankteller.Gotta admire that amount of spunk to actually stand up to me like that though, still, someone needs to teach that little busybody a lesson though, and mark my words, that WILL be me.

second meeting: It had been a while since your encounter with the criminal, and you still had the incriminating weapon on you though, but you needn't worry about that for long. You were just having a nice quiet night in, when you heard a weird noise coming from the other room. It sounded strange, so you decided to go check on it. You then saw that the criminals were breaking in through the window. Your heart was racing and your eyes were the size of saucers and you dropped the cup that was in your hand. You were scared as you didn't have the advantage this time and he had brought some muscle with him.

"W-what's going on?" You shivered and watched from a corner.

"Oh, come on, you knew this was coming" The small man said.

"Yeah!" The other man replied with a goofy smile. "The boss always gets his revenge"

"You almost got me in jail again, and i didn't get to rob that bank, so you'll have to do. Just unload any and all valuables into this bag and you'll be fine" He smirked. "Oh, and what about that gun you took?" 

"You're not getting it back!" You shout. You didn't know what you were going to do, you had never been put in a situation like this before.

"Aww, come on, don't bother your pretty little face, just do as i say!" He said.

Wait. You thought. Did he just call you pretty? Maybe this revenge was more personal than you thought.

You were worried about what to do, but you forgot who was coming to visit. Bugs was paying you a visit, and he came round by the window when he was that you couldn't come to the door and he gasped when he saw that you were in danger, but he didn't worry, he'd taken care of these guys tons of times, and so he snuck in through the window and created a distraction and eventually managed to outsmart those two like he always did. You were thankful for his help, but all the time, you couldn't shake off the way Rocky talked about you.

He asks you out: You were setting out to go to work one morning. You yawned to yourself as you walked down the pavement, as it was early and you were tired and not exactly alert. Just then, a car pulled over and the door opened, and without warning, pulled you in! You immediately recognised the car as one the gangsters had and you didn't know what to do know. You were like a cornered rat with no idea of what to do. Why wouldn't this guy just leave you alone? Why? What was he going to do to you? Rob you? Hold you ransom? KILL YOU? 

"What do you want with me?" You argued. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" But his answer was a lot different than what you expected.

"Because, (y/n)" He started.

"Wait, how'd you know my name?" You asked.

"Your name tag?"

"Ah. What do you want with me?" You demanded.

"Because, (y/n), look what you've reduced me to, a gangster like me, constantly being thwarted by you, instead of just cowering like everyone else does"

"So what are you going to do with me?" You asked, thinking that he had a grudge against you, but he was actually more interested. 

"Go out with me one night" Was his demand.

"Wait, what?" You asked.

"Yes, you heard me right. I'm curious as to how a creature like you isn't scared of me and i just want to know more"

"Methinks the boss is in love!" Mugsy giggled as he drove the car.

"Button your lip" Rocky growled and smacked him with a glove. "So whaddya say?"

Should you trust him? Of course you shouldn't, but if he was going to hurt you then he would've done it by now, and it didn't look like you had much choice but to agree.

"Well, i look like I'm gonna have to now" You sighed.

You caught the sight of a small smile on his lips, which he quickly wiped off. "Perfect" He then dropped you off. You didn't know how you got into this mess, but you hoped it would all turn out ok.

First date: You were a little nervous about this as you thought he was just completely evil, but after you gave him the chance, you realised he wasn't ALL bad. He took you out for dinner, and you had the whole place to yourselves as they were too scared to sit near him  You watched the city lights together, and he even brought you an expensive piece of (stolen) jewellery as a gift!

With a s/o taller than him: You knew this was coming. Everyone's taller than him, so he's past caring, but you know he wouldn't take his short temper out on you because of that, that's reserved especially for Mugsy.

How he flirts: He's really not the best at flirting as he doesn't really know what to say, he doesn't want to ruin his tough guy reputation after all. His way of showing his affection for you is more through the way he tries to impress you with heists, robberies and gifts.

What he calls you: Usually doll. sometimes princess in a mocking tone when he's annoyed, but he does like angel face. Like i said before, he's not the best with words.

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