After Eddie proposed Waylon took us in his car and Lisa and the boys in her car to go see my mom. We pulled in and all the lights were off which was unusual because my mom is up late and it only 8:45. Waylon looked at me through the rear view mirror with a worried expression. He turned off the car and told me and Eddie to wait in the car and Lisa, him and the boys would go check on her. We waited and Corey came out to get us. "Grandma is okay she said her electricity was shut off." I sighed. "At least she is okay."
We went inside to the living room and the lights came on with everyone yelling "Congratulations!" I saw my mom in a wheelchair and couldn't see my dad anywhere. My mom saw the worry in my eyes and teared up. "Y/N come here me and your brother have to tell you something." I walked over to them. "What happened?" She looked at Waylon then looked back at me. "Y/N me and your father got into a car accident four weeks ago. The vehicle that hit us hit the drivers side where your father was. The car rolled three times and was totaled. I am paralyzed from the hips down. Your father is in the hospital trying to make it " by the time she was down she was a crying mess. Waylon's color dropped and looked and rushed over to me.
I saw my hands shaking and everything was crashing down. Mom handed me a picture of me and my dad on prom night last year. I lost it. I held on to the picture like it was my life support. Eddie came over and held me as Waylon explained what happened. Eddie held me and tried to calm me down. "I wanna go see him tomorrow." Eddie nodded his head and Waylon agreed. I calmed down and we all talked about what me and Eddie wanted to do for the wedding. Lisa and my mom went into the kitchen and brought out a cake saying "Congratulations Y/N and Eddie!"
We ate cake and talked more about the wedding. When it got late. We all said our goodbyes when Eddie said "Thank you for having us over Mrs. Park" when my mother rolled her eyes "I thinks it's mom now." He smiled and she hugged him. Waylon took me an Eddie to my house and gave me one last hug before telling me he would come get me to see dad tomorrow.
I closed the door, and walked into the living room and saw Eddie on the couch smiling. "So this is home?" I nodded "Yes this is home babe." I sat down next to him and he pulled my legs into his lap and smiled again "I will look for a job as soon as possible. Or should I open my own business?" I put my finger to my chin and made it look like I was thinking before making a long but quick decision. "I think we should have our own business." He pulled me into a kiss and chuckled "We now is it?" I nodded "Yes if we are getting married." He kissed my nose "Okay princess." I looked at him "It's princess now huh?" He smiled "I can call my girl anything I want."
I rolled my eyes and he growled. "What do I say about rolling your eyes?" My eye went wide when he bent me over his knee. "You are gonna get a punishment for rolling your eyes little one." I yelped when he smacked my butt "Count little girl."
Another smack to my butt.
Eight smacks later and he sat me in his lap. "Are you okay princess?" I nodded "Yes sir." He smiled and hugged me. "Good because you didn't cry you took your punishment like a big girl."He picked me up and asked where my room was. I told him "Upstairs last door on the left." and he took me to the room. He put me on the bed and got me a pair of pajamas and I changed into them. He got ready for bed and laid down next to me. I put my head on his chest and fell asleep.
I woke up at 7 and Eddie was still asleep. I slowly got up until he pulled me back into bed. "Do you have to go?"
"Yes babe I have to go see my dad. I-I want you to come with me so he can meet you." He looked down. "What if he doesn't like me or aprove of me." I scoffed "Waylon and my mom aprove of you I think my dad will too." He sighed and got up with me. I did my morning routine and Waylon knocked on the door. I answered it and Eddie was by my side in a dress shirt and a pair of slacks. "Ready to go see dad?" I nodded at Waylon and we went to go see my dad.Time skip to the hospital
I went to the nurses desk and asked for my dad's room number. "Room 241" we walked to the room and I saw my mom, Lisa and the boys in the waiting room. I walked up to my mom and she was crying. "He's only hanging on to see you and Eddie." I looked at her confused "I told your father about him and how he makes his precious girl happy." I smiled and walked into the room with Eddie.I sat next to him and Eddie was behind me. "Dad?" He opened his eyes and looked at me with a smile. "Hi my precious girl." I smiled as tears came out of my eyes. "Thank you for holding on."
"I wouldn't leave without saying goodbye to my precious girl and meeting her fiance." I wiped away a tear and Eddie came to my side. "Its nice to meet you sir." He shock my dad's hand and my dad looked at him "You make my little girl happy and I am glad you do that but you hurt her I will haunt you." He chuckled and Eddie nodded "I don't plan on hurting your daughter sir she is my life and I would be nothing without her."My dad laughed "It's F/N (father name) or dad. No need to call me sir."
"Yes F/N" my dad smiled "Where's your mom and brother Y/N?"
"Everyone is waiting in the waiting room."
"Eddie can you go get them?" He nodded and left. Dad grabbed my hand "I love you my beautiful precious girl. No matter how far apart we are I will always be with you." I smiled and started to cry. "Come on now don't cry precious be my strong girl you always have been." I smiled but couldn't stop crying.Everyone came in and he looked at them then back to me "I will see you all in another life, but for now I want you to welcome our newest member of the family. Eddie I give you my blessing to marry my daughter. Always remember family comes first. I love you all." I smiled and held my dad's hand and he looked at me one more time and closed his eyes. I sobbed and put my head on his chest and cried even more. The heart monitor flat lined and everyone started crying. The nurse came in and unhooked him from the machines and told us it was time to leave and he was in good hands. Lisa and the boys went out of the room. Eddie tried to get me to leave but I didn't wanna leave my dad. Waylon finally came over and tried to get me off to. "He's gone Y/N. Its time to let him go."
"No I'm not leaving dad." My mom gave my dad a kiss on his head and left while they still fought to get me off dad. Finally after being tired of fighting back I looked at my dad and gave him one last kiss on his hand and let go. "I love you Dad."Hey my childrenz sorry this chapter took so long, but I've been dealing with a lot and have been trying to update as much as I can. I will continue this story but it might take a while for new chapters.
Until next time my beautiful childrenz.Author DL

Eddie Gluskin x Reader
FanfictionYou where visiting your brother Waylon Park when things go down hill. You meet The Groom and he wants you to be his bride. What will happen next?