I opened the door as Lisa, Waylon, and Eddie were rushing over to me. I don't know why they would want to stop me for answering the door so I went ahead and answered the door. I opened the door to see a police officer. "Are you Ms. Park?"
"Yes sir that is me. Is everything alright?"
"Ma'am I was assigned to give you information on Ex/bf/n (ex boyfriend's name). I'm sorry to tell you this but he was released early yesterday for good behavior and is out on parole."
As the officer kept talking his voice faded away and I heard my heart rate increase like I was running a 1000 miles. My body began to shake. I knew I was going to start panic. I began to hyperventilate when Eddie rushed to my side. "Ms. Park are you alright?"
"Officer I'm Waylon Park. Her brother is it okay if me and you finish this conversation outside while my wife and her fiance calm her down? The police officer and Waylon went outside. Eddie and Lisa kept trying to talk to me but all I could do is let out cries and fast short breaths. Eddie tried to hold me but I couldn't be held. I didn't want to be touched now knowing that Ex/bf/n was out and he could hurt me again.I pushed Eddie and Lisa away and ran upstairs to my room. I shut and locked the door and went into the closet. My closet had a small secret door that had a small space. I only knew about this spot so I hid in it and shut it. I wanted be away from everyone and be hidden. Hidden away from him. Soon I cried myself to sleep.
Eddie's POV)
Y/n answered the door 'this can not be good Lisa, Waylon and I rushed over to her not knowing who could be at the door. It was an officer telling her how Ex/bf/n was released. We didn't even have a chance to tell her an officer did and that is not going to help the situation that is about to happen. They couldn't just wait to tell her. They couldn't give us 10 minutes so that we could tell her. It made me mad that an officer came to tell her and it couldn't be us her family. I saw how Y/n was starting to panic and her face went pale and her eyes started to tear up and get cloudy. I hold her hand and she didn't notice it. She began to hyperventilate "Ms. Park are you alright?" 'DOES SHE LOOK ALRIGHT!?' was all I could think. Lisa and I took her into the living room as Waylon and the officer went out to discuss what would happen if he tried anything.
I tried to hold my Darling Y/n but she would flinch and panic under my touch, until she pulled away from me and ran upstairs. I followed after her but she locked herself in our room. I knocked "Darling?" but she didn't answer. So I tried again "Y/n?" She still didn't answer. I started to break down the door with my shoulder. 'I need to get to her. I need to calm her down.' I finally got into the room and Lisa and Waylon were behind me. I looked around the room where she could have hid her self but didn't see her. I looked at Lisa and Waylon "Where did she go?" Lisa looked as lost as I did "Where did she go Waylon?"
"I don't know Eddie."
"Y/N!" I shouted for her but she didn't answer. Lisa called her phone and it rang but we heard it down stairs. Waylon called their mom while I kept searching for her in the room. "Mom she doesn't have her phone and we can't find her." I heard the worry in Waylon's voice. "Darling please come out please." She still didn't come out.Waylon got off the phone with mom but she said she wouldn't know where Y/n went either. "Do you think she climbed out the window?"
"No Lisa, even if she did there isn't a way for her to get down. If she jumped she would still be out there because the fall would have either broke or twisted her ankle." Lisa and Waylon talked back and forth as I grabbed my hair and tried to calm myself. "We have to at least go look for her." They looked at me and back at each other. "Eddie you stay here. Waylon and I will go look for her. You need to be here if she comes back."
"Alright. If she comes out of hiding or comes back I will call you guys." Waylon nodded and they left.I went down stairs to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for my Darling Y/n to come back so I can help her through this. I tried to get my mind off the fear and anger going through my head but I couldn't. I tried wating TV, reading, looking on my phone, but none of it worked. So I started to clean around the house the small things Y/n didn't get to today. 'Damm my woman is a picky cleaner.' I started to clean and an hour passed by. It was now 2:15 in the afternoon and she still wasn't here. I went back into our room and looked once again. Nothing she wasn't under the bed, in the closet or under her vanity. I sat on the bed and but my arms on my lap holding my head in my hands. "Darling please come out. Nothing will happen to you I promise on everything. Nothing will ever happen to you as long as I am here to protect you." I started to tear up. "Y/n my Darling, my love, please." I kept my head down and thinking of what's going to happen and if she is going to come back to me.
I can't lose her because of this bastard. I love her to much to lose her. I need her with me. I kept thinking when I didn't notice the closet door open and Y/n walking out all I heard was a quiet mumble "Daddy..."

Eddie Gluskin x Reader
FanfictionYou where visiting your brother Waylon Park when things go down hill. You meet The Groom and he wants you to be his bride. What will happen next?