The Surprise

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"Hi Darling" I looked at him with pain in my heart. The boys gave Eddie a hug and Waylon patted his shoulder saying "Good luck bro" He looked at Eddie then at me and got back in the car with the boys. I turned to Lisa and she hugged me "It will be okay Y/N if not call me I'll help you hide the body" she winked at me making me laugh and left with Waylon and the boys.

I slowly walked up to Eddie and he garbbed my hand "Y/N my Darling I know you have been thinking that I have been unfaithful. I know I have been distant from you but it's all for a good reason." My eyes started watering up again. "Did you break your promise?" He looked at me with regret in his eyes hold my hand tighter. "No. I didn't the woman you saw me with was just helping me with something I planned for you. Her name is Mrs. Fernandez. I will take you to her shop if you would want her side as well." He walked me to the porch and handed me f/c f/f.

I looked at the flowers and looked back at him smiling "I love them they are my favorite." He chucked "I know Darling"  We got inside and I went to walk to our room but Eddie stopped me. "Not yet Darling put your bags in the living room for now." I turned around making sure my back was turned before rollings my eyes.

I bent down to put my bags on the ground feeling a hard smack on my bottom. I yelped standing up straight quickly. "What wa-"
"Just because you turned doesn't mean I don't know you are rolling your eyes at me little girl." Eddie inertupted me. "Now are you going to be a brat some more or am I going to be able to show you your surprise?" It shocked me at how he was in Dom space instantly like that, but he has a surprise planned and I'm curious about it.

I sighed and mumbled "I'm not being a brat. I would like to see my surprise." He raised a brow "What was that Darling I can't hear you if you mumble."
"I said I'm not being a brat. I would like to see my surprise." Eddie smiled.
"How do you ask Darling?" I'm not going to let him put me in little space easily. I look down avoiding his eye "Please may I see my surprise?" He grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen showing me the table.

The table had multi colored f/f (favorite/ flower) on it with f/s (favorite/snack). I smiled and he pulled my chair out for me. I sat down and he sat next to me. "Darling I love you so much and I promised to never hurt you again. I kept my promise. I didn't become unfaithful to you. I've been busy with trying to start our business and wanting to surprise you." He kissed my hand and held it in his. "My Darling Y/N I love you beyond anything in this world." I looked at him and smiled and kissed him. "I love you too Eddie so much." He hugged me and took me into the kitchen.

It had pizza doe, sauce, cheese and my favorite toppings. I looked at him with a huge smile. "This is part of your surprise. After we put the pizzas in the oven is when you get a little more of your surprise." I giggled and began making pizza with Eddie. He laughed when I took a small bit of cheese and ate it. After we put our pizza's in the oven he grabbed my hand "Darling can I have your phone please?" I nodded and handed him my phone. He smiled as he put in my password: Eddie's he put on "Tangled up in you" by Stained and began to dance with me.

As we danced he started to sing "How long has it been, since this story line began? And I hope it never ends and goes like this for ever," I began to tear up agian as we finished dancing to the song. He kissed my cheek "This is my song to you Darling."
"No babe it's our song" I smiled and he looked at me wide eyed. "Oh is it?" I giggled
"Yes. Can it be our wedding song?" He smiled and picked me up twirling me around. "Yes Darling it can be" Eddie put me down and went to a top cabinet that I could not reach.

Before opening it he chuckled "This is for after dinner Darling" he handed me f/c (favorite/candy) I smiled "Thank you babe but I'll eat them tomorrow" he nodded and looked at the clock on the coffee pot "Our pizza's are done." He took out our pizza's and cut them. I grabbed two plates and gave him one. We made our plates and sat back at the table. As we ate Eddie stopped and looked at me "There is two more surprises after this but you can only choose one Darling." I looked at him and tilted my head. "What? Can I at least get a hint on the choices I can choose from?" He shook his head "No Darling. Lets just say if you choose one we can do the other on a different day. The other choice we will wait longer on" I nodded and continued eating.

We finished eating and he grabbed my hands. "Shall we?" I nodded "I need an answer Darling." I rolled my eyes and he firmly smacked my thigh. "This is your last warning on rolling your eyes at me little girl."
"Yes sir." I grabbed his hand and he lead me to our room.

He opened the door and our room was dark, and only had fairy lights around the room for light. The bed had a big fluffly f/c blanket on it and matching pillows. I smiled "Eddie this is amazing" he chuckled and walked me to the bed. It had a two movies and a single rose. I looked at him "Is this the choices?"
"Yes Darling we can either snuggle together and watch movies or..." He took my hands "Or we can make love and I can mark you as my little."

I looked at him and at the bed and picked...................

Sorry for another cliff hanger my beautiful childrenz but I am back. I'm sorry I haven't wrote as much, but I have had writers block. I will be making a Outlast x reader one shots and will need ideas for chapters. If you have an idea for the new boom please message me or put your idea in the comments. Until next time my beautiful childrenz

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Eddie Gluskin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now