After a few hours of cuddling and laughing we got up to make dinner. Eddie didn't want me to help because he wanted me to rest and relax. He made dinner which was spaghetti we ate until I thought about home. I guess Eddie saw I upset because he broke the silence "Darling what's the matter?" I looked at him "I just miss my home and family."
He looked down "Let's talk about it then" and I could see the gears turning in his head he was thinking but I don't know what about. He snapped his head up with an idea "What if we got out of here and we got a house of our own?" I looked at him confused "W-what?" He smiled "We could leave here, have a house of our own and try to have a normal life. I'll get a job, help you finnish school, help build a life with you. If that's what you want."
I smiled "Yes Eddie it is." I hugged him and gave him a pattionate kiss. "I love you so much Eddie."
"I love you too Darling" he kissed me once more before grabbing my hand and took me to our room. "Get your things let's go now." I smiled and got my few things. I rushed over to him "We have to find Waylon first." He nodded took my hand and we went to look for Waylon. I called his name "Waylon!" And after a few minutes I saw Waylon and he saw us "Y/N? Gluskin? What are you doing?"
"We're getting out of here and I wouldn't leave without you."Waylon smiled "Let's go then."
I hugged him and we went and found a way out. We saw that the military was there and was gonna shot anything that moved. We went around them. We finally found the exit and I had tears of joy in my eyes. We walked up to the door when we saw Jeremy next to the door bleeding out. He was asking Waylon to help him. Waylon walked over to him but I stopped him "Don't trust him he got you edmited here and tried to kill you." Waylon nodded his head. I tried to go around him when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I fell to the ground "DARLING!" Eddie rushed over to me. "You stupid cunt!" Jeremy got closer to me with a knife in hand until we heard wind whistling and Jeremy freaked out "Oh Christ in heaven how did it get out?" He was lifted into the air and torn apart from the inside out.I was breathing hard from the pain and was starting to get tired from the bloodloss. Eddie picked me up and followed Waylon outside. We got to a red Jeep and Waylon got in driver seat as Eddie sat in the back with me laying in his arms. Walton started the car "Park hurry she is losing a lot of blood!"
"I know Gluskin put pressure on it!" Eddie looked at me and put pressure on my stab wound. I yelped in pain "I know it hurts Darling but I have to keep pressure on it."We heard the same wind whistling and Waylon trying to get us out of there before anything else bad would happen. I was trying to keep my eyes open but it was hard. Eddie was scared and worried with tears in his eyes "Darling stay awake.... Stay with me Darling it will be okay don't leave me." I looked at him and then out the window behind him. It was getting dark and I saw trees. I smiled and looked at Eddie "We are finally going home babe." He smiled "Yes we are Darling we are going home now." I looked at him "Kiss me." He leaned down and kissed me and I closed me eyes slowly fading into darkness.
Eddie's POV)
Y/N closed her eyes. "No Darling stay awake! Stay with me! Darling please!"I'm back my childrenz. I'm sorry for the Cliffhanger but I am working on the next chapter and it shouldn't be long before I post it. I love you my beautiful childrenz.
Author DL

Eddie Gluskin x Reader
FanfictionYou where visiting your brother Waylon Park when things go down hill. You meet The Groom and he wants you to be his bride. What will happen next?