Chapter 2

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Izuku woke up one day later in the hospital, dizzy, everything a little blurry around him. He took some times to remember what happened, and to see where he was hurt. « Ugh, how could I do something like that in the middle of a fight ! It's ridiculous, I have so much to improve ! And the others who rely on me ! I should handle myself better...» he thought. Luckily, his injuries weren't really bad and he estimated he could go back to school the next day. After some times to make things clearer in his mind, he realised his mother was sitting next to him, the head on his bed, sleeping. There were a lot of used tissues around her and she probably brought the cookies he found on the desk. Izuku smiled lightly. He sighed. « It's not like Kacchan would be worried about me like that, huh ? ». He sighed again, deeper than before, letting himself fall back into bed.

After gazing a while, he took his phone wanting to know what time it was. Of course, there were a lot of worry and support messages from his classmates, making him feeling better. He took the opportunity to call and ask Ochako how it went with the rest of the mission and how he got to the hospital. She answered almost immediatly, relieved that he was already awake, and began to tell the story. Izuku was really surprised when he learned that Katsuki actually carried him around himself. Uraraka explained the scene by almost yelling, overexcited « Yeah I know ! It was so weird ! I mean Tsu and I were helping the other heroes fighting the rest of the villains, when I saw you on Bakugo's back. I didn't understand at first, there was a lot of blood on katsuki. I frozen up for a second when I understood, but I couldn't let go of what I was doing... So I just watched Katsuki and you leaving... » Her voice became less lively... « I didn't even know how serious it was... Mr Aizawa just told us after a message from katsuki that your life wasn't in danger, but we didn't know more... » She stopped talking for a second... Then cracked. « oh my god Izuku I'm so sorry! I didn't help you and I didn't see you were hurt in time, how could I do that ?! if you w...if you were...» She began sobbing, trying to keep apologize between her tears...

- « What ?! » Cut in Izuku « No Ochako no please don't worry, this was absolutely normal ! You did what you thought was right, and it was your duty as a hero ! You must be proud of yourself Ochako, please don't blame yourself ! It was a normal reaction !» Izuku tried to recomfort her the best he could.

- « yeah but I don't know, m-maybe you were dying or... What if I couldn't save you, I-I'm supposed to be a hero and I... I...» she said half-crying

- « No Ochako please don't worry about it, the blame is on me ! You didn't know because I didn't tell you, and you saw that Kacchan was with me, so I didn't need any more people to help me ! You had another priority as a hero ! You did the right thing, believe me ! It was my fault for overdoing things like always. I should have been more careful... »

- « ...It wouldn't be like you, haha » she sniffed. He laughed a bit and then gave way to a peaceful and soothing silence. He could feel through the phone she was relieved. After a few minutes, she said « Anyway I'm so glad you're fine now. I was worried you would miss the interrogation tomorrow hehehe »

- « Hahahaa ! I wouldn't have missed it for the world ! »

They began to converse and laugh, talking about stupid stuffs, school work and how Kaminari spitted his milk by his nose and almost electrified Kirishima with it yesterday. After laughing too hard, Izuku accidentely woke up his mother, and had to hang up to reassure her. She cried a bit as she saw he was fine even if she now knew how strong was her boy. She was so proud. And began to cry again. And he cried too. But, heh, it was normal in this family anyway.

The next morning, Midoriya was a bit nervous. Not about the famous interrogation, he had the best excuse in the world. But more about Katsuki. He didn't really know what he was supposed to do. « I think that should be normal to carry someone as a hero, actually. Why can't I get it out of my mind? » thought Izuku « Yeah I mean he rescued his partner, that's totally normal... mh But we are talking about Kacchan, here. Even when no-one think it's embarrassing he thinks it's shameful. He thinks everythings nice or kind acts are shameful. Normally, he would have asked someone else to carry me, I think. Or perhaps there were no-one else around ? Or perhaps he DID grow up ? I mean that would be logical because he wants to be a hero, after all. He will have to do some nice acts, sometimes. Yeah but TO ME ? I guess I didn't see that coming. But at least it means we are in better terms than I thought ! » He blushed slightly.

« Wait, do I have to buy him new hero's clothes, though ? Ochako told me that he had a lot of blood on him... I guess I at least have to apologize. And maybe I should give him a gift ? Like chocolate ? No it'd be ackward as hell. Or maybe something he would actually use ? Like a knife ? Oh my god, what am I thinking about him ? Like he'd use a knife, haha. No Kacchan would kick someone's ass with only his fists, of course, and then he... »

He kept muttering until he got in class, interrupted by his classmates.

« Hoi Izubro ! How are you ? Are you ok ?? » asked Kirishima

« Is your arm and stomach fine ? » asked Momo

« How did you get shot ?! Explain !» exclamed Mina

« Do you have any cheat sheets for the exam pretty please? I didn't study ! » complained Kaminari

Izuku took the time to answer every questions and even had the cheat sheets for Denki. But as no-one asked how he got in the ambulance, he didn't explain the part with katsuki. And people who knew didn't want to ask more details nearby him, fearing an imminent explosion. Maybe he was listening.

Katsuki was sitting on the other side of the room. Indeed listening to Izuku story from afar, but with no attend to come over. He was just checking what Izuku's viewpoint sounded like, that's all. And was relieved he didn't talk about him at all. That'd probably be embarrassing and he didn't want his friends to make a huge fuss out of it. But he was touched that Izuku actually had the chivalry to care about it.

As he conversed, Izuku was still wondering what he was supposed to do with Kacchan's case, and wanted to try to talk to him. He at least wanted to apologize for letting them down during the fight. He wanted his partners and other heroes to know that they can trust him. Especially Kacchan. But Mr Aizawa entered the room, and as everyone knows, you don't mess around with him. You just sit and pray for him to be in a good mood. So did Izuku, and waited until the next break.

Once they finally could go eat their lunch, everybody got up and walked out the hallway. Izuku seized the opportunity and left his friends to go to Katsuki, walking behind Denki and Kirishima.

- « Hey Kacchan ! Listen... I-»

- « Shut up, little shit. »

- « W-what ? » stuttered Izuku, eyes wide open. He didn't expect that.

- « I said: shut up. » He began to walk faster, leaving Izuku behind.

He didn't even look at him.

Heyyy guys this is the end of the chapter 2, hope you like it as well :) I didn't want to make such a big discussion between Izuku and Ochako at first, but then I really got caught up into it. Hope you didn't get bored, I know that's not why you are here ;p But even if love is important, I wanted to show that friendship is also important. (I know, it's corny) I also just want to make clearer that Ochako cries not only because Izuku is hurt, but mainly because she thought she couldn't save him. As Izuku is so often deeply injured in the manga, I thought it wouldn't make sense that after 3 years she still cries so much every times he goes to the hospital. (what a horrible sentence to say) So she cries mainly because her "job" is to save people's life and she thought she couldn't even save her friend's. I hope things are good now. And that your day is fabulous. That is very important, because you're probably a fabulous person as well :) (still corny but true)

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